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2020 Presidential Election Discussion Thread

2020 Presidential Election Poll  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your choice for the next President of the United States

    • Donald Trump (For Re-Election)
    • Joe Biden

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28 minutes ago, quadmaniac said:

I really hope there aren't long term affects they are or aren't aware of.

The problem with coronavirus vaccines has always been that they make the disease worse.  That is well known.

And now they're using mrna technology that was only used for cancer and hiv patients in the past, so we're venturing into uncharted territory on 2 fronts.

No one can make any statements regarding safety before at least 2 years have passed.  All anyone can do is guess.

It's amazing that the FDA would approve a vaccine that is impossible to know whether it's safe.

This is a good read:

Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb?  https://sciencewithdrdoug.com/2020/08/01/is-a-coronavirus-vaccine-a-ticking-time-bomb/

ADE has proven to be a serious challenge with coronavirus vaccines, and this is the primary reason many have failed in early in-vitro or animal trials. For example, rhesus macaques who were vaccinated with the Spike protein of the SARS-CoV virus demonstrated severe acute lung injury when challenged with SARS-CoV, while monkeys who were not vaccinated did not. Similarly, mice who were immunized with one of four different SARS-CoV vaccines showed histopathological changes in the lungs with eosinophil infiltration after being challenged with SARS-CoV virus. This did not occur in the controls that had not been vaccinated.  A similar problem occurred in the development of a vaccine for FIPV, which is a feline coronavirus.

For a vaccine to work, vaccine developers will need to find a way to circumvent the ADE problem. This will require a very novel solution, and it may not be achievable, or at the very least, predictable. In addition, the vaccine must not induce ADE in subsequent strains of SARS-CoV-2 that emerge over time, or to other endemic coronaviruses that circulate every year and cause the common cold.

A major trigger for ADE is viral mutation. Changes to the amino acid sequence of the Spike Protein can cause antigenic drift. What this means is that an antibody that was once neutralizing can become a non-neutralizing antibody because the antigen has slightly changed. Therefore, mutations in the Spike protein that naturally occur with coronaviruses could presumably result in ADE. Since these future strains are not predictable, it is impossible to predict if ADE will become a problem at a future date.


Read the rest of it.  He also has some other good blog posts.

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Check out this cherry-picked baloney:



CDC study finds unvaccinated 11 times more likely to die of COVID-19 

One study tracked over 600,000 COVID-19 cases in 13 states from April through mid-July. As delta surged in early summer, those who were unvaccinated were 4.5 times more likely than the fully vaccinated to get infected, over 10 times more likely to be hospitalized and 11 times more likely to die, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


April through mid-July.

June and July saw very few covid cases so it's essentially a study of April and May when very few were vaccinated.

And they consider themselves scientists?!?  It takes 2 seconds to debunk.

The purpose of the vaccine propaganda is to eliminate the unvaccinated control group just like they did in the efficacy study so that there is no way to compare one group to the other.  If ADE arises there will be no way to blame the vaccine because there will be no unvaccinated to compare to.


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Still enjoying your alternate universe , I see.  I've quit trying to post up  fact  over the bullshit  you and some others follow  here. 

Just amazing how the mainstream,  doctors,  nurses  and scientific community  can  be so  wrong  and anti-vaxxers can  be so right .  The world is flat,.  man  never set foot on the moon,  global  warming is a hoax. .  Have fun.


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10 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Still enjoying your alternate universe , I see.  I've quit trying to post up  fact  over the bullshit  you and some others follow  here. 

Quit???  You never started.

10 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Just amazing how the mainstream,  doctors,  nurses  and scientific community  can  be so  wrong  and anti-vaxxers can  be so right .  The world is flat,.  man  never set foot on the moon,  global  warming is a hoax. .  Have fun.

Yawn.  Let me know if you find evidence to refute anything said.  Ridicule and mud-slinging is only evidence that you have no ammo.


Btw yes it is amazing that mainstream doctors and scientific community endorsed and prescribed so many drugs that ended up in class action lawsuits.  https://www.thejusticelawyer.com/class-action-lawsuits/dangerous-drugs-medical-devices-list/

It is amazing that mainstream doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the US, according to the most respected medical journal on the planet  https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/study_suggests_medical_errors_now_third_leading_cause_of_death_in_the_us

But you keep having blind faith in them.  Just remember not to sue.

