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No theft involved.  The funds are frozen, not by the government but by GoFundMe for violating their TOS,  and now ordered frozen by a  judge because of the illegal activity by the organizers and participants..  I  know the  extreme right doesn't believe in the law when it applies to them,  but I hope they get a very rude awakening.  Those blockades  and protests have nothing to  do  with the cross border truck traffic.. Over 90%  of the international  truckers are vaxxed and the vast majority of the "protesters"  are  not  drivers of the cross border trucks.  Not only  our government  orders cross border truckers be  vaxxed ,  but it  is Also YOUR governments rule .. So  you  think a small  minority of  Canadian truckers who  don't even  cross the border or our  government  should tell  your  government  what the rules entering the  US  should be?

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Those "freedom" protesters don;t have a clue what real freedom and social  responsibility  are.The blockades and  "protests"  have nothing to  do  with the vaccine requirements for border crossing .. THat was the excuse to start the idiocy.


I'm reaching the point where I'm beginning to  wish a non-fatal, but very  short term debilitating case of  COVID-19   on  all the deniers to wake them  up to the pandemic is  no  joke.. The fatality  numbers in  the US and Canada  aren't doing  it . Only if  they  get a good dose of it themselves will  wake them  up , although  there have been an  increasing number of high profile influencers have found out to  their demise.  AS  one   university  student who  caught the virus on purpose said just before he died " I think  I  fu**** up".

Freedomflyer,   read and understand what's in the link  you  posted up.  The government  and  GoFundMe are not stealing anything.



Edited by davefrombc
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Perhaps there really is some comprehension problem here..  I know people that can't read, and others that have very poor comprehension of what they are reading.

If people can't comprehend simple messages/words/news they are reading, it must be quite impossible for them to verify the statistics they are looking at. Even something as simple as a graph needs interpreting and the relevance ascertaining.

Incomprehension appears to be a common theme in here. I had been assuming it was willful ignorance, but perhaps it isn't.


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Most of the deniers like to drag in a lot of irrelevant fears and web spawned suspicions Dave, and claim they are the reason for their objections. When pressed, they can't say for sure which of their many fears are the cause of their objections, it's just that they have so many suspicions.. It's a conspiracy rabbit hole they seem to like going down. I get the definite impression it makes them feel superior, thinking they have the real version of the situation, that they are part of a small elite group that are smarter than the majority. 

Over here, the protestors have turned the grass they are camping on into a sea of mud and they are standing in a howling wind and rain waiting for any recognition from the authorities.

While the protestors spend twenty-four hours a day wet and cold, crowded together without vaccines or masks, the police are doing hour on hour off shifts with good support. I think the idea is to let natural selection run it's course. Haha.   I like it !

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7 hours ago, davefrombc said:

I won't even  begin to try to tell  you  how that video  supports the idiocy of the mask deniers, but in fact helps show how they actually help  protect you.

Clouds billowing from around the mask demonstrates protection LOL

Evidently you live in a universe without physical laws.

5 hours ago, davefrombc said:

Tucker Carlson....  The voice of idiocy.

That says more about you than him.

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59 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

I'm beginning to  wish a non-fatal, but very  short term debilitating case of  COVID-19   on  all the deniers to wake them  up to the pandemic is  no  joke.

You wish people would get sick so you can show them the plandemic is no joke?

Well, pray to The Science and maybe The Science will slay the unbelievers on your behalf.  Maybe offer a blood sacrifice... perhaps a Beagle.

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1 hour ago, Mech said:

I know people that who can't read, and others that who have very poor comprehension of what they are reading.

I fixed your grammar for you.

1 hour ago, Mech said:

Incomprehension appears to be a common theme in here. I had been assuming it was willful ignorance, but perhaps it isn't.

Only a "small minority" of humans are capable of admitting they're wrong.... and they're usually the ones knowing the difference in "who" and "that".


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56 minutes ago, JustRandy said:

You wish people would get sick so you can show them the plandemic is no joke?

Well, pray to The Science and maybe The Science will slay the unbelievers on your behalf.  Maybe offer a blood sacrifice... perhaps a Beagle.

I said  I'm beginning to  wish they  learn the hard way  they've  been  killing people with their denials of the pandemic and steps to try to  limit its spread..  Yes.  One way or another those fools need to  learn the consequences of their stupidity.

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29 minutes ago, Mech said:

Oh really... Tell us about it.

Sure, no problem:

On 2/5/2022 at 8:15 PM, Mech said:

I'd suggested it was futile and that the almighty facts were irrelevant to me.

The video is about those who have already decided they're right, so facts have no relevance because being wrong isn't an option.

The only certain barrier to truth is conviction you already have it.


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31 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

I said  I'm beginning to  wish they  learn the hard way  they've  been  killing people with their denials of the pandemic and steps to try to  limit its spread..  Yes. 

