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Hi folks, a little disparity brought me to this forum. To set the stage, I'm a 35 auto tech in the industry 37 years now. Licensed motorcycle tech also, 20+ years. I race superbike and motocross. Always done most of my own standard work (outside of specific race machine works) including building my own race bike engines. Now that skills are out of the way, onwards and upwards. Helping a neighbor with his old quest 500, right front axle seal leak. Well, looks like everything else - right? Wrong! Initially I noticed the CV joint was lacking large lands to place prybars on to pop it out, rather a thin shield like ring very close to the diff seal. Knowing the ring appeared quite delicate, I only pried gently and the CV popped out. However this is where things get weird. Came out only around 7-9mm then hung up again, felt like the clip was catching inside the diff. So spun and pulled, spun and pulled until I was blue in the face but no success getting it out. Also while it was out, I could see that the delicate ring around the outer circumference of the joint was actually the sealing surface where the seal contacts, instead of the norm where the seal rubs inside the diff much deeper and stays cleaner. I've never seen a joint like this, also the service manuals photos which apply to 650 also reflected a standard joint I am accustomed to rather than this one I was fighting with. Rather than break something in the diff, I decided to stop while I was ahead and reassemble the machine before something broke. (The joint would pop in and out of place easy enough, just wouldn't slide out further than 7-9mm). While the joint was a little out and sealing surface exposed, I cleaned the seal and sealing surfaces clean as possible before putting back together. Seems to be holding for now, but eventually I'm sure the leak will come back. Any thoughts as to why that CV joint just refused to come all the way out?
Explore your Can Am Parts and Accessories from UTV Wolfpack. We have a great selection of products for the Maverick XRS 64 and Maverick XRS 72 Accessories.
View File 2016 Can-Am Renegade 1000R Service Manual 2016 Can-Am Renegade 1000R Full Service Manual Submitter flyinbrian365 Submitted 08/29/2019 Category Can-Am BRP ATV
View File 2013-15 Can-Am Maverick 1000R Service Manual 2013-15 Can-Am Maverick 1000R Full Service Manual Submitter flyinbrian365 Submitted 08/29/2019 Category Can-Am BRP UTV
I have a 2017 can am 570 outlander max that is having issues with the powersteering going out and the speedo quits working. anyone else having or heard of these issues? everything else on the display cluster is working and I hear no noises as far as the powersteering unit, the dealer did change the steering unit because of the recall.
Been busy the last little while finishing a bathroom for the wife while the dealer did some work on my Can-Am. Before you say, "What the hell did ya take it to the dealer for ??" ...... let me finish my "What Have YOU Done for Your ATV Today ??" report ....... When I took the tracks off, I noticed both the front and the rear diff seals were leaking and there a pin hole in the front inner CV boot down inside one of the boot creases ... so, after talking to the dealer (who BTW, seems to ALWAYS treat me right) said he could have it all fixed in a couple hours once he had the parts in hand. So I took it in and first, he ordered two diff seals right ?? ... Well BRP in their infinite wisdom, thought that must be a mistake & only sent ONE seal .... so after the other seal comes in they start the work and when the pull the front axle to change that boot .... the CV joint fell apart !! They said they had never seen that before, there was plenty of grease in the boot, so ... ?? ..... Anyway, they ordered a new one .... under warranty !! ........ Now is THAT cool or what !!?? .... So I wait a few more days to get my bike fixed ... and in the mean time, I had been ordering stuff !! First, I bought several 15 ft rolls of the DEI Titanium Header Wrap and Re-Double-Wrapped my header pipes. The old DEI header wrap was 2yrs old & it just kinda fell apart and came off in pieces and some had just burnt away too. Next, I had heard about a "High Performance Water Pump Impeller" for the Can-Am's but I could NOT find out where to buy one. After about a year of searching, I found out they're made in Czechoslovakia. I contacted the guy but he didn't want to send just one because he said shipping would be expensive. Then I found a guy who has been making frames for that guy & said he would order a batch next time he did a shipment ... but I have no idea when that would be. So, asking around again and making some more phone calls, I found a performance shop in Canada that had some ... it was a lot more ... but I ordered one anyway. This impeller is suppose to move 40% more water. And you might ask, "Did I Really Need It ??" ....... and my reply is, "What a silly question !!" After taking the stock plastic one out, I noticed some of the vanes look pretty beat up. Not sure if that's the way it was new, or if the heat was breaking it down ?? While my bike was down, I spent some time talking with my dealer about suspension and shocks. I told him I really wanted to get some Elka's, but didn't want to spend a ton of cash. He told me he was a dealer for Fox shocks already and he would call Elka to see what it would take to become an Elka shock dealer as well. So, two days later, he gives me a call and told me was now a dealer for Elka shocks and that he would give me a good deal if I wanted to order a set. So I make a mad dash down to the dealer & order a set of Stage 2+R's. And boy, did he give me a GREAT deal !! And with these shocks I knew the Rubberdown Lift I had wouldn't work (at the rear anyway), so I ordered a Highlifter Lift Kit. After all that work, I greased it, changed the tranny and engine oil & filter. Now all I have left to do is install the skid plates, gas her up ........ AND GO FOR A RIDE !! :partyc: ...
