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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2019 in Posts

  1. these are the Volkswagen Beatles of the ATV's!! 2020 pic below and my 1991 same size engine,turned around,shaft drive,electric start,rear drum brakes?...wtf!! twice as much as mine $$$$$ in 1991...and more heavier! If I was serious (and not 55 yrs. old) about getting A brand new quad....I'd look at Yamaha Rapter 7000! sure it's $9000. but it was more than twice as much FUN than Honda's little 250!
    1 point
  2. I hope not .. It would cost a fortune for the wall we would make you erect and pay for to keep him in, and to support the armed guards we would need to make sure he didn't climb over or tunnel under. We have our own much milder version of tRump here seeking election. We don't need the full blown one here . Maybe Boris would welcome in the UK.
    1 point
  3. As long as our discussions bring others to thinking and searching for facts , real facts, and forming their own opinions we have accomplished something. We may not agree on everything. What a boring world that would make , but we can civilly disagree and reach a consensus that benefits us all. If only we were all as smart as the Great Orange one claims to be
    1 point
  4. @JustRandy and @davefrombc , you both have some good points and I respect your opinions. I am of a different mindset completely, but its been interesting to read what you guys are sharing and your points of view, so thank you. 👍
    1 point
  5. Trump, or as I normally spell it tRump to refrain from being accused of profanity, is the perfect example of a cult leader. His followers blindly follow him and ignore every negative fact of his suitability for the position. Clinton was the target of character assassination for years before she ran for the presidency. The lies and half truths against her were repeated often enough over a long enough period even skeptics developed a dislike for her. It's unfortunate because she would have been hands down a far superior President than the present disaster to the US. The only thing I had against Hillary is that she was more hawkish than I like to see, but whether you agree or not , I saw her administration skills and intelligence first rate . Rump has a BS degree in economics.. The BS is very fitting and doesn't mean Bachelor of Science. I wonder how much Daddy paid for little Donald's degree. The GOP can be very glad the rest of the world can't vote in American elections .. They would be totally wiped out for their support of tRump. Only in America could he stay in power without a shooting uprising .. In the Parliamentary democratic countries he would have been removed from power long ago by his own party members simply by voting in a new leader .. You in the US have far less ability to easily remove him.. There is no "redo" provisions for your vote for President when corruption and interference swaying the election has been so strongly shown, even if technically not proven in court yet . Getting rid of the anachronistic Electoral college would go a long way to bringing the US voting system of of the 1700s into modern reality of communications .. It served its purpose back then when It sometimes took months to tabulate votes and relay results to decide the Presidency and members of Congress, but now it is really useless and can result in the wrong person being elected simply because he ( or she) took the majority in key states. The US surviving tRump so long without violence and collapse is a tribute to the innate strength of the American economy and the majority of her people. I wouldn't test it for another 4 years though.. You've been lucky so far .
    1 point
  6. The Mojave turned out great, good job. I try to limit myself on the price and if I cant get it fairly cheap ill pass. Few things matter is the shape, If I can find parts, the price and what I think I will have to put in to it to fix. If you pay too much you will never get your money out of it. Its fun to build them but it has to be profitable. Hey Ajmboy, the paint I use is usually semi gloss rustoleum from Lowes. Its all in the prep. spend a little time before painting goes a long way. Most people will buy a clean machine pretty quickly. I always make sure nothing is rigged and is working a 100 % Some of the most expensive items are batteries (which they all need) and Tires.
    1 point
  7. What would y'all think of me if I came on here saying nobody knows more about ATVs than me? Would you worship me? I really need people to worship me. The super genius of all time!
