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Everything posted by davefrombc

  1. I'm afraid it is far from over. WEAR the masks and listen to Fauci if you want that part of it to be over. I'm 77 and have never seen the division and turmoil like has been created by that incompetent narcissist and his enablers. Neither the civil rights movement nor the Vietnam War of the '60's polarized the US the way tRump and the ERW of the GOP have and I'm afraid they have created and fostered some very dangerous extremist movements. I'm not religious, but I'm praying for my friends and family on both sides of our border that I'm wrong. If you haven't voted yet , think long and hard and vote your conscience but get out there and vote. Now more than ever it is more important to vote the issues rather than the party line.
  2. LOL You think Biden's gaffes make him unfit?. How about your own ? Listen to what tRump says. Gaffes and semi-literacy examples are well sprinkled among his lies and plenty of them. Remember his "Super duper hydrosonic missile "? Just one of the latest in a long line of examples if you listen for them. If you judge Biden by slips of the tongue that we all commit sometimes too often then you must consider tRump to be unfit to be a latrine orderly ,let alone President.
  3. How do you think that is better than our universal system? I suspect if you checked into what your company pays to provide less coverage to you than the taxes they and you would pay under our system you would find your company would actually be paying less . Cost to you for your daughter's check up under our system on top of what was paid in taxes for the system? $0.00
  4. Business taxes pay a big part of our universal health care but so do income taxes. It is not all on businesses. It's useless trying to explain the fact that health care expenses for both business and individuals is actually cheaper in our universal systems than it is under your for profit system, The brainwashing the military/ industrial complex and the ERW have been giving Americans for the last century has been far too effective. Too bad there are too few who remember the tax system of the late '40's through to the beginning of the '60's that actually encouraged businesses and the rich to invest in the US and the boom it created. Those days are long gone. They started going away with business's "tax reforms" and really accelerated with Reagan and the decline continues with the rich getting richer and the erosion of the middle class those "reforms" have created. But of course all that is fake news to the true believers.
  5. I doubt Hunter Biden would have been stupid enough to drop a laptop off for repair if it contained evidence of wrongdoing on his part. Would you? tRump is not the businessman he makes himself out to be. The proof of that may not be long in coming. tRump's donating his presidential salary is a red herring. He is making far more than that steering government events trough his businesses.The money he makes staying in his own facilities and charging the security that must accompany far exceeds his salary; and then there are the other costs for his far too frequent golfing trips at his own facilities. I know how we live in our country with universal health care and environmental regulations. The rest of the west would also very likely compare themselves very favourably with the US also. You really need to seek better information on life and standards of living in western countries outside the US. One example you might compare is our cost in taxes to support our "free" health care with the real cost in premiums, co-pays and other costs of your for profit system. finally you must realize there are no truly communist countries no matter how you want to name their systems. Every business is capitalist whether privately or government owned. Even China operates on a capitalist system despite their communist tag; and no, I would not want to live under their government controls. They try to physically control what the west largely controls with the almighty dollar. Every service the government supplies is a form of socialism. You confuse social responsibility with socialism. If you are a Christian you are worshiping someone who was a far left "socialist" in his teachings. Without socialism you would have to build your own roads, maintain your own security, health and welfare and exist without the help of any other person. as soon as you form a community and divide responsibilities you are instituting socialism.
  6. Biden suffers from the same kind of attacks and false accusation from the right ,and I have no doubt certain foreign operators. Loose cannons rolling around on deck crashing into things have resulted in more than one sunk ship. I definitely don't share your view of Biden or what you think his agenda is. I know enough of the workings of our respective governments to know a lot te accusations against him use statements taken out of context to try to blame him for things done by Congress and the Senate that he had no real control of even though he was supposed to be steering the legislation. ..it's the polls in the Congress and Senate that determine the final wording and results, no matter how he or any other committee head would like to see it go. For example Obama care would have been far different than what you got if there had not been so many concessions and changes made to the right and far right ruling the GOP just to get even that flawed First step towards the universal health care enjoyed by the rest of the Western world. I won't bother to try to debate you Quadmaniac. I see your version of the last 4 years is very different than most others. and compared to what is happening and has happened in the US in the last 4 years the rest of the west is doing very well. I'll take our COVID statistics and responses over those under tRump any day. Oil prices are governed by international markets , not by anything tRump or the US oil industry has done for another example. I'll leave it at that .