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The truth and facts are all out there on  legitimate sites.  You and those that think like you  don't want to accept them  . all  you want  is the BS "alternate reality"  of the far  right . Try getting information directly from the CDC  and other legitimate sites rather than  posting up the spin and the  statements edited to  take out of context from the conspiracy theorists and other  malicious misinformation peddlers.  Fact is the  mask deniers and anti-vax fools are killing people with their stupidity  and the pandemic would be much reduced if only  people would  listen to  the medical community   and follow their recommendations . Enjoy your horse dewormer   LOL

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The CDC has lost credibility, its becoming a joke. Whoever said to "trust" the government, needs a better education on the history of government. The bigger the government the less free the people are. You can't have your freedom and then get in line like sheep with whatever the government wants you to do without a vote, that's not freedom. The more the gov pushes and now mandates, the more it will increase hesitancy, these idiots don't realize that. You have medical professionals in the US willing to lose their jobs than get vaccinated, why is that? For some its about the science (or lack of) and for some its about the freedom of choice. 

So why are vaccinated people complaining, they are supposed to be "safe", no? Hmm... Biden told us in June to throw out our masks if we are vaxxed....oh yeah, he jumped the gun I guess, and the science changed, and Delta came out, and vaccinated people were getting sick. Well maybe when he told everyone to take off their masks, they started spreading it around, even though vaccinated. That's the likely scenario, but they don't want to report on that. Unvaccinated were wearing masks up until then, so the only change was vaccinated throwing theirs out...and poof...spike in cases.

Try this...Get rid of the mask mandates and let people decide for themselves if they want to take a chance...but wait, is it possible that even after you get vaccinated, you may still be in danger? Probably until the next variant. 

People are going to quit their jobs because of mandates, the backlash is intense across the nation. Morons in entertainment and business are starting to even say "F... your freedom". What is that? You can't be an American and say that, America IS Freedom, or was supposed to be.

Add to this the Afghanistan tragedy, rising price of gas, beef, groceries, commodities, inflation, etc.....Biden is not doing a good job at all and Obama warned everyone about Biden but no-one listened. 

Obama....“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f--- things up.” 

Joe Biden Democrat GIF

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14 hours ago, davefrombc said:

Try getting information directly from the CDC  and other legitimate sites

I posted directly from the CDC about masks not working and you still refuse to believe anything that contradicts your religion.  Right here: https://www.quadcrazy.com/atvforum/topic/15214-2020-presidential-election-discussion-thread/?do=findComment&comment=115618

CDC says masks do not work.

Dave says ask the CDC

CDC says masks do not work.

Dave says ask the CDC.

Do you have a cognitive disability that I should accommodate?

Why can you not recognize when I quote directly from the CDC?

CDC says:

In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25).  Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.  https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article  <--- CDC dot GOV

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21 minutes ago, JustRandy said:

I posted directly from the CDC about masks not working and you still refuse to believe anything that contradicts your religion.  Right here: https://www.quadcrazy.com/atvforum/topic/15214-2020-presidential-election-discussion-thread/?do=findComment&comment=115618

CDC says masks do not work.

Dave says ask the CDC

CDC says masks do not work.

Dave says ask the CDC.

Do you have a cognitive disability that I should accommodate?

Why can you not recognize when I quote directly from the CDC?

CDC says:

In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25).  Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.  https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article  <--- CDC dot GOV

Isn't this the flu though? COVID is supposedly much more transmissible. The point with masks is if you are breathing out a virus, you are less likely to spread it. 

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10 hours ago, quadmaniac said:

Whoever said to "trust" the government, needs a better education on the history of government.

I'm pushing back a little on blind hatred of government lately because where I live the government has my back and is protecting my freedom.  The gov can work both ways.  It can be tyrannical or protect freedoms.  Most of the time when people say they hate government what they really mean is they hate the corporations that control government.

Government is a tool like a gun, and just like guns don't kill people, governments can't act on their own.  Corporations and coddled clueless elites are using the government like a tool to take our freedoms.  The people could just as easily take control of government and use it like a tool to control corporations.