Just happened to find a Can-Am BRP dealer in town, so you know I had to check it out! They only had Outlanders, and some Jet skis, and you better believe they weren't cheap. I don't think that just over 28,000 USD for an Outlander is a good deal! After chatting with the sales people, they let me know that they had only sold two of the quads so far. They had no idea where someone could ride them and since there are not too many pickups or trailers, there is no way to get them from one place to another without hiring a rollback truck. Seems like a little too much trouble for me.
Just some random photos of this beast!
i have two 400 can am 400 every time i take one of them out they seem to eat plugs ,does anyone eles have the same thing happening :aargh:
Went for another ride yesterday & decided to go to the high country ... our high country where I ride anyway, which is anywhere from 8500 ft to 9500 ft. :drivingc: Because of the lack of snow to cover the highway, which is closed in the winter, and is a main route to riding areas, I had to find a back way thru a canyon named Skunk Creek Canyon ... this is a fun place to ride ... but you can only ride it in the winter cause it's all private land & closed in the spring thru fall .... Dang but I Love Winter !! :woot: Even on top, where the snow is a couple feet deep, we need more snow. Hopefully the weather guys will be right & we'll get some next week. :toetap05c: I did 44 miles on this ride & sure hated to return to the truck. :nopityc: BTW, this is the second cut of this vid, my first cut I used some Ozzy tunes & Youtube came back & said it was blocked in a few countries ........... crap, after reading the list, I was trying to figure out which country could view it ........ Here's a short video of my days ride. Hope ya enjoy it. :cheers2c: [ame=]09 Dec 2011 - Mountain Snow Track'in 2 - YouTube[/ame] ...
I am thinking very seriously about either a Sportsman Touring or Can-Am Outlander Max. I had a touring on order but things fell through. Anybody have first hand experience with both? What are your thoughts and comments? Any useful information will be appreciated.
Last weekend we had a pretty good storm go thru & the mountains got a pretty good dusting of snow. So a friend & I decided to go see how just how much snow was up there. :autoc: When we got to where we unloaded at 0830, it was 24 degs Fwithout the wind-chill ... when we got back to the truck six hours later, it had really warmed up ... all the way to 28 degs F .... and with the wind-chill it was probably around zero degs F. :partyc: There wasn't as much snow as the Snotel site reported, but we were lower in elevation. There was about 16 to 24 inches ... except where the wind had blown the snow away ... which also made for some fun drifts to play in ... and on the East side of hills, the snow had blown in making it real soft & deep ... more fun !! .... The wind was howl'in all day & the snow was blow'in around too ... so there were no bugs, no dust ... AND NO PEOPLE !!! :ola: ....... it was AWESOME !!! The new Can-Am did real well with the tracks & I had a blast ... :woot: The guy I went with had a 700 Grizzly & he got around great as well. Kinda sucked to have to come home ... :nopityc: Make sure ya change the video view to 720p ... it'll look much better !! [ame=][/ame]
Boy and I went riding today, need to get some time in before he went to work! / Yeah, I cant catch him. A nice place we ride, has a little, and I mean little stream we can cool off in when we want.
Hi guy's I have a question for ya. I'll hopefully be getting a new quad soon and I've settled on getting a Can-Am more than likely a Renegade though I'll check out the comfort/performance of the Outlander as well. What I'm wondering is for those that ride theirs hard, how is the reliability and what if any parts have you found wears out quickly. How good are the drive belts, are they strong or to they tend to burn up/stretch? I'm planning on getting a snorkel system installed; where I live is on the side of a mountain so I'll be doing trails and hill climbs, creek runs and I just built a mud pit, on the trail we have a couple mini jumps on the 400TRX it gets about 3 ft off the ground and on the 300 Lakota it'll get maybe a foot, so I imagine the renegade will get somewhere in between the 2. Most of the hard riding I'll be doing is in the mud and creek. What's your thoughts on the parts/reliability? Thanks
I was just wondering if the Can Am is still the unwanted stepchild in the ATV world ? I saw good and bad for all ATV makes. The Can -Am is no different. Just wondering if it has gotten more popular yet!!
Hello, I'm new here. Having a few problems with my 2006 can-an 800. I'm hoping someone can help me. I think oil strainer is clogged. I've got the engine mostly apart but I'm stuck, is mageto bolt reverse threads? Do I use a wheel puller on drive drive side? Any insight on dissecting this engine would really help. Thanks
Has anyone looked at this new line up? What do you think? Here is the link: The New Can-Am X Package – Les Modèles X de Can-Am | BRP