  7. I meant to include this video with my request for an explanation of just how anyone can support him with all the evidence and his own words and actions supporting the accusations against him. It's only his tenure in the White House keeping him from facing charges for many things, including his "unindicted co-conspirator" charge in the 2016 election corruption. The real "fake news" comes from Fox and other right wing and extreme right sites on the internet. November 3 is fast approaching . Think long and hard before you vote; but get out there and vote either for or against tRump and his enablers. Make you voice heard where it counts. https://youtu.be/NX-DdOUlcqs
  8. Please explain to this Canadian how anyone can support the most incompetent and corrupt individual to ever hold the Presidency of the U. S. of A. I cannot understand how he can hold such a cult as he has worshiping him.
  9. LOL Jimmy Dore and the truth are not exactly compatible. I see your post as that of a true tRump cultist. If it makes you feel any better , we have more than our share of them up here too. Minds are made up, don't try confusing them with facts and figures that don't fit their preconceptions. As far as tRump not saying anything so sinister as Biden's comment (taken out of context) you haven't listened very closely to many of his comments and actions, Many , if not most of the things Biden has been falsely accused of both morally and legally have been presented against tRump by witnesses and federal investigation conclusions , but tRump cannot be charged while in office thanks to the GOP's unproven slant on the Constitution. It will be interesting if the "unindicted co-conspirator" will face charges for his actions in the last election and for the many financial and business practices he as been accused of not exactly sticking to the law in.
  10. Medicare for all is really Obamacare under another name. Biden is a lot more middle of the road than Bernie. You can see that by how the far left cry he is on theright and a supporter of the rich over them ; and the right cry he is taking everyone to "socialism" The left have to face reality that the right is going to be kicking and screaming at any move towards a single payer, medicare for all. It has to be done a step at a time just as it has been done in every other western nation. Ours has been a work in progress since 1947 and it is still evolving with our right wing Conservatives trying to gut it and bring back private insurance, A lot of the attempts by the right to take us back are funded to some extent by the US private healthcare industry. I must say I see a lot of Jimmy Dore Utubes posted up in other forums I'm in and they all twist the truth and facts to an ERW slant. Dore , Carlson , Hannity and most of Fox "news" are all as full of it as a major stockyard There are others that may have been a better choice than Biden, but for the realists that see improvements to healthcare and other social issues can only be achieved through middle of the road policies that neither too far left at once nor allow the right to continue as it has. America has been kept divided and controlled by the military / industrial complex through their "anti-socialism" rhetoric and scare tactics for the last century. Changing that doesn't come swiftly or painlessly. Americans have been told the lies so long they are very reluctant to realize they are not the truth.
  11. I voted in the poll too but unfortunately I can't vote in the US election. I do hope there is an overwhelming vote in all states by those not blinded by the tRump cult. The GOP of today is definitely not the GOP of Lincoln's time. To far too many of us it mirrors Germany of the 1930's.
  12. A big part of deciding how big a quad to start a 10 year old on depends on the father and the lessons he teaches the kid .. Are you a risk taker that drives on the insane edge, or a cautious driver ? It makes a huge difference seeing the lessons you teach in your own driving habits. Smaller, lighter quads are easier for a preteen to handle, but on easy drives on trails they can handle larger ones. I would look at 90cc ones for a good balance between reasonable power and lighter weight and they'll be sufficient for adults too in most riding scenarios.