Taft screwed us by forming the Chamber of Commerce which is a lobbying organization representing big business because he thought business did not have enough representation in government, but it's not supposed to have.  Really, Taft was angry with Teddy Roosevelt because Teddy called him fat.  Taft never wanted to be president in the first place.  TR never should have stepped down.

Then FDR was going to do a lot to rein in corporations but WW2 happened so FDR had to help corporations make equipment for the war.  After FDR died the corps started to take more and more control over government which continues to this day.

I mean, even Trump had a Goldman guy in charge of the Treasury, a Rothschild in charge of commerce, an oil lobbyist in charge of EPA, and a coal lobbyist in charge of the interior.  Trump handed the country to corporations on a silver platter then gave them a massive tax cut so they'd have even more power to ruin our lives.  Trump talks one thing and does another.  If he is our best hope then we're screwed.

10 hours ago, quadmaniac said:

the more it will increase hesitancy, these idiots don't realize that.

Not only that but it has made some people more resistant to good vaccines like the pneumonia vaccine which has been around for over a century.  We could have a return of diseases like measles or who knows what because people are not going to want any vaccines.

A guy I know has leukemia and won't take the pneumonia vaccine because he's scared they might sneak in the covid vaccine.

The guy who wrote the book on the 1918 pandemic says rule #1 is DO NOT LIE TO THE PEOPLE!  They will find out then not trust their leaders.  That was the mistake they made in 1918, only they were downplaying the pandemic to keep the public focused on the war.

The media is always lying.  When we have a real pandemic they say it's a common cold.  When we have a common cold they say it's a pandemic.

11 hours ago, quadmaniac said:

People are going to quit their jobs because of mandates

I just bought another freezer and am stocking up for this winter.  Prices of food are already through the roof and shelves are empty.  I never thought things could be so screwed up in this technological age.  It's starting to look like Venezuela.

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22 minutes ago, quadmaniac said:

Isn't this the flu though? COVID is supposedly much more transmissible. The point with masks is if you are breathing out a virus, you are less likely to spread it. 

What's the difference in flu and covid?


They are the same size, so the mask would affect them the same.

Covid is supposedly more transmissible because of the spike protein that sticks to more cells then flu does, but the mask has nothing to do with that.

If anything, if the mask doesn't work on flu, then it surely isn't going to work on covid because the flu is slightly smaller (80-120nm vs ~120nm) and doesn't stick to as many different cells.

Pretty much every cell has an ACE2 receptor which is why covid can attack any organ.  Flu can only attack lungs.  That's another reason why I think covid is engineered.

Also the masks aren't stopping what you breathe out.


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In that video,  did you see any of that vapor going straight ahead to  contaminate a person  even 3 feet away? .. The masks stop the majority of WATER DROPLETS in your breath. They are the carriers of the virus.. The virus is not free floating on its own, so  your size  claims are foolish and have no bearing on how they are spread.  Now , with that mask  on and  a mask  on another person even 3 feet away, how  many of your breaths  water  droplets do you think  are going to go through their mask to them ?  The masks are not 100%  effective .. Nobody claims them to be,  but they stop the vast majority  of the droplets that spread the infection.

If  masks didn't work, why do  doctors and nurses in the OR  wear them ?

 Stupidity reins supreme among the deniers.

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11 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

If  masks didn't work, why do  doctors and nurses in the OR  wear them ?

Again I have to ask if you have a disability because I have already answered that question.  Surgeons wear masks to stop BACTERIA, NOT VIRUSES.  If surgeons had viruses hopefully they would be at home in bed rather than in the OR.  However, healthy people always have bacteria in their mouth and lungs.  You have the pneumonia bacteria in your lungs right now.  We all do.  So surgeons wear masks to stop bacteria from spreading to the patient's open wound where bacteria doesn't belong.

People assembling circuit boards also wear masks to keep spit off the electronics, not to stop viruses.

There is no stopping viruses without pressure suits.  That's why researchers in virology labs aren't just walking around in masks.

15 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

In that video,  did you see any of that vapor going straight ahead to  contaminate a person  even 3 feet away?

Yes I did.  But that's beside the point that the vapor diffuses into the entire room regardless which direction it blows.

