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What's your best OOPS!!!

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my best oops????

I was changing the oil on my quad and was just putting that last little bolt in under the bike and hared a tink like sound I look over every thing and it looked ok. about 10 hours of riding time later on my new quad I was changing the oil again:) I took off that little bolt and and saw that the tinking sound was me striping the the metal right out of the oil pan . I did not have a torch wrench at the time but after drilling a bigger hole and finding a new bolt that was the first thing I went to get....


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my best oops????

I was changing the oil on my quad and was just putting that last little bolt in under the bike and hared a tink like sound I look over every thing and it looked ok. about 10 hours of riding time later on my new quad I was changing the oil again:) I took off that little bolt and and saw that the tinking sound was me striping the the metal right out of the oil pan . I did not have a torch wrench at the time but after drilling a bigger hole and finding a new bolt that was the first thing I went to get....


Yes, that was an OOPS! I would have to say that my biggest OOPS with an atv was accidentally not putting on the fuel incoming line, securely enough. Ended up running out of gas on the trail. I was new, it was an old Bayou I had...

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I broke one of the spring posts of my clutch center by holding a screwdriver between two of the posts while torquing the center nut. I first tried to re-attatch the post by running a screw through the back of the clutch center into the post. It worked ok, but I eventually replaced the clutch center. I also made myself a clutch holding tool to prevent further incident.

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It isn't really my oops, but a friends oops involving my bike...

Me and a friend loaded both our bikes on my trailer and went riding... We rode then headed back to his house to drop him off... He unloaded his bike and i took off but what I didnt know is that he undid my ratchet strap off the back of my bike and didnt put it back... Needless to say i got about a mile down the road and i looked back in my rear view mirror and seen my bike tumbling down the road at about 45 mph... I loaded it back up and headed home... I had to replace a bent stearing stem, front tire from rubbing on the trailer tire, and fix some scratches in one wheel and the plastic...



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It isn't really my oops, but a friends oops involving my bike...

Me and a friend loaded both our bikes on my trailer and went riding... We rode then headed back to his house to drop him off... He unloaded his bike and i took off but what I didnt know is that he undid my ratchet strap off the back of my bike and didnt put it back... Needless to say i got about a mile down the road and i looked back in my rear view mirror and seen my bike tumbling down the road at about 45 mph... I loaded it back up and headed home... I had to replace a bent stearing stem, front tire from rubbing on the trailer tire, and fix some scratches in one wheel and the plastic...



WOW no way!!!! what a mess... never really seen that befor...!

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Well there was this one time I went camping at this place called Horse Falls in Bend OR right on the coast line. It was awesome, miles of giant dunes... We had a Arctic Cat 650 V2 it was about 675lb….. I asked if I could take it out on my own while my hubby went to get more food:) he said no jumping... so I wouldn’t get hurt…. I agreed and headed off on my own… about an hour passed and I stated back to camp… I was riding some great s turns kinda sharp but not to bad and came around a corner and a root grabbed my wheel and in a flash I was under the quad face down in the sand….. I panicked, I was so trapped it took near 30 minutes to dig out from under the bike…. I got out and tried to push the quad, yeah right! I dug a giant hole and push the quad in the hole I got on and goosed it till all 4 wheels were back on the ground… I got back to camp an hour and a half after I flipped. I ended up with a really bad sprained ankle, some black and blue spots and covered with gas and sand… I still rode the rest of the week…

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My first utility quad was a Bayou 220. We were riding trails the entire day until we got to a real steep part. I wasn't that experienced yet. My buddy got up this steep hill with his 4WD king quad (old one with the shifters). I proceeded after him. I was going too slow and not leaning forward.

Flipped backwads, let the bike go, and it tumbled to the bottom.

I had some bruises but the atv had cracked plastic and bent handlebars.

