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2020 Presidential Election Discussion Thread

2020 Presidential Election Poll  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your choice for the next President of the United States

    • Donald Trump (For Re-Election)
    • Joe Biden

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Pfizer released news their vaccine is showing 90% efficacy in the study. It is still far from release. There are other vaccines also showing similar promise and neither tRump nor any other politician can take credit for those developments. There is still a long way to  go to release. Hopefully it will be sometime in 2021.

There has never been any proven amount of illegal  voting with mail in votes. It is used in several countries alongside in person voting without a problem. Even tRump insisted they keep counting mail in votes in ridings where he was behind , just as he insisted in stopping the count where he was ahead.

It will be interesting to see how tRump fares once he is out of office. There are several lawsuits pending and even some federal  charges possible over taxes and other activity. Remember the  "unindicted co-conspirator" in the 2016 election meddling ? He is that man.  As I said in the previous post . After January 20  you might just start seeing the real Donald tRump.



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2 hours ago, quadmaniac said:

A covid vaccine comes out with 90% efficacy the week after the election. Fauci says back to normal Q2 or Q3 2021. Just keeps getting better and better... I'm very happy to hear this news but boy the timing is questionable and 90% is unbelievable according to Fauci. How lucky we are that they came out with something so soon, but Trump will of course will get no credit and democrat superhero Cuomo in NY isn't happy its coming out while Trump is still president...You can't make this stuff up.

The problem with mail in votes is that no-one is verifying them and they are easily duplicated.  We may see in the coming weeks the legal battles that come out, unless Trump concedes of course. Mail in voting should not have been allowed at the levels it was under the umbrella of COVID. The dems wanted this for a reason. There is also a reason why Russia, China, and Mexico leaders have not congratulated Biden yet.

Vaccine could be water and it would still cure the plandemic because the pcr test can be tuned to show it worked.

Mail-in votes shouldn't be legal because it's too easy to cheat.  People should be made to vote in person or supply a good reason for an absentee ballot as it has always been until the plandemic.  If you notice in states like OH, the mail-in vote was counted early and the election started with Biden in the lead then Trump caught up, but in MI which is just north of OH, the mail-in vote wasn't counted until the end so Trump started in the lead then enough votes were found for Biden.

30 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Pfizer released news their vaccine is showing 90% efficacy in the study. It is still far from release. There are other vaccines also showing similar promise and neither tRump nor any other politician can take credit for those developments. There is still a long way to  go to release. Hopefully it will be sometime in 2021.

There has never been any proven amount of illegal  voting with mail in votes. It is used in several countries alongside in person voting without a problem. Even tRump insisted they keep counting mail in votes in ridings where he was behind , just as he insisted in stopping the count where he was ahead.

It will be interesting to see how tRump fares once he is out of office. There are several lawsuits pending and even some federal  charges possible over taxes and other activity. Remember the  "unindicted co-conspirator" in the 2016 election meddling ? He is that man.  As I said in the previous post . After January 20  you might just start seeing the real Donald tRump.

You probably ought to stock up on tissue because I believe Trump is going to win in the courts.  The evidence for fraud is so overwhelming that there is no way he can't.  Even the betting markets are pricing it in.

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6 hours ago, JacobSlabach said:

George Fitzhugh (pro slavery historian that lived before and during the civil war) had it right that "slavery is socialism at its finest"

He also portrays the liberals goals in government perfectly: "'It is the duty of society to protect the weak;' but protection cannot be efficient without the power of control; therefore, 'It is the duty of society to enslave the weak.'

what do they teach kids in public schools these days?  im sure i would have never even heard of this guy had i been in the public school system growing up

The only tine I heard of Fitzhugh was in this video:

Chomsky says Fitzhugh argued for slavery by saying masters owned their slaves as opposed to the capitalists who just rented them, so the slave owners would take better care of their own property than the capitalists who rented theirs.

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1 hour ago, JustRandy said:

Vaccine could be water and it would still cure the plandemic because the pcr test can be tuned to show it worked.

Mail-in votes shouldn't be legal because it's too easy to cheat.  People should be made to vote in person or supply a good reason for an absentee ballot as it has always been until the plandemic.  If you notice in states like OH, the mail-in vote was counted early and the election started with Biden in the lead then Trump caught up, but in MI which is just north of OH, the mail-in vote wasn't counted until the end so Trump started in the lead then enough votes were found for Biden.