    1 point
  8. For prison? lol What I don't understand is how people who ordinarily despise liars are able to support the biggest documented liar in history; how people who usually defend women are able to support someone demeaning to women; how people who pride themselves on honest and fair play are able to support an unabashed cheater. I don't know what to make of that contradiction. How does one say: "You see that lying, cheating, womanizing dimwit over there? Well, that's my man! I will support him to my dying day!" How does that happen? How does one rectify that level of hypocrisy? Everything that everyone complained about the Clintons are exponentially worse with Trump: They said the establishment democrats don't represent the people and don't have the people's interests mind, and that they just lie to them to get elected. Well hell, Trump said he could easily balance the budget, but instead ran us $1 trillion deeper in debt by giving huge tax cuts to the 1%. He said trade wars are easy to win, then got us mired in a trade war requiring the farmers to get bailed out and prompted central banks around the world to make preemptive interest rate cuts to offset his dumbassery. He said he was going to make Mexico pay for his useless wall, but then took money from the Pentagon to fund it. Back when the fed was doing QE, he was complaining that low rates and cheap money would destroy America, but now he's wishing he could fire Powell because he won't cut rates fast enough to support his "strongest economy ever". And he led us to believe he had some special talent for picking talented people, as exhibited in his Apprentice show, but everyone he hires, he fires or wishes he could fire them. He's worse at picking people than flipping a coin! Then he said he was going to drain the swamp, but instead filled the white house with swamp creatures: He has a Goldman Sachs guy as Secretary of Treasury, an oil lobbyist as Secretary of Interior, a Rothschild as Secretary of Commerce, a pharma lobbyist as Secretary of Health, a coal lobbyist as Administrator of EPA, and to top it off: a confederate slavery advocate as Secretary of Veterans. You couldn't make this crap up! Essentially, he put Al Capone in charge of the cops. And the rest of his cabinet are religious fundamentalists that believe the earth is 6000 yrs old and the rapture is coming any day now. Well, no need for the rapture because Trump already claimed the title of the son of god! The messiah has already returned and he's paying off po** stars! In light of all that there is no choice but to conclude anyone supporting Trump at this point has drawn their integrity and intelligence into grave question. The only remaining defense is spite, which is to concede that Trump is a lying cheating nitwit, but that's good because he makes other people mad. Essentially, people are smearing feces onto their own walls to make other people mad. They're destroying their own world just to see others in pain. Once again I have to say it: support for Trump draws one's integrity and intelligence into grave question. I supported him in the beginning because he fooled me, and I didn't like Hillary. But I got off the sinking ship by admitting I was wrong after seeing what he did. Honestly, I still don't think I could vote for Hillary because those establishment dems have to go, and maybe I could see voting for Trump over Hillary as having a noble spin to it, but "voting for" and being "supportive of" are two different things. I might vote for the lesser of two evils, but that doesn't mean I have to support the evil that is lesser. To advocate Trump without even knowing who his opponent will be is proof that one supports the evil unconditionally. Blind loyalty should only be an attribute of dogs, not large-brained humans. But even a dog is smart enough to abandon an owner who abuses it.
    1 point
  9. Hey Dave turns out the bearing race on the one way clutch was worn so after replacing that and reassembly it started working the way it should thanks for your help and advice 👍
    1 point
  10. I bought my '91 300 Fourtrax FW about 10 years ago and the only repairs I've had to do to it is new front brake shoes and a new rear axle and hubs .The axle was pretty much toast when I bought it but ran it for about 5 years before the splines on the left side finally completely gave out so in effect if I had traction ok on the front I had 3 wheel drive and if not I had one wheel drive LOL. Yup turned 76 6 days ago. I still think I'm 30 until I try to do what I did at 30. Takes me a lot longer and I need a lot more help to do it now, and I hurt a lot more afterward I rode dirt bike and drove standard tranny cars and trucks for years so definitely familiar with downshifting .. Both my Blazer ZR2 and Sierra 2500 HD are automatics now so the quad is the only manual shift. Didn't ride quads until I bought the Honda so I definitely was a late starter on them .
    1 point
  11. I am also a Honda man because when you're deep in the woods you want the machine that got you there to get you back. At 76 I don't need the fastest or the most powerful and pretty looking .. I want a machine that does everything I want it to do and doesn't need a warehouse full of spare parts to keep doing it, and I might add one that doesn't eat up my pension funds to keep going .
    1 point
  12. It is interesting to see what the DOW is doing. I think there are some influences in the market and some corrections taking place. Overall, 2017 was too good of a year for investors and 401Ks. We'll see what happens this week. My tax deductions must have gone down because got more in my paycheck last week 🤑
    1 point
  13. My 401k is up a lot and hopefully we'll get some tax relief soon so I'm good. I'm not thrilled with healthcare and wish they would have done something. For 2018 our family plan from my employer is a little worse with the deductibles and co-insurance stuff. Now I need to get a health savings account. I used to have great healthcare with this company, $25 co-pay for doctors visits and that's it. It's gotten worse every year since obamacare and rates have gone up. Just to put the medical into perspective I have 2 kids, 3 years old and 10 years old and when my 10 year old was born we paid $250 out of pocket, but when my 3 year was born it was $6000 out of pocket. Regular Doctor visits went from a $25 co-pay to you pay the co-insurance rate which is $80-100. And this is employer sponsored healthcare. If this administration can fix this BS, I'll be happy camper.
