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  1. What is the best engine oil to use for the Suzuki King Quad - also any other tips and tricks I should know before doing an oil change on these bikes
  2. Has anyone else had an issue on older king quads where the oil would leak from the top of the head (due to a failed gasket) and drip onto the hot exhaust? Mine got so hot one time it caught fire. Just wondering if this is a common issue, as I've seen the same thing happen on multiple bikes that were the same model.
  3. So, I found myself in the only 5' deep water hole in Moab with the King Quad. Before I could get off it swallowed water at idle and died. The river water was not very clean. I pulled the plug and pumped the water out of it with the starter. I cranked on it and it popped for a second and then was done. Towed it back to the trailer. When I got home I checked the compression and it had none. I have a factory service manual. Disassembled and found the rings stuck in the piston lands. New rings and back together. I try to start it and get a C12 code CKP - crank position sensor. Troubleshoot and find it to be shorted. Installed aftermarket CKP, still get code. Check voltage on new CKP and only get 4.5V, manual calls for 5V minimum. Pulled every connector apart on vehicle and cleaned. Have continuity from CKP sensor side of connector to ECM harness. Install a known good ECM from another 2005 KQ I have. Vehicle fires and I let it run for 10 minutes. Shut it down and put the original ECM in and get a C12 code again and won't fire. Put the known good ECM back in and get C12 and no fire. Tested both ECM's in the other KQ and runs well on both ECM's. Installed a used stator and CKP. Still get a C12 code. Check used stator, 200 ohms and 6.5 V out of the CKP at the ECM harness. Checked ground at ECM harness and it is good. Checked spark with spark plug and without, none. Checked resistance and peak voltage on coil and it is in spec. This thing has me baffled. All of the electrical possibilities seem to check out. Might be far fetched, but could the rotor key have sheared when it shut down suddenly when the cylinder filled with water? I know rotary lawn mowers can shear the flywheel key when the blade stops suddenly from a rock or stump. If the key is sheared and the flywheel is out of time by a few degrees could this be giving the C12 code? The voltage output is correct but at the wrong crankshaft position (wrong time).
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Suzuki King Quad LT-A450X 2007-2009 Service Manual
  5. Hey guys, I have a 1999 king quad. The right front brake locks up when I squeeze the lever. I can loosen bleed screw, fluid will come out and it unlocks. I'm thinking maybe wheel cylinder. Any suggestions?
  6. My front wheels are constantly locked making steering extremely hard. I took the diff apart and it looks like it won't allow the front wheels to turn independently. Is this the norm? I have 27" paddles and it's almost impossible to steer while driving slow.
  7. Selling 1994 king quad. $400.00 Complete quad. Engine is stuck. Located in Highland Mi. 248 514 0888 Old55
  8. Version 1.0.0


    1987-1998 Suzuki Quad Runner/King Quad 250/300 Service and Repair Manual
  9. One 1998 Quadrunner 250 4x4, two 90's King Quad 300's worth of parts. Fenders are garbage..
  10. Any one have parts for a restore on a perfectly running Kodiak 93 and Susuki 91 King Quad -- Looking for mud flaps - fenders front rear racks- and everything in between- thanks in advance!
  11. I replace everything involving fuel and it still won’t work.
  12. Do you have picture on how to install a winch on a 1993 king quad?
  13. Rebuilding a 1998 King Quad LT-F4WDX that sat for the last 12 years. Tearing into it this week. So far I've found brakes all around, hand brake cable, Choke cable, u-joint left rear, lower A-arm bushings, need to kit carb-petcock-pump, low compression, and more to be discovered. I have rebuilt, repaired, and overhauled a number of Honda Three Wheelers. I have learned that there are some aftermarket parts that are junk/bad fit, and there are some places it is foolish to use anything but factory. I am sure I will have a lot of specific questions as I progress, but for now what brand of replacement cables, and what brand of carb and petcock kits have worked well for you. Thanks Den
  14. View File 1987-1998 Suzuki Quad Runner/King Quad 250/300 Service Manual 1987-1998 Suzuki Quad Runner/King Quad 250/300 Service and Repair Manual Submitter davefrombc Submitted 01/28/2017 Category Suzuki ATV  
  15. I have a 97 Suzuki kingquad an a new carb an yet still flooding an sounds like it wants to start but won't. Flooding so much that while cranking over gas is actually spraying out the back of the carb. I'm thinking maybe need new fuel pump an check my vaulves an timing. Also don't know how many p.s.i. the fuel pump is an can I switch over to an electric on????
