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Everything posted by NEWACRIDER

  1. No, didn't get out to ride at Thanksgiving like I usually do, my step daughter had her baby the week before so goin' to visit them used up my vacation time... lol
  2. Just checking in... I've been busy and my 'puter crashed! Missed everyone!
  3. What a great way to share with the community and have fun too! Thanks for sharing, Mi Smiley 2000!
  4. No, but I was part of Cyber Monday! lol
  5. Great photos everyone! thank you for posting and keep it up! (I hope to have some new ones after Christmas...)
  6. Welcome! great to have you here!
  7. oops, guess I should have checked this out sooner...
  8. Is anyone going riding over Thanksgiving weekend? If so, where and with whom? I was at Pismo Beach last weekend and saw lots of haulers and trailers with quads out there.... sadly, I didn't have mine as I was visiting a new Grandbaby...
  9. Thank you for joining! Welcome.
  10. This is a great idea! Can we add that to the gallery also, so that I don't have to resize everything or crop the heck out of it to make it fit?
  11. Welcome, thanks for joining!
  12. Great info, all boards should have something like it!
  13. heee heee heee, I'm not sure she would think so!
  14. I figured mine was self explanatory.... I'm a new rider with an Artic Cat....
  15. I am really going to have to find some mud to try, everyone talks about it, but I haven't ridden in it yet...
  16. I live in Norhtern California, I've lived in the Bay Area all my life! I have 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, (I'm on my 2nd Husband, lol) I do the book keeping for my husband's business, and I got started riding when my Husband (then boyfirend) insisted I had to try it! Next thing I know, he bought a 50cc quad for my son (who was 4 at the time) and I had to ride too or get left at home!
  17. All I can say is.... Doh! dreams do come true for some lucky people!
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