You probably ought to stock up on tissue because I believe Trump is going to win in the courts.  The evidence for fraud is so overwhelming that there is no way he can't.  Even the betting markets are pricing it in.

I guess we'll see who is right and who is in fantasy land soon. I can guarantee I'm not the one who would be needing tissues if somehow tRump prevails. As I mentioned earlier  the mailed in ballots were more for Bide  than tRump simply because the Dems urged mail voting with the pandemic in mind and your orange god urged in person  voting to  his cult. In person counted first and mail in later and because of the volume it took days. Mail in voting in the US or here and other democracies at use it has never been shown to have any significant illegal voting and none of it affecting the outcome. I strongly doubt there will be any found beyond the normal errors found in any mail in campaign. All the illegal activity is only in the minds of the conspiracy theorists and their gullible followers.

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3 hours ago, davefrombc said:

the mailed in ballots were more for Bide  than tRump simply because the Dems urged mail voting with the pandemic in mind

How do you get 100,000 votes all for Biden from a county that voted 68% Biden 30% Trump?  Trump should at least get 1 vote.  YouGov poll of 1500 voters said 25% of conservatives were planning to vote by mail.  Page 29 https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/1qb5j6pdqd/econTabReport.pdf

Feel free to provide a convincing explanation.


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How do you get 100,000 votes all for Biden from a county that voted 68% Biden 30% Trump?  Trump should at least get 1 vote.  YouGov poll of 1500 voters said 25% of conservatives were planning to vote by mail.  Page 29 https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/1qb5j6pdqd/econTabReport.pdf

Isn't it interesting that only the Economist, a UK based paper group is making that claim.

Have fun with your conspiracy theories.

No mainstream media are making that claim and state courts are tossing out tRump's suits claiming voter fraud without ANY supporting evidence.

I have found nothing from legitimate Michigan sources making that claim  or even  from  mainstream Republicans.





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8 hours ago, davefrombc said:

How do you get 100,000 votes all for Biden from a county that voted 68% Biden 30% Trump?  Trump should at least get 1 vote.  YouGov poll of 1500 voters said 25% of conservatives were planning to vote by mail.  Page 29 https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/1qb5j6pdqd/econTabReport.pdf

Isn't it interesting that only the Economist, a UK based paper group is making that claim.

Have fun with your conspiracy theories.

No mainstream media are making that claim and state courts are tossing out tRump's suits claiming voter fraud without ANY supporting evidence.

I have found nothing from legitimate Michigan sources making that claim  or even  from  mainstream Republicans.

What are you talking about?  The data is from 538.  Good grief you can't refute the claim so you pretend it doesn't exist.  YOU are in a cult.


Edited by JustRandy
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The pdf you included was an article from The Economist. In my searches looking for this so called 100,000 votes all for Biden , I only found articles that said there were 100,000 mail ins yet to count. I kinda think one of your conspiracy theorists twisted that to claim all were counted and for Biden rather than there were 100K left to be counted. Feel free to post an article from  mainstream to show one polling stationreported 100k votes and all for Biden.

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1 hour ago, davefrombc said:

The pdf you included was an article from The Economist. In my searches looking for this so called 100,000 votes all for Biden , I only found articles that said there were 100,000 mail ins yet to count. I kinda think one of your conspiracy theorists twisted that to claim all were counted and for Biden rather than there were 100K left to be counted. Feel free to post an article from  mainstream to show one polling stationreported 100k votes and all for Biden.

No, the link was from YouGov polling, not The Economist.  You are seeing things that do not exist.

Here is Detroit Free Press (ie Maintstream) attempting to refute the allegation, but all they did was change the time interval from continuous to hourly. 

You can see that Biden DID receive lots of votes from 5-6am and Trump did receive some votes too, but that doesn't mean that the votes were not in a big block 100% for Biden and then some Trump votes trickled in later in the hour as well.

Changing the time interval from continuous to hourly does not refute the claim.


Those 2 charts are perfectly consistent.  The only difference is the time interval.

So the votes did happen and they were 100% for Biden and you need to give me an explanation why or provide evidence that the data from 538 is wrong.

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1 hour ago, quadmaniac said:

Does anyone know where all the rioters went? Businesses boarded up their stores in case Trump won I guess, because now that the media has decided Biden won, the boards aren’t needed anymore on those store fronts? Just goes to show who is rioting...food for thought.

Trump will probably win and then the businesses will be destroyed whether they have boards or not lol.

