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Everything posted by Raptor8

  1. Tom I was waiting for you........ L-tryptophan is the primary ingredient in my sleeping meds. It's 0738 and I havent been to bed yet. Works quite well doesn't it? hahaha after years of this stuff I see how clueless the doctors are...... EAT THE MEAT! GRAB A BEER, CRASH ON THE COUCH, TAKE A SNOOZE. You just saved yourself a buncha money and prob feel pretty damm good! LOL badda boom badda bing. you dont snooze, we come by, you sleep then. your wife called, CRASH BANG try the turkey!:shoot:
  2. I don't know about presents but I could sure feed em. SHOPPING is not my forte. I would rather face incoming fire ! THAT IS SO HONORABLE, AND SOMETHING WE HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR A LONG TIME NOW: TAKE CARE OF OUR FAMILY FIRST, IT IS BECOMING A REALITY.
  3. a heartwarming story indeed, I know YOU have the best of intentions. We shall see. I REALLY hope they reach the kids and folks who need them the most!
  4. if you can't find a leak, pop the hood and reinstall the radiator cap- it takes a fair amount of force. Also, tighten all the clamps on the radiator hoses while you are there. Don't go "HULK" on them just snug them up OK? :fact:
  5. whatever works for ya, let us know how it goes! if the pump has a 'weep hole' a small hole on the bottom, check that for a leak stain. Not all of them have this hole.
  6. for over 20 years there I had to work 2 of the 3: Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years. I hated it. It was a waste of time and always created hard feelings with management. They ended up going broke anyway, the greedy so-and-sos....serves 'em right. Bot don't tell me you're sending xmas presents to Muslims??????? hahaha what's the rush? they don't celebrate Christmas...... YALL have a GREAT TURKEY DAY! my good friends Enjoy your family, friends, and take pictures, we all want to see them!
  7. I'd be surprised if anyone SHOWS UP to work on Black Friday. Anyone with seniority has it off......I wonder what the 'out sick' percentage is for that day? It's got to be the biggest of the year....
  8. the only crossbreed I remember was Kawasaki a couple years ago with their little [kiddie] quads.....they looked remarkably like Dinlis- cuz they were Dinlis with Kawi plastic.
  9. Raptor8

    New Member

    WELCOME! HANG ON! pics and videos we really like! Let me know if I can help you.
  10. Yes Turkey Day approaches!!! Everyone have fun! There will be plenty of extras here if anyone is out and about haha. Let us know, we'll FedEx you some turkey samiches! {hey I got a pizza overnight from Chicago]... Mom usually lays out too much food but this year I get to cook, so it will be the stuff I LIKE LOL. Turkey, taters and gravy, corn, that's good enuf for me. I have found some fine friends here and I thank you all! Have a good Thanksgiving! [stay home Friday the womenfolk will be in full SALE mode] LOL
  11. HAHAHAHA I haven't heard that one before! LOL:biggrin: Chris if you want control over your underwear you're gonna hafta do your own laundry! It's cool, it ain't that big a deal. maybe 2 loads a week, and you know where evrything is, and you are MOM'S HERO! EVERY GUY has been thru it and we all know it's no big sweat. After this described streaking event, I'd say " time for you to do laundry." Learn it NOW while MOM can teach you to do it right, e.g., pink underwear etc. and how to avoid THAT. hahaha. I know you can handle it.
  12. I've seen days here where 30 below zero is the high! same latitude as New York but 4,ooo ft altitude... when the mustache freezes, it's below zero.....
  13. I haven't done a project that big, but many graphics kits are quite thick and need some heat to make them fit properly. So I keep a hair dryer and a sewing needle handy: the hairdryer for persuasion and the needle for air bubbles. buying the hairdryer was fun.... I look like a bowling ball with a mustache.....
  14. we're just starting to have fun now.....I hung up my summer gear and brot the snowsuit forward in the closet.....
  15. yeah if it's actually leaking it should leave an obvious stain. If you keep losing coolant then there is a problem, but I think Bot is right it is more than likely just burn off. Keep a close eye on it tho and let us know. Your cooling system is just like a car, you shouyldn't normally have to remove the rad cap- i.e., the coolant in the rezzy should get sucked into the rad as it cools. It's designed to keep itself full. So keep an eye on the rezzy- I'll bet it's just burnoff.
  16. hahahaha glass jaws anyone? there's only 10 brain cells in that ring and the ref has 6 of them.....
  17. dude it isnt even cold yet... we're just getting started! :shock::shock:
  18. I hope this silly ba##ard went DIRECTLY to a store that sells lottery tickets he will NEVER be this lucky again! :partyc:
  19. either buy a siren and lights or HIT THEM. The police are paid to enforce traffic laws and they HATE it. Seems it is the same everywhere. If you pull them over you can do a citizen's arrest [you'll need a cop for that] but if they're not gonna do THEIR JOB what are we lowly taxpayers to do? NOT a good question where you live OR where I live LOL. The cops should get off their butts and work traffic more - I'll back em up if needed!!! Anything to make the road safer.... I failed to mention that we have lots of tourists and skiers here and I regularly have to clean my grille of those small cars....
  20. once that sugar hits flash point, you'll want to get out of there!
  21. just please remember that Samantha is not the only one in trouble- we have Tom Duggan right here in our midst to consider as well.
  22. I don't know your name, but THANKS for your help and patience with me and have a GREAT DAY! I really mean this. take the day off, with pay, my authorization. Be nice to him, he is great with old people! hahaha hail Caesar!
  23. I lost my Dad last year and this year brought Mom home [that's a handful] cuz she wants to die here. And of course my cardiologist says " no stress" one more and we plant you kind of thing... My score so far: 8 heart attacks [two fatal], 13 ambulance runs and 6 heart surgeries. and they cannot fix me so they sent me home. the last year or two have sucked for me as well. Don't follow me- do what it takes to stabilize that heart! Now I usually stay up all night so I can see the sun come up once more. :rolleyes: Bot and Kristin were here a week before I brought Mom home. I will always remember their visit! I thot I did pretty good on the raptor- I like 4th and 5th[74 mph max] Bot liked it.....and that's a compliment! SO live EVERY day and enjoy life as best you can. watch the movie 'charlie bartlett' I learned some from it, and laugh every day- that's a must! OK kid, now you know why Octavian Caesar lived so long- I was his advisor! just a joke........ :cheers2c::norwayflag:
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