If you could smell the smoke from a smoker then you will be inhaling their viruses.  Smoke particles are 10 times larger than viruses.

That's why ventilation is a much better control than masks.  Studies show ventilation actually works against community spread.  No one anywhere doubts ventilation works.  If you stand upwind then you cannot get infected regardless of masks.  Ventilation is 100% effective.





26 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

The masks stop the majority of WATER DROPLETS in your breath.

Even if that were true, it doesn't matter since more than enough pass around the mask which is why no study shows masks to be effective at stopping community spread in the last 100 years.

And droplets that are big enough to fall to the ground couldn't possibly infect anyone because people do not inhale droplets; they inhale vapor.  And vapor floats in the air like you see in the video.

Spitting on my face wouldn't make me sick since there is no way for the spit to make it to my lungs.

28 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

The virus is not free floating on its own, so  your size  claims are foolish and have no bearing on how they are spread.

They have bearing when comparing the influenza virus to coronaviruses.  However big a water-encapsulated influenza virus is is the same as a water-encapsulated coronavirus therefore the mask would perform equally as well with each.

31 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

The masks are not 100%  effective .. Nobody claims them to be,  but they stop the vast majority  of the droplets that spread the infection.

Then why does every study conducted in the last 100 years show that masks have absolutely no effect on community transmission?

Because if masks block 99% then obviously 1% is still enough to infect everyone in the room.  If masks blocked 99% of cigarette smoke then you could still smell the cigarette smoke because 1% is still enough.

Whatever the reason, the fact remains that all studies in the last century have shown that masks do not attenuate community spread.  We can only guess at the reasons why.

35 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Stupidity reins supreme among the deniers.

Yet you are the one asking the same question over and over.  You are the one incapable of seeing direct quotes from the CDC and WHO.  I may be stupid, but at least I can read.

Think of some better insults for next time.  At least make them funny.  Here's some help:  https://parade.com/1105374/marynliles/good-comebacks/

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8 hours ago, Wrapitall said:

Subscribed. Some of you guys are all talk and no facts, and I have friends like that. I've learned that with people you can't fix stupid. They just bury their heads in the sand and say, "Nope, nope nope nope" like that buzzard on Bugs Bunny hiding in his mom's feathers.

That which is accepted by faith cannot be corrected with reason.

It's like climate change.  No one really understands it, but they say "the scientists say X so I'm going to believe X."  Their opinion didn't come by reason, but by faith in the scientists, so reasoning with them will do no good.

Welcome!  We could use new perspectives in here.

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From 1919:

"Notwithstanding the fact that the very complete records at the disposal of the California State Board of Health indicate conclusively that the compulsory wearing of masks does not affect the progress of the epidemic, it was advised that individuals wear them when in close association with their friends, as it is upon just those occasions that, under a compulsory law, the mask is most liable to be laid aside.  The use of the face mask was advised particularly in the presence of anyone who was suffering from a cold or who had recently recovered from influenza.

Early in the progress of the epidemic the California State Board of Health issued a regulation requiring the wearing of masks by those in actual contact with known cases, and by persons suffering from a cold while in association with the general public.  Under this regulation any health officer could arrest any person with a cold who was found going about unmasked.  The reason for the above statement regarding the faults of the mask as an effective protection when applied forcibly to whole communities is to be found by a comparison of the mortality charts of those cities that did not use the mask with those cities that did.

The frontispiece shows the cities of Boston, Buffalo, San Francisco and Washington, each with almost identically the same curve and the same death rate per hundred thousand, and in only one of them, San Francisco, was the mask used. New York City, before referred to, as one of those cities that did not prohibit public gatherings, did not use masks either, and its record of deaths is lower than that of any of the other larger cities.  Stockton is one town in California that has worn the mask consistently. In Figure 18 is shown Stockton’s record as compared with Boston, which did not require the mask. The conclusion is definitely established that the mask is ineffective."