Either courts will toss out enough votes or the states will not certify results in time, so the election will be in the House where each state gets one vote so Trump wins.

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30 minutes ago, JustRandy said:

Trump will probably win and then the businesses will be destroyed whether they have boards or not lol.

Either courts will toss out enough votes or the states will not certify results in time, so the election will be in the House where each state gets one vote so Trump wins.

We can only hope.  Talk about a literal slap in the face to every breathing dimocrat.  To be forever known as cheaters - what a shameful "party."

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In this video at 33:14 the owner of a security firm hired to investigate the 2018 election shows how 560 votes were flipped from Bevin (R) to Beshear (D) live on CNN.


Then I find this video that shows 20,000 votes flipped from Trump to Biden.



Biden wasn't joking when he said he didn't need people's votes to get elected

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17 hours ago, davefrombc said:

The pdf you included was an article from The Economist. In my searches looking for this so called 100,000 votes all for Biden , I only found articles that said there were 100,000 mail ins yet to count. I kinda think one of your conspiracy theorists twisted that to claim all were counted and for Biden rather than there were 100K left to be counted. Feel free to post an article from  mainstream to show one polling stationreported 100k votes and all for Biden.

this makes perfect sense when the mainstream media is all one sided and attacks trump any chance they get.. if you were anti-trump and the election goes against him, why would you look for proof that the election was rigged the democtats using HAMMER like they did in 2012 (if you dont know what that is look it up)

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On 11/9/2020 at 1:20 PM, davefrombc said:

Biden's numbers are going u because they are counting the earl and mail in votes.There are a lot more mail in votes for Biden simpl because Biden and the Dems encouraged earl and mail in voting which was wise  ,especially with the COVID pandemic. It limited the contact and exposure of the voters. tRump discouraged mail in and early voting and pushed in person voting on election day. Those votes got counted first so were naturally heavy in favour of him. The record levels of early and mail in votes favour Biden because most of those voters took the sensible advice to  vote early and by mail and reduce the chances of exposure to or passing of the COVID virus. .It's really not rocket science and  there was no  fraud about it.

I see this post didn't go , so I can update it now. Jacob, you don't know how close the US came to fascism and disaster under tRump. I suggest you get away from the crap of the extreme right and join the real world. The military industrial complex has done  of brainwashing too many Americans.  Hopefully after January 20 you'll begin to learn  just who and what Donald Trump really is. It would do well for you to  learn the difference between social programs in a democracy and socialism/ communism.

how did this country almost fall into fascism? and if you say it was headed that way, what would you say saved it?  the  democratic-supported terrorist orginazation called BLM's roiters and looters, or the mainstream media blowing up a noval flu bug and shutting down the nation?  (i would say antifa instead of BLM cause antifa is only using BLM as a mask to comit crimes under pretense of bring equality, however Hidin Biden says antifa doesnt exist so i cant mention them can i..)

also i dont know what you mean about the military brainwashing folks.. no one from the military has ever told me anything about how to live or what to think.

...but at the same time listening to the things my friends tell me about the public school system, that sounds much more like fascism to me....and guess who created the public school idea originally?

and i wont even mention the media.. all you have to do is serve the web and its all one sided and its hard to find just news anymore..its all liberals' speculation hogwash

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I'll leave it to you tRump lovers to figure that out for yourselves. I'll give you a hint from history.  Study Hitlers rise to power in te 1930's and notice the parallels to  tRump's four years.

Nothing I can point out to you from Canada will do anything to swing you away from the garbage the far right and extreme right has been feeding you; and it's obvious you don't follow mainstream  news feeds.


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2 hours ago, davefrombc said:

I'll leave it to you tRump lovers to figure that out for yourselves. I'll give you a hint from history.  Study Hitlers rise to power in te 1930's and notice the parallels to  tRump's four years.

Nothing I can point out to you from Canada will do anything to swing you away from the garbage the far right and extreme right has been feeding you; and it's obvious you don't follow mainstream  news feeds.


You say Jimmy Dore is nothing but lies.  I say show me one lie.  You say nothing.

I point out large blocks of 100% Biden votes and ask for a rational explanation.  You challenge the validity of the data.  I confirm data is genuine, so you stick your head in the sand.

I don't know what you hope to accomplish with your drive-by claims.