  13. Yes, they are doing it in the UK too but Canadians and people in the UK are relatively much harder to fool with the cries of socialism and "they're trying to steal your freedom" than Americans who have been deluged with it every time any suggestion of improving social programs that benefit everyone. People in the Commonwealth are far less afraid of and have more control over our governments than Americans do. We can force an election anytime the government gets too far out of line that people want to revolt. With your Republic, the most you can do is try to impeach and remove individuals, and you've seen how hard that is to do. We can force and entirely new election of all our federal politicians at any time through a non confidence vote. You have to wait 2 years to try to get rid of half of them and 4 years to remove an incompetent such as your stable genius if the senate won't ratify an impeachment of him. The beauty of the internet and its ability to bring virtually instant communication to all is that the old scare tactics of the military / industrial are far less effective in scaring those that have enough of an open mind to be able to discuss social programs elsewhere, see how they work and realize they in now way threaten your freedoms. Those screams of "my rights" "socialism and communism" are having less impact all the time as people across America are increasingly realizing they are bullshit. They are still far too effective in the US but it's changing; more so in the cities where there is a lot more contact through their being hubs of trade and international connections than in the farm states and rural communities where there is far less exposure to people from other cultures and political systems. It's far harder to hate someone or their system when you are interacting with them and in doing so can sort through the facts and BS claims much easier. Closed minds such as of at least one demonstrated on this forum will never change, but anyone who will take the time to discuss and argue points will. The 1% should feel increasingly threatened, and it isn't going to end. Americans are getting much harder to beat down by them and you in many ways can thank the WWW for helping toughen them up.
  14. I know someone here that had a heart attack and quad bypasses....... ME..... Our universal health coverage covered all my medical expenses at the time ( 20 years ago now) and my supplemental coverage from work covered enough of my wages that I did not fall behind on my bills. I have friends who also have needed bypass surgery. All have done well since except for one who unfortunately had a fatal attack the day after her surgery. They didn't say whether it was a failure of the bypasses , a subsequent clot or other problem , but whatever it was it was fatal for her . Even though we have had universal care in varying form here for years across Canada, the for profit health care industry is still spending millions every year trying to gut it. So far the provinces , even those with more right wing Conservative majorities have resisted letting them back in. They know all too well the drubbing the voters would give them if they did. We get our share of fighting and butting heads here too, but with multiple parties to make it more interesting. We don't have a President to try to make himself a dictator. In our parliamentary system the head of the party with the majority number of members sitting forms the government. If no one party has a working majority they may form a coalition with one of the others with sitting members to form that majority. Should the government suffer a vote of non-confidence, there must be a new election. It doesn't matter if it is only weeks from the election or the maximum 4 years. Coalition governments make for a little more cautious legislation and can at times be frustratingly slow in getting things passed, but it is sure a lot better than an absolute majority pushing through poorly thought out legislation. Like you , we have those that only vote for the member of their chosen party no matter how poorly equipped he or she may be for the job. We have no primaries here . Candidates are chosen for each party by the members in each of the ridings . The general public only gets to choose between the ones chosen in the general election. I belong to no party. I try to choose the one I think can best represent my interests and those of my community , no matter which party he or she may belong too. My leanings are definitely to the liberal view, not the Liberal party as such. Federally the Liberals are left leaning , but here in BC the Liberal party is anything but liberal. They were taken over several years ago by members of the old provincial Conservative and Social Credit parties that were basically wiped out by a third party, the NDP.. LOL ( Social Credit was a very right leaning populist party that ruled here for several years in the 1950's and early 60's) Ialways encourage everyone to vote for who they think best represents them despite the party they may or may not belong to.
  15. Have you checked for a loose or corroded connection ? There may also be a carb problem causing it to go lean when you open the throttle .. Have you checked it for contamination, plugged jets or a faulty diaphragm?