Dr. Wilfred Kellogg, MD, Secretary and Executive Officer, CA State Board of Health: Influenza: A Study of Measures Adopted for the Control of the Epidemic (California State Board of Health Special Bulletin, Number 31, 1919, page 12.) https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31378008030317&view=1up&seq=15

From 1946 to 2018:

In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25).  Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.  https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article

WHO says:

A large randomized community-based trial in which 4862 healthy participants were divided into a group wearing medical/surgical masks and a control group found no difference in infection with SARS-CoV-2 (76).

A recent systematic review found nine trials (of which eight were cluster-randomized controlled trials in which clusters of people, versus individuals, were randomized) comparing medical/surgical masks versus no masks to prevent the spread of viral respiratory illness. Two trials were with healthcare workers and seven in the community. The review concluded that wearing a mask may make little or no difference to the prevention of influenza-like illness (ILI) (RR 0.99, 95%CI 0.82 to 1.18) or laboratory confirmed illness (LCI) (RR 0.91, 95%CI 0.66-1.26) (44)  https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks


March 2020 Fauci said:

"There's no reason to be walking around wearing a mask.  When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little better, and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think.  And often there are unintended consequences: people keep fiddling with the masks and touching their face."  Watch him say it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/prujdWuCxa8/


All the evidence gathered in 100 years indicates that wearing masks makes no difference.

Masks may seem like common sense, but science is not based on common sense.  Science is based on demonstrable evidence and the evidence refutes the common sense.

Masks are specious.  Specious means - superficially sensible but actually false.  It looks good on the surface, but doesn't work in practice.

Anyone thinking masks offer any protection are akin to someone thinking a ballcap functions as a helmet.  It's a false sense of security that could lead to injury.

Therefore those advising people to wear masks are actually putting people at risk and causing harm.

Lack of knowing is excusable, but if they know the truth but recommend masks anyway (ie Fauci), then they are evil.

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When I do research, I try to verify sources because there is disinformation out there. I came across this video, It is verified as the FDA's youtube channel. The video is titled:

"Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee – 9/17/2021"

The video is 8 hours long, but if you click on the link, it will take you to time index 4:09:24 where they discuss the VAERS database and around 4:24:10 they discuss "excess deaths" This is very concerning!


Edited by Ajmboy
Fixed video embed
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1 hour ago, mikeexplorer said:

"excess deaths" This is very concerning!

Yeah but nobody wants to listen.  I imagine Dave will ask you to post something from the FDA instead of rightwing propaganda sites like the a verified FDA youtube channel.  Anything that conflicts with their dogma they discount as rightwing propaganda.

This is vaccine technology that has never been used in humans before except as last-ditch efforts to save cancer and AIDS patients, yet people line up in droves to take it and then can't sue when it invariably comes to light that the vaccine harms people just like practically every drug the FDA approves.  The gullibility of people is beyond belief.


More adverse events for this vaccine than all other vaccines combined, and 2021 isn't over yet.  If this were any other era when health wasn't political, no way the FDA would have approved it.


Gotta kill 2 people with the vaccine to save one life.

And realize that the VAERS database is a fraction of the real number of events.

The vaccine is Russian Roulette.  If it's injected into muscle tissue you'll probably be ok, but if the nurse happens to hit a vein and the vaccine gets into the blood you will have blood clots, guaranteed.  I saw demonstrations where spike proteins added to blood caused coagulation instantly.  Since it's random chance where the vaccine goes, then getting the vaccine is playing Russian Roulette.

And then there is the possibility of ADE on down the road.

And to top it all off, the vaccine provides no benefit whatsoever.  It doesn't reduce transmission nor reduce symptoms.

So it's all risk and no reward, unless you consider making Pfizer billions in profits a reward.

There will be a lot of angry people once this comes out about january after the country is inundated with covid cases in spite of everyone being vaccinated.

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4 hours ago, mikeexplorer said:

The video is 8 hours long, but if you click on the link, it will take you to time index 4:09:24 where they discuss the VAERS database and around 4:24:10 they discuss "excess deaths" This is very concerning!

Thanks for posting this. Looks like this is the latest meeting that drove the decisions about booster shots (Sorry Biden). It is concerning and you won't hear this in the media. What is also concerning is the the fact that she says vaccinations are driving the variants. It does seem to me like vaccination is not the best path forward and I would shift focus on therapeutics (Grandpa Joe is rationing those for some reason...). People are just used to getting a "vaccine" and never worrying about it again, this is not that. You don't get a shot and are covered for life, clearly. Plus it wanes and wanes, so we will live on boosters forever? Not a good strategy.