Trump is too much of a clown to be Hitler, but continuing with the same policies that gave us Trump is going to give us a worse Trump:

"Ocasio-Cortez suggests a Bloomberg presidency would pave the way for 'a worse Trump'"  "Obviously, we have to beat Trump, but if we beat Trump and go back to the same policies that we had before, a worse Trump is going to come. A Trump that’s more sophisticated, whose fascism is less obvious, is going to come, and things could get even worse," Ocasio-Cortez

"I want to add that it's not a solution because a continuation of the kinds of policies the Democratic Party has (after Clinton sold out to corporate power) has imposed on the American people is inevitably, and I think history bears this out, going to result in a fascist with brains: a competent fascist."  Chris Hedges

It's better to keep the Trump we have than to trade-up for a worse one.  But you can only seem to focus on the most immediate gratification of removing Trump and who cares about the future.

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hahahaha fax that trumps to much of a clown to be hitler lol and you say that trumps 'rise to power' is much the same as hitler... i say so what the way someone comes to'power' doesnt describe how they will use that power.  also trump never had 'power' over anyone.. the media still held the same power they have today over the general public as they obviously do over you.  the fact that trump is taking power from the media in the last 4 years and gives it back to the american people is what pisses them off most.  if anything hitler was more like Obama in how he spoke and such

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Have fun in your fantasy land fellas.  The world is wrong. Only the extreme right has all the answers. tRump is not a narcissist that only cares about himself. His administration is not full of incompetent toadies and none of them from tRump down have never done anything illegal or unethical. The COVID deaths in the US have not been compounded by tRump's incompetence and denials from the start.

  Someday reality is going to hit home and it's going to  hurt.

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13 hours ago, JacobSlabach said:

hahahaha fax that trumps to much of a clown to be hitler lol and you say that trumps 'rise to power' is much the same as hitler... i say so what the way someone comes to'power' doesnt describe how they will use that power.  also trump never had 'power' over anyone.. the media still held the same power they have today over the general public as they obviously do over you.  the fact that trump is taking power from the media in the last 4 years and gives it back to the american people is what pisses them off most.  if anything hitler was more like Obama in how he spoke and such

Trump is a symptom.  If not for corruption and fake news then Trump would not have been appealing.  So, the way to get to someone like Trump is to elect people like Obama or Biden.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all... Interesting read.

It's a kiwi from New Zealand here, and so not really any of my business, and I'm not really up with all the play, but as an outsider looking in, and since he seems to be the cause of such animosity, not a good thing in itself, I'd like to chip in.

Ever since that Trump got in, it seemed to me that he was hell bent on taking America down in every way he could.. I'm glad he's out.. he's a threat to your country and the whole world in my opinion.. I hope you all get over the strife he's caused as soon as possible and that he get's thrown out of the country for good....  He's one nasty piece of work as far as I can tell, and with an agenda..

Send him to the Russians... it sounds like he likes them.. or perhaps to his buddy Rocket Man.. send him anywhere but here... we sure wouldn't want him.. He's just trouble.. with a capital T .

And I hope that vaccine works like we all hope..  It's sure looks like it's been a hell of a few years for you guys, especially the last one.  Good luck with it all. 

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Glad to see you chip in Mech.  There are some here who refuse to see tRump for what he is and has been doing to the  U.S.  He is a nasty bit with the charisma  of the cult leader  he is.  His actions and inactions affect us here more than  far too many realize since  the U.S. is Canada's largest 2 way trading partner and we theirs. In many  border cities people  live in one country  and work in the  other.  Especially in the border areas people have friends and family on both sides. The border actually passes through houses  in some towns.  I know I'll get flack for this but the farther you  go south from the 49th, the more ignorant Americans are of Canada  and for a very large part , the rest of the world.  You see that displayed more in the  farming/ ranching states ( and for that matter  in the Canadian  provinces towards the U.S. and the world) .A big part of the reason for that  is because they are insulated by geography and immigration patterns from meeting people of different cultures.  Another  huge factor in the xenophobia  of  many in the south and midwest  is not  just their relative isolation from  other cultures  is their education system that barely  mentions the  rest of the world and focuses nearly solely  on the  U.S.  and their Constitution with its "freedoms and independence" and the interpretation of them by their Extreme Right Wing that is far too vocal. I  grew up  within 10  miles of the border of Washington and BC.  We and the people of  Washington  lived, worked and played on bot sides of the border  and considered it more a  minor inconvenience rather than something dividing us.   Want proof of  much of what  I say?   Look at a map  of the  US with the political leanings  of the  different states .  The northeast and the west coast favor the Democrats  and   largely rely on international trade for their economies. As such they are far more exposed to  other cultures an   immigrants from them. They  are generally more attuned to the world in general.  The south and midwest  depends more on agriculture than industry  and  as such are far more isolated from the outside world.  In some ways the divisions between north and south because of the  difference in sources of livelihoods  haven't really  changed a whole lot  since the the civil war.  The distrust of the  "Damn  Yankees" and the stereotypes of the  Southern "Bubbas"  is still  far too evident.