  16. I find it disappointing more people don't chime into this thread from both the Dem and GOP sides of it. When you have only two choices ( not voting is NOT a choice. It is a choice for the worst outcome ) you really have to think, look and listen to the contenders and try to make your choice on where they stand, not on whether they are a member of the party and philosophy you support or not. Yes, I personally detest the likes of tRump and all those that think and act like him; and it goes back long before that narcissistic incompetent ran for the Presidency. He has done nothing for the country and all for himself since the Electoral College put him in there. Believe it or not , but tRump ran , not to win the job and do for the country , but to get very cheap air time to hype his name for purely business gain. That he won was a huge bonus for him that he has tried to take full advantage of ever since. I do hope to see debates between him an Biden, and real time fact checking on line and in video commentary during those debates. Biden has a disability that often has him misspeaking .. Trump has a personality disorder that has him very difficult to speak the truth, and even if he does say something truthful , ends up embellishing it until there is little truth left in it. "It's gonna be interesting in November"
  17. I remember one of the big stars of the 50's saying one of the big reasons he sponsored so much medical and educational institutions was because his income was so high that in Federal and state / local taxes of the time he was paying closer to 90%+ in taxes. Individuals had to support "social programs" so they could reduce their taxes and see the money they paid out in lieu of taxes went to programs they chose rather than where the politicians wanted to spend it . There was very little "corporate welfare" back then. Again , profits were taxed. If they wanted to reduce the tax burden they could re-invest those earnings in the company infrastructure and employees AT HOME. The could not take the money and run offshore with it; claim losses domestically like they do now and claim subsidies. Gad , how "socialist" both the Republicans and mainstream Democrats were back then. The GOP held the mantle of being for the little guy and freedom / equality and it was the "Southern Democrats" that were the extreme Right Wing that pushed Segregation and the White privilege of the day. How things have changed, mostly from the Reagan days to now . The Dems and GOP have pretty much switched platforms with the ERW in the GOP and the ELW in the Democrats where before it was just the opposite. I can never understand the thinking that social programs like Medicare , employment benefits and other "social programs" take away your freedoms as so many on the right scream . Instead they save people from the "Freedom" of going bankrupt or dying because they can't afford the medical treatment they need , or recover from job loss from injury or other things not under their control. Crying why do I need to pay taxes to support those that refuse to work is a non-starter in reality. Yes, there is that small proportion that could be called parasites by choice , but the vast majority that need those programs are there because of mental illnesses and abusive family backgrounds that did not put them on a responsible path. Tots are colour blind, don't care what their playmates look like or what religion they are growing up in .. Those prejudices are taught to them by prejudiced parents and society. Everyone should have the freedom to have a safe and prosperous life. Free from restrictions put on them by others that don't agree with how they look or worship. Americans, like us Canadians all have the same freedoms of choice, good or bad. We all also have the "freedom" of paying for our bad choices. Government sponsored social programs in no reduce those freedoms. No matter how much those on the right want to complain about Unions, it's those unions that are mainly responsible for there being a "middle class" in North America now. If you really want to see the truth in that , just look at what states unions are the strongest in and what ones they are weakest in , and the n compare their economies and the ration of lower , middle and upper "classes" . fo the most paret , it's the ones with the strongest unionization that have the largest ratio in the middle. Yes, I well know that the last century of the right and elite complaining about "socialism" and "Communism" have been able to keep much of the masses scared of anything that benefits all . Their propaganda has been very effective over those years. With today's connected society, those old cries are not nearly so effective in keeping America snowed.. That's about the only good thing tRump has done for America.. It has brought out some of the weaknesses in American democracy and Constitution. At least for those that want to open their eyes and ears and really look at the society today. tRump has taken your government closer to Fascism than it has ever been , and hopefully never will be .
  18. Spoken like a true tRump lover ERW. Yup, This bi*** from up north telling you like it is since you obviously don't go to other sites where fact may be told and civil discussions made.