  16. Hey guys new here. Im picking up an 05 King Quad 700 that runs but smokes so its going to get a top end rebuild. Some of the bigger thingsim unsure of is lining up the cams and timing when going back together i didnt know if anyone had a service manual i dont believe i can download them until ive made ten posts though. Or if anyone was able to walk me through the process or had a link to a step by step. Any help would be great thank you.
  17. Looking for the rectifier. Most bikes have near magneto. It appears the KQ has it in front. Can someone tell me exactly where it is? Bike not charging and magneto checks out ok
  18. I am not sure what is wrong with my King Quad. I had a new carburetor put in 6 months ago, just replaced the fuel pump and added an in-line fuel filter in. I have been trying to fix this quad for a while now and do not know what is wrong with it. It idles fine and runs great as soon as it is fired up, you can Rev it and stay in first gear with 100% power. As soon as I drive 10 feet it looses all power, I mean it is sputtering and doesn't move at all, but when I let off the gas after it sputters it idles fine. I will attach a video of what it is doing. Snapchat-1290161440.mp4
  19. 1700 miles on the machine, all trail riding. Second ride of the day and I get an overhead light, shut it down, let fan run, fan shuts off, light still on, ride back to camp, clean radiator, let machine cool for a couple hours. Start up, head over to the campgrounds, ride for 5 minutes or less, overheat light comes back on and the machine blows the ignition fuse. Tow it back, replace fuse, turn on key, fuse blows immediately. I've ran all the wires, no mouse chews or rubbing, etc. Does the KingQuad have a thermal protection system that would explain this?
  20. I have a 05 king quad 700 that runs fine when its cold. When it heats up high and reverse wont show up on the display and high will go to 15 mph then bog down.. Any ideas?
  21. While cruising, my 2011 750 king quad suddenly shut down. As it happened, red lights on the display flashed. Any ideas? My head lights suddenly stopped working about a week ago, if that helps. I have no power at all. Thanks
  22. How are you doing guys I just joined I have a 1998 Suzuki King quad I’m having problems with high RPMs the ATV idols perfectly but soon as a throttle up it doesn’t stall but it just bogs down it has no power any suggestions thanks
  23. I have an 05 King Quad 700 that has in the past had to have the stator replaced twice. For the past six months it has been down hard as I cannot get it to fire. I have replaced the coil (which is the code that came up) and now I have a friend replacing the stator. I want to see if the new stator does the trick. Drain the old fuel, and replace with 100% Ethanol free fuel, and see if that does the trick. The local Suziki dealer will not work on it as it is over 10 years old. So the nearest dealer is 90 miles away. The last thing I can do after that (provided the other fixes do not work) is replace the ECM/ECU. I also read that there was a recall on the ECM/ECU, so I need to check on that. All of the grounding has been checked, so if anyone has an idea, I would greatly appreciate the insight. Kindly, David
  24. posted a while back - it was running at one point - I have all the plastic shroud off - it's down to frame and engine now -fuel pump: when line from petcock is attached, no fuel comes out other side to carb; the line to the carb is open (can blow through it); I thought when I cranked engine that the pump would spit out fuel on other side but it does not; I removed fuel pump and opened it up - diaphragm looks good - but internal areas had lotsa calcification build up - I cleaned this out and dried it good - the clear plastic pieces (?diaphragms) aren't broken - the spring w/ steel ball on end moves freely; am putting it back on tomorrow; but can anyone answer about the pump? isn't it supposed to pump fuel through it... to other side... to carb? puzzling -along with fuel pump: I replaced petcock 3 weeks ago (gas tank had rusty fuel in bottom - cleaned it out prior to new petcock); when I turn petcock arrow NOT to on or reserve, fuel comes out of line; when I turn it to on or reserve, fuel doesn't come out; puzzling -I don't know what's on back of fuel pump - it's a valve that has a hose coming out of it - looks like it goes to engine/carb - I haven't traced this out yet - what is it? -can squirt gas on air filter and engine will run for 2-3 seconds then stop - fuel in top of carb (under diaphragm) does same -it likely needs carb rebuild - will get to this - but something isn't allowing fuel to get from fuel pump to carb -I THINK it has a mikuni model x carb - diaphragm is ID 26mm OD 68mm - hard to find inexpensive diaphragm, I guess because it's a model x -last thing - I replaced solenoid due to old one clicking; I HAVE to be charging the battery or it won't start/turn over - battery just goes dead; but if charging, it'll turn over nicely; i'm guessing it's a bad battery -any help appreciated - I've never owned an ATV before - inherited this beast from grandparent in-law
  25. Hey I have a 07 king 700 there's lots of times that the quad will stall when the fan turns on also have to bump motor 2 or 3 times before starting to start it (makes fuel pump go on 2/3 times) anyone having or had this issue?
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