tRump never  expected to win when  he   ran for the Presidency.  He looked at it as a way to get free exposure to  bolster  his businesses.  When  he found his populist campaign actually got him the support  and the money  of the Republicans  supporting him , gone was his originally professed  self financing of his campaign. His narcissism  kicked in .  His  understanding  of how government works is lacking in the extreme as is  his focus on himself. He spends more time golfing than he does listening to advisors and dealing with the affairs of the nation.  Unfortunately  his cult members refuse to see  that  just  as those in the religious cults fail to see the failing of their leaders.  It is claimed  breaking someone  from self destructive cults  is one of the hardest jobs  psychologists have.  tRumps support,  to  me and a lot of others  in the US  and outside at least,  is evident of that .. No amount  of  accusations and evidence of his misdeeds  will  sway  his "true believers".

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@davefrombc you missed your calling as a left wing US politician with the likes of AOC and the rest of them...lol. The reality is that the majority (even Democrats) don’t think like you do or give a crap about globalization. Most Americans aren’t globalists and could care less about what happens outside these borders. In addition to that, to call 70+ million Americans “cult members” is the same crap that Hillary did by calling them “deplorables”. 

What you missed in your “map” is that the northeast is not all blue. It’s red outside the metro areas. NY voted Democrat because of NYC. Democrats always win large populated city/metro areas, where this ideology flourishes. 

The real reality is that this country has been going down hill since Obama. You have no idea what goes on in education, business, and other sectors that are killing this country. Trump reversed and stopped only some of that. Biden intends to get back “on course”. The objective is to weaken America and if you don’t see that, you will, when the US will not be able to protect you Canadians, and Chinese bases pop up in your backyard. You should want the US to be the most powerful in the world, for your own protection. Democrats are incapable of protecting the US, they just break it down. Be careful what you wish for! 

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1 hour ago, quadmaniac said:

@davefrombc you missed your calling as a left wing US politician with the likes of AOC and the rest of them...lol. The reality is that the majority (even Democrats) don’t think like you do or give a crap about globalization. Most Americans aren’t globalists and could care less about what happens outside these borders. In addition to that, to call 70+ million Americans “cult members” is the same crap that Hillary did by calling them “deplorables”. 

What you missed in your “map” is that the northeast is not all blue. It’s red outside the metro areas. NY voted Democrat because of NYC. Democrats always win large populated city/metro areas, where this ideology flourishes. 

The real reality is that this country has been going down hill since Obama. You have no idea what goes on in education, business, and other sectors that are killing this country. Trump reversed and stopped only some of that. Biden intends to get back “on course”. The objective is to weaken America and if you don’t see that, you will, when the US will not be able to protect you Canadians, and Chinese bases pop up in your backyard. You should want the US to be the most powerful in the world, for your own protection. Democrats are incapable of protecting the US, they just break it down. Be careful what you wish for! 

I rest my case. Thanks for confirming it .


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Gee you guys.. And that's what I was talking about.. division, animosity.. It's what T has been breeding ever since he ran the first time. And the hoped for animosity and division he's been trying to breed isn't just within America, it's a worldwide attempt.

He's taken America out of world trade negotiations, and suggested that we all(who all get along and do trade) shouldn't be because it disadvantages America.. Well hell yeah it does if he won't negotiate.. but he claims to be Mr Negotiation.

He's pulled out of the world's peacekeeping body. the U.N., because he reckons it's bad for America.. But America has the longest history of anyone for causing wars, in other people's countries...

He's pulled out of and sought to discredit the world health organization. He's alternately told you Americans that the virus is a Chinese plot, a biological weapon from a lab over there, and then in the next breath that's it's nothing, and don't wear masks.

He's tried real hard to provoke a war with North Korea, he's accused the Russians of interfering in American politics(while America has a long history taking of out rulers and installing new people of their choosing all over the world for decades.)

He bad mouths, and started a trade war with China, which I hear has done your economy no good.