  19. Our health care has it' faults and more could be covered.it is not just a federal program. The Federal government gives a per capita grant to the provinces for health care. Each province decides how the funds will be spent and how the rest of the funds for health care in the province will be raised. Were were paying a monthly fee for our health care here in BC, but they changed the system this year , much to the complaint of a lot of businesses. The Federal government does negotiate with the various drug companies for the pricing on drugs. gain, I can't speak for other provinces , but in BC the government sets the price the drug stores charge for the drugs. That goes to the government. The drug stores get a dispensing fee for each prescription. Non prescription drugs are not covered. Vanity surgeries are not covered. Only medical necessary procedures are . You want a face lift , ladies breast enhancement or reduction, tattoos removed, or any other non necessary surgery, you are on your own and pay whatever the clinic charges. Yes, the US could easily institute nationwide universal health care. They could pay for all sorts of social programs and infrastructure repair and replacement. Bring back the tax structure of the 1950's. That is how America was made so prosperous after WWII. High earners/ businesses had to invest in their companies or social programs . like sponsoring hospitals and education to reduce their taxes. You want to complain about taxes now , but back then the millionaires and some others in the highest brackets were paying total income taxes of over 90% when state and Federal taxes were combined. The middle and lowest paid far less. The big change in taxation began with Reagan and has ballooned since .. Now companies get subsidies and tax breaks they don't need to reinvest in America .. They take their money and yours and run offshore with it . Social programs do not affect your "Freedom". They enhance it by reducing your financial worries when sick or injured. They build your roads and bridges , and maintain them Unions are not your enemy. Whether you realize it or not they are the reason there is a middle class now. Unions were formed and people died for them in the early part of the 20th century. Study a little history on working conditions in the factories and mines before unions came in .. I agree some of the big unions now have a problem with corruption . Some have become more like a company than a force representing their members for the members benefit, but that is not a fault of unions but of their administration and too few members actively working to see the union is administered properly at both the local and national level. Yes, Biden is a realist . He may have headed the departments that brought in legislation you hate; but whether you like it or not , he really only has so much control over what the House and Senate pass. He, like all single politicians in every level, has only so much influence and control. He may lead , but that doesn't guarantee he will be followed.. Bernie made very good points , but with the American mindset that any social program robs from the middle to support the poor and reduces your "freedoms" you know as well as I do there is no way in hell he could carry any of them through. Hillary was hated, not for what she really did , but for the character assassinations and false accusations of the right for over 30 years. Lies and accusations told for that long make far too many accept them as true. P.T. Barnum and the snake oil salesmen proved that over and over. The Extreme Right Wing know that very well and carry it out far too effectively. Realistically , Bernie would have no chance of bringing in the reforms he espouses if he could get elected. Yes I would have liked to see someone younger and less tainted by the establishment, but Biden is not as bad as both the extremes on the right and on the left paint him. It's going to be an "interesting" election.
  20. I doubt there will ever be a President worse than tRump. His administration has been the pinnacle of corruption and incompetence. I can't see the US surviving as a nation if a worse one ever arises . Here is the history of Canadian healthcare I forgot to link above https://www.healthcoalition.ca/tools-and-resources/history-of-canadas-public-health-care/
  21. I'm sorry but you gentlemen sure don't see i as I and the majority of the international community do. tRump got elected, not because of Obama/ Biden, but because of an anachronistic Electoral College, and years of character assassination of Hillary Clinton that had too many believing the GOP lies and accusations against her; NONE of which were ever proven in court. tRump got elected because of that "college" and too many who failed to vote because they didn't like either candidate. Medicare, like the rest of America's allies have, by whatever name you want to call it is going to be a hard sell no matter which party is in power. You have a much better chance of taking steps to achieve it under a Biden administration and successive administrations than you have with Trump and any GOP that might follow him. Biden is a realist. He knows all too well he can't bring it in to stay without a lot of small steps to get around some of the constitutional and red state roadblocks that will be set up to try to kill it . Look at what happened with "Obama care". . a first step. Ask people if the were against Obamacare and get a resounding yes. Ask if they liked