    1 point
  14. I like Trump. He gets it. The biggest problem in America is government... way too much of it and way too much corruption. People say we should join the rest of the world on healthcare and get universal, government run health care. We already have that for the veterans. It is a disaster. Why copy the rest of the world when America had the best health care, best education, highest paying jobs, highest standard of living...in the world. We had limited government. Since the 60s government has grown like a cancer and changed all that. We are no longer limited government. Hillary is the epitome of what is wrong with America. She is a lifetime politician. She has been selling out Americans to enrich herself for 30 years now. She is a criminal that should be prosecuted (for destroying evidence, her emails, in an investigation into her corruption). It is sad how many people want bigger government and less freedoms. They have been conned into thinking the government makes our lives better. What would make our lives much better is if we got to keep more of the money we earned and the companies can do the same.
    1 point
  15. I think at the end on the day, people feel that with Hillary, we will get more of Obama, that the middle class working people aren't crazy about. Specifically around things like the affordable care act, security, immigration, and position on the world stage, etc. Just to put medical into perspective, I have 2 kids...8 and 2. I work for a company that offers medical and the rates have gone up since Obamacare. When my 8 year old was born, cost us $200 out of pocket. My 2 year old was $6500 out of pocket because of the deductibles now. Regardless, I would pay anything for my children's well being but it puts it in perspective what Obama did to the middle class. Don't get me started on other regular medical fees. Give those who don't work cheaper medical on the backs of those who do is a crappy plan. That's socialism, leveling the playing field. I voted Obama the first time around and then Romney the second after these medical changes went into affect. Also, when are they going to stop punishing people for being rich? Don't they realize that the rich create jobs? Small businesses can't in this environment, they can't survive paying for regulations like medical coverage. It's really bad what's happening. As government gets bigger, corporations have to get bigger as well to survive, which is why you see so much industry consolidation. Also, why are low cost retailers thriving and companies like Amazon killing industries? People's buying habits changed because of what they are paying out. Obama/Hillary, good if you don't want to work and live on the system, bad if you work and have money to pay for the system... 2 basic choices...Hillary/stay the same and Trump/change. That's what it will boil down to for most. Trump may not be the best candidate, but if you want change, he's your best choice. If you like it the way it is, vote Hillary.
    1 point
  16. Depends how you define "economy". If the economy is the stock market, then giving corps money will boost buybacks, which is a way of inflating the shares that the boardmembers own. It's essentially embezzlement. They don't create jobs, they don't invest in equipment, they don't raise the wages of employees, they don't conduct more R&D (because that's taxpayer funded anyway), but all they do is buy their stock back to increase the wealth of the boardmembers. If the rich get richer, where is the money coming from? If there is a gold standard and the rich get richer, then it's obvious that the gold is coming from everyone else because there is no place else for the gold to come from. Printing money doesn't change that fact because as more money is created to account for the increased wealth of the rich, it dilutes the money that everyone else has. (Your money is devalued in terms of house prices, stock prices, bond prices, classic car prices, art prices, and other investment asset prices. We could say the dollar went down in terms of those things since it takes more dollars to buy them now.) So if Bezos is getting richer faster than you are, then his money is coming from you. Capitalism is a synonym for exploitationism, but sounds better. If you capitalize on a situation, then you've exploited the situation to your benefit. Capitalism leverages against a person their bad luck to compel them to work for low wages. If people did not need to work to survive, they could demand higher wages. If people have to work to survive, then they are in no position to bargain and the free market is gone. Work is not voluntary, but forced, and that's enslavement for profit. They are capitalizing on the fact that people must work to live. As a former business owner, I'd say it's deliberately difficult to start and run a small business. Taxes, insurance, accounting is all a nightmare. They do not want you starting a business just like they don't want you collecting government checks because it does nothing to enrich the rich. They want you working for a wage so that you can be exploited for profit. Standing on your own through self-employment is not encouraged or it would be easier to do so.
    0 points
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