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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi All, Want to show you one automotive show that I filmed in my town called Crazy Race. This was two day race in Qualifications round, Semifinals and Final. In this 4 parts I am showing best moments from all rounds and entertainment of the show. Crazy Race Part 2 contains a qualifying round where all riders race against each other, selected by lot and split by two. They are free to drive in any direction and to hit their opponent's car everywhere except at the driver's door. Anyone who intentionally hit the other car in the driver's door is disqualified. Winner of each race continue in the semifinal round. In this part I will present the best moments of the qualifying round! Part 3 shows you the best moments from Day 2 - Semifinals and Final. Battles in the semifinals are among the winners of the first day races, but this time they are selected by lot and divided into 4 battles of 4-5 cars each. The rules in each battle are that they only have to drive in one direction and try to neutralize other opponents until there are only two players left. Then the battle between the two last drivers has the rule to drive in any direction until only one who has qualified for the final round is left. Again, anyone who intentionally hit the other car in the driver's door is disqualified. For the final round there were only two cars left, because the other two players who got the right to be there had problems with their car and could not participate. Part 4 containing entertainments between battles and winners rewarding. This event will have second round in 05-06 October 2019 and also will be filmed For this new round I will filmed in many new angels and places. Will prepare a lot more videos and many new entertainments . This 4 videos was my first try so many things to wish for better filming in the future one. Hope you will like them and of course feel free to comment and to ask everything. Hope you will Subscribe to my channel and to be first to see my other content and of course new round of Crazy Race! Thanks!
    1 point
  2. Thank you guys for all the help my son's four wheeler is up and running after putting a neutral safety switch in Polaris trail boss 325 couldn't have done it without you guys
    1 point
  3. I came across an odd temporary fix for a 1985 yamaha 80 ATV. It has no spark, yet if I warm the CDI unit up a bit with a heat gun or hair dryer then it fires right up and runs fine until shut off then it returns to no spark until warmed up again. Partzilla shows $217 for a new CDI It's sort of nuts how I found out the fix to warm it up. My old shop TV requires my heat gun warm up around the transformer area every day before it will turn on too.
    1 point
  4. Every one of the rider has his freedom to prepare car as good as he can and to paint it whatever he likes. The only one important thing is to be last stand on the field :). There were many different type of cars European and Russian. Legends like Volga ( yellow one ) and Moskvich 412 Model ( orange one ). Winner of the event was the purple BMW 5-th Series ride on the final against Orange Moskvich 412.
    1 point
  5. Thanks for taking the time to post this, its a testament to the value of our members here and our ATV community! 👍
    1 point
  6. The cdi is a sealed until. And it’s that way for a reason. It hates moisture! Any moisture gets in and it’s dead. I learned this a little while back while I was putzing around with my old cdi and went on YouTube to see what anyone has to say. One guy pointed me in the direction of putting the cdi in my oven. It worked believe it or not! Check this out.
    1 point
  7. What's the brand of winch? A lot of them are by brand. Here's an interesting video that may help you
    1 point
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