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the biggest oops i did was taking my friend up for his offer to race me and popped out my axle... this also is an opps for letting my dad drive the can-am through a trail with fallen down trees went about a mile came accross a tree pretty big he said he could make it, then pop, crack, off came the fender and ithad a good 10" crack going up the side of the plastic

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I'm still a little steamed about my big OOPS;

So after a good afternoon of riding I got a little to buzzed and let my wife's friend ride my bike. She was saying how much experience she had riding quads and reassured me for a good half hour that she could handle the power of my 450. Well finally after a couple more beers I broke down and told her she could take it for a short ride just around the dunes near camp. So as soon as she get on the bike she disappears off into the dunes I'm already stressing. So about 45 minutes of stress go by and here comes my bike being towed behind a UTV. Apparently she went off a razor back in 4th gear, she panicked and locked up all breaks without pulling in the clutch as she landed. This cause my bike a lot of damage and me a lot of heartache. The axle shifted in the housing and mushroomed one side of the adjustment pads that tension the chain, the chain blew off and busted the chain guard along with the aluminum tabs it mount it to the side case, both sprockets where bent, and needless to say my weekend of riding was ruined.

Another lesson learned the hard way. Now NO ONE rides any of my bikes experienced or not !

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Last week I was riding the banschee, there was a really long straight leg and then all the sudden there was a turn,wll I happened to hit the power band at the same time. It was sort of like on bowl on both sides, well instead of turning i launched it, and on the other side were a bunch of small trees, well I got scared and jumped off and let the quad go I didnt want to hit a tree....I landed Flat on back in the middle of the trail....I was hurting for about a week but nothing serious!

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oh wow, i've got soo many stories i could post here. last weekend we were riding a track that holds a WNYOA race every year...there was a group of four of us bookin' right along together....stared this hillclimb, when my twinnie (i swear we're so much alike it's scary...) slammed a tree. her brother was right behind her and stopped to help, in the middle of the track... i didn't see any of this happen, i was still at the bottom of the hill...when i started coming up i seen them and let off the gas...but MY THROTTLE STUCK! I ended up slamming so bad into the back of my friend shawn's quad that it moved him 5 feet (his quad was off and in gear...imagine the force LOL) and when we hit, my quad started to flip on it's side, I went flying over the handlebars backwards and landed on my back and head...how I missed the trees and rocks, IDK! That was Sunday...It's now Friday and my back STILL hurts from that crash...

oh and I did get back on...nursed my way around the course a little bit, until the throttle stuck open AGAin and I almost slammed another tree...thank God I knwo how to pull in a clutch BAHAHAHA :) :)

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ooo another time we were racing supercross...(I'm sure some of you QC lifers will remember this story adn the pics)....I had it in my head I could clear this narly step up...Nick kept saying I didn't have the power for it...I tried it anyways...

Cased the dang thing so hard I shoulda flipped over, but thank GOD i held on to the bars...Slammed my helmet off the front bumper and hit my knee into the brake fluid resevoir thing so hard it split my knee open in an L shape...you could see my knee cap that's how deep the cut was...but, we did have a harescramble the next day so I bypassed the ER and went to Walmart for butterfly bandaids and medical tape. Now I have a nasty narly scar that everyone always asks about, but it reminds me to keep myself level headed when I'm on four wheels...if anyone ewants to see the pics i'll look for the old topic post :)

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When I was little I has a Chinease Quad (P.O.S), we were going like 25 which was my full throttle over a bunch of consecutive bumps and I was trying to keep up with my group. My quad wasn't absorbing the bumps at all and every time I hit one it would launch my back end in the air. Well finally the machine gave in and my swing arm literally snapped in half which sent me and my quad right into a tree. When it snapped in half I was literally thrown into the air and I flew right into the tree, I ended up breaking my tail bone, that sucked.

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yesterday i was working a race (which pretty much killed me not racing it i'll have you know...) anywho, i was walkin the track lookin for broke down quads, etc and wasn't payin attention. pretty much almost fell flat on my face when i tripped over a root....twisted my ankle pretty good...

i'm quite graceful i must say...didn't get a speck of dirt on me from that... :)

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  • 3 years later...

Wylde1.......hope your not hurt...just did that on the little kx60 I just fixed. was flying around the backyard testing out my top end rebuild and turned a little to close to the ground, footpeg dug in and that's all I remember...hurts like hell! I need to start videotaping my rides.... :laugh: Damn those little bikes!!!

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Wylde1.......hope your not hurt...just did that on the little kx60 I just fixed. was flying around the backyard testing out my top end rebuild and turned a little to close to the ground, footpeg dug in and that's all I remember...hurts like hell! I need to start videotaping my rides.... :laugh: Damn those little bikes!!!

:huh:thats a good one. I always say the only bad accident is the one you don't get on tape. :laugh:

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