Ah, so you're on your way to becoming evil incarnate, but not quite there yet.

31 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

One way or another those fools need to  learn the consequences of their stupidity.

Why not let nature be the judge of that?  Why is your desire to show them they're wrong important at all?

Obviously the pandemic isn't hobbling enough people for your liking.  You need it to do more.

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I was asking about..

"I fixed your grammar for you. ".

I've got a mate who's a professor of English literature, and he tells me that for every rule in English, there's an exception..  But.. I don't even need an exception in this case.

And it's obvious who has the conviction they are right... 

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The man reaching down is the average citizen questioning government overreach.  The dog is the verbose individual who sees only his view.  The chainsaw is the "vaccine" mandate, the accompanying tyranny, and the fallacious arguments associated with it all.  The guy talking is anyone who recognizes the futility of trying to reason with the dog.


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35 minutes ago, Mech said:

And it's obvious who has the conviction they are right... 

Yes, which is why you're appealing to exceptions instead of simply saying "oops" like I did when I was first told people are not "thats".

Thinking "that" is sufficient for all cases is like supposing "your" works for "your" and "you're".  Why bother differentiating?

It's cognitive laziness at best, but ironic nonetheless considering you were denigrating people WHO can't read.

It's like those saying "your stupid".  It behooves us whilst attacking others to be sure our own ducks are in a row.

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14 minutes ago, Mech said:

I wasn't appealing to any exception.. 

Oh so telling me that your friend is an English professor is just a bit of irrelevant trivia and not an appeal in lieu of simply saying "oops"?

Either you say "oops" or you're appealing to something to justify not saying "oops".


And while on the subject of trivia, my friend who just recovered from covid and flu at the same time (flurona) a couple weeks ago just told me she has a sore throat and chills once again.

She works at Walmart (in the deli of all places) and must wear a mask at all times, but got sick 3 times in a month... while wearing a mask!

And her manager (vaxxed and masked) is sick.  And her daughter (an ER nurse, fully vaxxed and masked) is sick.

It almost seems as if wearing a mask is the path to sickness.  I suggested she change hers more often.  Probably after 20 minutes bacteria are setting up colonies.

The only thing dumber than masks are the clot shots because at least soiled face diapers aren't carcinogenic.

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3 hours ago, Mech said:

You jump to a lot of conclusions Randy..

One thing is absolutely certain: the masks were of zero benefit.  Folks would fare as well with a necklace of garlic.

How ridiculous to think the public could possibly utilize masks properly, even if they were remotely effective against viruses.... or pollen, dust, fiberglass,,, UV dye.




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On 3/1/2021 at 10:41 AM, davefrombc said:

Masks are not a joke. The way people wear them , and more importantly,  refuse to wear them is - a very bad joke.

You were one of the lucky ones.  Over  500,000 Americans were the unluckiest, and many more will have life long problems because of it .

The economy  is not being "run into the ground"  anywhere.  Yes,  people are hurting, many are  losing their homes, but when this  pandemic is brought under control the economy will rebound at an astonishing rate.  Fact is , if people had listened to the science and taken the recommended precautions there would have been far fewer deaths and the restrictions would never have had to reach the levels they have for as long as they have. The  proof of that  lies in the countries that did take the pandemic seriously right from the start , most notably  New Zealand and Australia.  Even China  where the pandemic first broke out  has got it under much greater control than we have .. Had the   government there admitted  the problem  right from the beginning , it might never have made the spread it  has.

Viruses do not "need to run their course". If vaccines and safety precautions are useless then  we'd still be  blessed  with such  horrible viruses as  Small Pox  and  Polio which crippled and killed so  many in my  youth until a vaccine came  out and stopped it.

Be extremely thankful the  Ebola  virus was contained and a vaccine  has been developed against it . Had that one  turned into a pandemic the results would have been  particularly  horrible,  making COVID  really look  like  no  more than a bad cold. Seeing people  die a bloody  mess has a lot more effect  than seeing them  die from COVID  complications.   Be extremely thankful  modern science and the medical community was able  to  contain  Ebola  and develop vaccines as fast as they have. 

We will have our  herd immunity when  enough people are vaccinated and the rest take reasonable  precautions until then.  I will  exercise  my  freedom to  do so until I can get the vaccine .  I am  not willing to sacrifice any of my family, friends  or community needlessly to  let  the virus "run its course"  for the sake of the "economy".   Sick people  buy very little, dead ones even  less.

History  can tell  you what happened to the "economies" of  native populations of  North America  and elsewhere when  outbreaks of Smallpox  occurred  for the best example  I  can think of.

By the way ,  masks block  moisture  much better than  dry dusts  and both are stopped by a properly worn  mask.

You drank the kool-aid

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