1 hour ago, JustRandy said:

The vaccine is Russian Roulette.  If it's injected into muscle tissue you'll probably be ok, but if the nurse happens to hit a vein and the vaccine gets into the blood you will have blood clots, guaranteed.  I saw demonstrations where spike proteins added to blood caused coagulation instantly.  Since it's random chance where the vaccine goes, then getting the vaccine is playing Russian Roulette.

Yes I read this as well. They are looking at an inhaled vaccine in the future.

In the spirit of research, watch Israel and other highly vaxxed nations. This is what the US can expect. Go to the source, the WHO. Its their site and their data: https://covid19.who.int/region/euro/country/il

Make your own determinations but my guess is it may be a bad fall/winter as people move indoors in the US.

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46 minutes ago, quadmaniac said:

They are looking at an inhaled vaccine in the future.

I don't know why they're so determined to use that new technology.  India and China use time-tested whole-virus vaccines.

Conventionally, inactivated vaccines have been around for decades. Numerous vaccines for diseases such as Seasonal Influenza, Polio, Pertussis, Rabies, and Japanese Encephalitis use the same technology to develop inactivated vaccines with a safe track record of >300 million doses of supplies to date. It is the well-established, and time-tested platform in the world of vaccine technology.  https://www.bharatbiotech.com/covaxin.html



The vast majority of people on the planet will be getting whole-virus vaccines, but for some reason US companies decided to use something never before tried on humans outside of cancer and AIDS treatments, and then mandate that people take it.

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Here is the FDA website dealing with the COVID pandemic.  You  can get all the factual information there.  I  won't bother to argue with stupidity any longer. You denier lot  too easily find disinformation sites to try to  support your beliefs. True facts mean nothing to the true believers. Enjoy your alternate universe.I just hope your stupidity doesn't harm  others .


If you want information from the WHO, go directly to their website  to get it. Stay away from  those right wing sites that  take articles and quotes out of context to  spin them to  say the opposite of what they really  said.

For those that have difficulty going to the actual  gov't sites to  get  unspun information directly from  them ,  here is the link to  the  WHO:



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41 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Here is the FDA website dealing with the COVID pandemic.  You  can get all the factual information there.  I  won't bother to argue with stupidity any longer. You denier lot  too easily find disinformation sites to try to  support your beliefs. True facts mean nothing to the true believers. Enjoy your alternate universe.I just hope your stupidity doesn't harm  others .

Looks like I called it right:

3 hours ago, JustRandy said:

I imagine Dave will ask you to post something from the FDA instead of rightwing propaganda sites like the a verified FDA youtube channel.  Anything that conflicts with their dogma they discount as rightwing propaganda.


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Chris Rock has covid.

Hey guys I just found out I have COVID, trust me you don’t want this. Get vaccinated. https://twitter.com/chrisrock/status/1439591104584863745
He was vaccinated and got covid, so how is getting vaccinated going to help?
In fact, he said he got all 3 brands of vaccine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2LpF-IIrl0
Hey guys, if you don't want to end up like me, then do like me and get vaccinated!
I didn't know Chris Rock is an idiot.
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23 hours ago, JustRandy said:

Chris Rock has covid.

Hey guys I just found out I have COVID, trust me you don’t want this. Get vaccinated. https://twitter.com/chrisrock/status/1439591104584863745
He was vaccinated and got covid, so how is getting vaccinated going to help?
In fact, he said he got all 3 brands of vaccine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2LpF-IIrl0
Hey guys, if you don't want to end up like me, then do like me and get vaccinated!
I didn't know Chris Rock is an idiot.

On that twitter link someone said he got all three vaccinations...

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1 minute ago, kmssd said:

Geez, that's one thing your not suppose to do. Everything says don't mix.

Maybe he was joking.  I'm pretty sure he was vaccinated because someone on twitter pointed out he had to be vaccinated to work on some movies or something.

But yeah you're not supposed to mix them, especially 1 day apart.