He's been supporting racial disharmony and preaching anarchy within your country, then trying to impose martial law, he's inviting a bunch of red-neck neo-nazis to "stand by and stand ready", and now, even as he leaves, he's trying his best to discredit the democratic process, to destroy it, and for just under half of your citizens to rise up and take the country back and to put him in charge again...  It's treason.. from start to finish.. and even now as he's going down he's pardoning anyone that's aided him in this treason.


Yeah Dave from B.C., we outside of America have always realised that America doesn't recognise countries outside of America, that vast parts of the population don't even know where New Zealand is, and that they think America is a power unto itself, able, qualified and at liberty to do what it wants.. And that is scary and worrying enough, without this new advocacy of the breakdown of law, of the destruction of the institutions that maintain law, of the discrediting and attempts to subvert the democratic process, and the attempts bring about the downfall of what was once, despite it's arrogance, a great country.

I don't think the man's an idiot, I think he has an agenda. I think he's working in his interests, and is and will sell out his own country as quick as he'll do anything to turn a buck. I think he does have an agenda to sell out his country, probably for some financial gain, but given the perversity of the man, it could just be that.. perversity.. because he hasn't been able to get what he's wanted some time.. more money perhaps, some sort of power he needs because he's a pathetic individual and knows it in his heart.. I can't comprehend the depth of it.. but it's perverse and fickle... The country that's done him so well, he's destroying.

And what do the people complain about.. Their health-care plans.. 

It's treason and he should be charged with it..

The American people should have more pride in themselves and their country than to allow it.

I have no axe to grind, but that's how it looks from here, and you know,  I suspect it's how the majority of the people of the world see it.. 

We in New Zealand, we are doing fine, because we have a great leader, a leader born to the role, like a Kennedy, someone born into a household where politics and diplomacy and governance was discussed at the dining table all their life.

The American people should look long and hard at themselves and at what they have got.

Rant over..

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Why is it that other countries complain that America wants to take care of itself first. It’s a country with borders, we aren’t in a one world order here. Every country should put their interests first. If you want to be part of America, move to America. But to comment outside of this country on this country’s internal affairs, is a bit silly in my opinion. Everyone has an opinion even if they don’t live in the country, however, I wouldn’t dare say anything about Canada or other country not living there. It’s hard to take these comments seriously from non-Americans. Sorry guys, no disrespect intended and I enjoy reading your opinions, it’s just not reality for me.

Edited by quadmaniac
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Well Quad.. It's because your ex-president thinks we shouldn't be doing trade deals, that's one reason, and because he seems hell bent on starting world war three.. That's another..  Those things effect us.

The world's a small place now, the idea that we should all be isolationists and put our country first.. I think those days are gone. Most of the world wants a world of peace and trade. Most of the world's getting along fine doing those things.

Mostly though, the reason I commented, is because of the animosity he seems to be breeding in your country. I think that's a shame.



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3 hours ago, Mech said:

The world's a small place now, the idea that we should all be isolationists and put our country first.. I think those days are gone.

I disagree. The world did not shrink, it just got more connected with technology. I don’t want to live in a country that doesn’t put its citizens and country first, that’s just ridiculous.

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6 hours ago, Mech said:

Mostly though, the reason I commented, is because of the animosity he seems to be breeding in your country. I think that's a shame.

So what's the solution?

First of all, it's not Trump breeding it... he is exposing the corrupt government and now we have the rebels and the loyalists once again.  Trump is a symptom, not a cause, and now after the shenanigans he is martyr which is the worst outcome.

Chris Hedges put it: "Biden is a shallow political hack devoid of fixed beliefs or intellectual or moral depth, he is an expression of the nostalgia of a ruling class that yearns to return to the pantomime of democracy.  The ruling elites want to restore the decorum and civic religion that makes the presidency a form of monarchy and sacralizes the organs of state power. Trump's vulgarity and ineptitude are an embarrassment to the architects of empire."

There you have it.  Once again we have those loyal to the crown against those rebelling.  We want a government representative of the people, not an aristocracy shoving their idealisms down our throats.

"Biden is responsible for far more suffering and death at home and abroad than Trump and, if we had a functioning judicial and legislative system, Biden along with the other architects of our disastrous imperial wars, corporate plundering of the country, and betrayal of the american working class would be put on trial, not offered up as a solution to our political and economic debacle." 


Two elections were rigged to get that guy in power.  I doubt the American people are simply going to agree to disagree so we can all get along.

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