the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and again get a resounding yes. Same thing, different names, but the GOP did a fine job of snowing people. Yes, admittedly the ACA had a lot of faults, but it was a first step... Our own universal care here was started by one "socialist" party in one province ( Saskatchewan) in 1947). It took a long time and battle against major opposition to reach the point it is at now .. There is still big money trying to gut the system, and yes , there are still much room for improvement in it. If you're interested to see the fight we had , and in some ways , still have check out this site with a history of health care here. The battle in the US will be much harder because of your political system grants much more power and responsibilities to individual states, plus over a century of the right scaring people over a twisted view of socialism as they try to paint it. .Anything of benefit to the little guy is immediately labeled socialism to scare people away .. If it benefits the rich it is free enterprise and praised. Socialism can be used as a term for democracy. Democracy is socialism.. Free enterprise as some on the extreme right like to see it amounts to slavery. Instead of physical slavery, people are slaved to wages, kept as low as possible to benefit the rich, and those wanting to get rich at the least possible cost. Instead of "Massa",minimal housing and food to keep the slaves able to work the fields we now have "Bosses" and wages kept as low as possible so the workers can get to work and do the job without them doing too well and leaving. Free enterprise is good , but so is social responsibility and equality. The two can exist together. Some at the top get it and despite being super rich , still find ways to benefit all . Too bad they are so few . @JustRandy Just how do you feel Biden is so bad? Other than having a battle with a speech impediment that he still fights, what has he done that is so bad?
  22. As an observer from north of your border, I sincerely hope tRump gets beaten badly in both the popular vote and in the states won. Biden is far more capable than far too many realize. Harris is also. tRump and Pence are bad jokes. The orange wonder has taken the US lower in international opinion than it has ever been. His incompetence and self serving is beyond anything I've ever seen in any western country. Obama and Biden had an administration that was free of scandal. They took a country on the ropes and started it back to prosperity. tRump has undone that . His denial and mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic has costs 10s of thousands more lives to be lost to it than would have been lost if he had taken the warnings in the beginning. His administration and election team has been one scandal after another , and it is easier to count the number of them that have NOT been charged criminally for their corruption and illegal activity over the 2016 election and you can be sure the Russians are meddling again. What other President has replaced so many of his cabinet over the first 4 years of his administration?. . How many have had as many of their associates charged criminally for illegal dealings with the government,For sexual misconduct ( That's putting it mildly) and how many have had a parade of women accuse him of sexual misconduct themself. Playing off the prostitute and Playboy bunny alone should show the truth in their accusations, let alone his taped admissions of his tendency to "grab them by the pu***". I find it extremely difficult to get my mind around the support that incompetent narcissist has. It does tell the world not so nice things about America. I purposely switch the capitalization of tRump's name. I'm pretty sure people know my opinion of that north end of a south bound "Stable Genius". He may hold the office , but you have not had a President for 4 years. Please, tRump supporters , take off your blinders, look around you, hold your nose if you don't like Biden and vote that stain on America out. Everyone who either voted for him because the GOP's constant barrage of unfounded character attacks on Clinton over the years or failed to vote in 2016 because they didn't like either candidate put him in there. Don't do it again, please. Look at the real issues and failings of his administration. Put aside your attitudes of "American freedoms" and whether social services and Universal Healthcare are dreaded Socialist controls over your lives. Do you really want to end all government services? Think about it. Any time people form a society where they help one another is a form of "socialism". Democracy is socialism. Absolute monarchy and dictatorships the only forms of government that are not. Yes, I have lost confidence in Americans living up to the ideals they claims to have. The plaque on the Statue of Liberty is meaningless to tRump and the society he is trying to build will all bowing to his "magnificence".
  23. I also have only dealt with manual clutch less quads. If the ones that have a clutch lever do start when you squeeze the clutch then yours likely has a faulty safety switch activated by you clutch lever.
  24. If the 300EX starts in gear someone has bypassed the neutral safety switch. Starting in gear can be a serious safety hazard.
  25. Unless the 400ex is different from other Hondas, it shouldn't start in gear. All the ones I know all have a neutral safety switch to prevent in gear starting.
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