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This makes me mad:  Covid is officially America’s deadliest pandemic as U.S. fatalities surpass 1918 flu estimates  https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/20/covid-is-americas-deadliest-pandemic-as-us-fatalities-near-1918-flu-estimates.html

It's tantamount to trivializing the holocaust.

99.9% of people with covid survive.  But the 1918 flu wiped out entire neighborhoods.  There are survivors' accounts on youtube of people having to bury entire families without coffins or funerals.

And the flu killed young healthy people.  They didn't need pre-existing conditions like heart disease or diabetes to die like with covid.  And many died within 24 hrs of onset.  Some were bleeding from their eyes and ears.

"Victims died within hours or days of developing symptoms, their skin turning blue and their lungs filling with fluid that caused them to suffocate. In just one year, 1918, the average life expectancy in America plummeted by a dozen years.

In fact, more U.S. soldiers died from the 1918 flu than were killed in battle during the war.

Although the death toll attributed to the Spanish flu is often estimated at 20 million to 50 million victims worldwide, other estimates run as high as 100 million victims—around 3 percent of the world’s population. The exact numbers are impossible to know due to a lack of medical record-keeping in many places."  https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/1918-flu-pandemic

To claim covid has killed as many as that flu is absolute baloney.

This woman claims when she was 10 that her father had to dig a common grave to bury a mother, father, and daughter in the clothes they died in.


This guy says he dug a lot of graves.  He said there were whole families that died and no one to bury them.

And back then the government and media downplayed the severity of the pandemic to keep people focused on the war, so the numbers are likely understated.  Today the media exaggerates and inflates the severity.  Hospitals are paid to produce covid cases.

No way covid is even in the same ball park as the 1918 flu.  Next they'll be saying covid is worse than the bubonic plague.

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And back then the government and media downplayed the severity of the pandemic to keep people focused on the war,


  You are a little  short on your history . The "Spanish  Flu"  was brought back to the US by returning soldiers  AFTER WWI  ended. The flu  did not  cause hemorrhaging .. That is a plague  effect ..  The flu did likely  make some people bluish since it   affected the lungs and their oxygen levels fell very  low leading to their death .. 

  Covid is affecting  younger people and  children.  The death rate is lower than the flu rate was  ,but that could be only one or two  mutations  away  from the virus becoming  far deadlier and even more infectious than the  Deltas variant is .  Listen to the medical  profession.  Get vaccinated.

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2 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

And back then the government and media downplayed the severity of the pandemic to keep people focused on the war,


  You are a little  short on your history . The "Spanish  Flu"  was brought back to the US by returning soldiers  AFTER WWI  ended.

The guy who wrote the book "The Great Influenza" says Wilson never acknowledged the flu for fear it would distract from the war.  In one video he showed newspaper clips of the media downplaying it.

I had the flu and pneumonia for a month and spent the time reading and watching videos on the subject.  It doesn't make me an expert, but I can cite a lot of things.

Here is bleeding of the eyes and they talk about the downplaying some:


Here's CNN

"Wilson never made a public statement about the pandemic. Never," said John M. Barry, author of "The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History."
"So to keep morale up during the war, the government lied," Barry added, in an interview with CNN. "National public health leaders said things like, 'This is ordinary influenza by another name.' They tried to minimize it. As a result, more people died than would have otherwise."

Since John Barry is an expert on the pandemic, he gives advice and his number 1 rule is "Do not lie to the people!"

2 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

  Covid is affecting  younger people and  children.  The death rate is lower than the flu rate was  ,but that could be only one or two  mutations  away  from the virus becoming  far deadlier and even more infectious than the  Deltas variant is .  Listen to the medical  profession.  Get vaccinated.

Yeah covid may be affecting younger people but they are not dying to any significant degree.  Flu however was slaughtering them.  The two are not even remotely comparable.

I can't think of any instances where viruses got stronger.  The 1918 flu was around until the mid 1950s, but didn't make anyone sick.

Viruses are most deadly when they first jump species.  Once in a new species they temper with time.  Flu's natural reservoir is ducks and it doesn't bother them.

The only thing vaccination accomplishes is risking blood clots.  Vaccine confers no protection from transmission nor virulence.  Delta just happens to be a mild strain, exactly as expected.

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