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6 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Breaking Study Sheds More Light on Whether an RNA Vaccine Can Permanently Alter DNA  https://sciencewithdrdoug.com/2021/02/15/breaking-study-sheds-more-light-on-whether-an-rna-vaccine-can-permanently-alter-dna/

The mechanism exists, so it can, but whether it does is anyone's guess.

And the spike protein will clot blood.  Vaccine reactions are probably too much of the vaccine getting into the blood, maybe because the nurse hit a vein or whatever other reason.  Spike proteins normally don't get in the blood through the respiratory system with a natural infection and the vaccine is given in the muscle in effort to avoid it getting into blood.

The biggest risk of the vaccine is not knowing what happens if a mutated virus triggers an antibody-dependent enhancement at some point in the future.  There is no way to know that until enough time has passed (ie years).

ADE is when antibodies actually help the virus infect the cell.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6290032/

Supposed authorities can claim the vaccine is safe all they want, but there is no way to know what will happen when mutated wild coronaviruses meet vaccinated people until it happens.  We need at least 2 flu seasons.

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22 hours ago, Freedomflyer said:

Just keep on sucking the kool-aid like good little sheep. 


LOL   Trust the ERW to find one scientist that disagrees with the rest of the Science and Medical community and believe her over them . Yup  the 2%  is soooo much smarter than the  98%. I'm  sure if you look  long enough you'll find another of the 2% to agree with her.

I'll  follow the sheep that can think for themselves. I'll leave it for you to follow  the Judas goats.


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33 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

Yup  the 2%  is soooo much smarter than the  98%.

2% are smarter than the other 98% and 1% is smarter than the 99%, and one guy has the highest IQ and he's a vaccine skeptic.

See the "appeal to popularity" fallacy.  https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Appeal-to-Popularity

That time when 1 genius outsmarted 1000 phds:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem

"After the problem appeared in Parade, approximately 10,000 readers, including nearly 1,000 with PhDs, wrote to the magazine, most of them claiming vos Savant was wrong.[4] Even when given explanations, simulations, and formal mathematical proofs, many people still do not accept that switching is the best strategy.[5] Paul Erdős, one of the most prolific mathematicians in history, remained unconvinced until he was shown a computer simulation demonstrating vos Savant's predicted result.[6]"

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On 5/10/2021 at 8:27 AM, davefrombc said:

Twist and spin the facts all you want . I  just hope nobody in your circles of contacts suffers from the reality and consequences of denying the  seriousness of the COVID pandemic and the steps to reduce its spread  until vaccines can at least reduce it to  a very low level.  It may have already  had enough mutations to  make it endemic like the flu  virus is so far ..  Have fun, I'm  done with this thread . There's no vaccine for stupid and no sense trying to  point to  fact with you lot .



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On 5/10/2021 at 8:27 AM, davefrombc said:

Twist and spin the facts all you want . I  just hope nobody in your circles of contacts suffers from the reality and consequences of denying the  seriousness of the COVID pandemic and the steps to reduce its spread  until vaccines can at least reduce it to  a very low level.  It may have already  had enough mutations to  make it endemic like the flu  virus is so far ..  Have fun, I'm  done with this thread . There's no vaccine for stupid and no sense trying to  point to  fact with you lot .


"Have fun, I'm  done with this thread."

"I'll  follow the sheep that can think for themselves. I'll leave it for you to follow  the Judas goats."

Hmmmm.....thought he was done with this thread, hope that works out well for him.

Wife and I both just finished up with our bout with Covid, can't say it was pleasant, but as the "flu" goes I've been waaay sicker. I won't change my thinking about it. As of yesterday our county health department lifted the mask mandate. It was a losing battle for local businesses, we should have the right to chose and people were chosing to stay away from businesses mandating face coverings. Take the choice away and might as well pin stars to our arms. Can you say "Show me your papers?"

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14 hours ago, Freedomflyer said:

Wife and I both just finished up with our bout with Covid

What were your symptoms?  How high was fever?  Did you lose your taste or smell?

14 hours ago, Freedomflyer said:

we should have the right to chose

People think it's the government's job to keep us safe, but it's our job to keep ourselves safe while it's the government's job to protect our rights and liberty from those wanting to keep us safe.

I don't always want to be safe; I want to take risks and I should have the right to take as many risks as I choose.

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Both of us achey, no fever, low energy, wife lost her taste and smell, both have a lingering dry cough.  My (in June) 91 year old Mom had it was down like we were for a few days is doing fine. She refuses to wear a mask as well. Have had waaaaay worse, we wouldn't change anything we've done. 

YES it is our right, and I keep going back to: If the mask makes such a huge difference and keeps everyone so safe why should me NOT wearing one bother you? 

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18 minutes ago, Freedomflyer said:

Both of us achey, no fever, low energy, wife lost her taste and smell, both have a lingering dry cough. 

Last year a guy I know said his wife lost taste and smell, but he just had a headache.  Now he's going back n saying it was the worst thing ever with him coughing up green stuff while the wife had 109 fever (impossible).  He's trying his best to make covid as bad as flu.  A year later he's claiming to be still dealing with the after effects, but he's always had high blood pressure and sleep apnea which cause headaches.

53 minutes ago, Freedomflyer said:

Have had waaaaay worse

Yep.  2006 flu would have killed me if I had been any older.  2008 flu had me essentially in a coma for 3 days and when I woke up I had ringworm all over.  2009 swine flu was a walk in the park.  2018 flu wasn't too bad, but still killed 61,000 people in spite of vaccinations.  Flu will probably be what kills me eventually because I always get it and I'm only getting older.

1 hour ago, Freedomflyer said:

why should me NOT wearing one bother you?

They say the mask is not to protect the wearer, but to protect other people from the wearer.  There is no evidence of that either, but that's what they claim.  So, in their opinion, if you don't wear a mask it means you don't care about other people.  That's why they get so mad.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Looks like lots of posts have been deleted.  Why censor a site that no one sees?  Maybe admin wants even less people than the 4 semi-regulars they have now?

I just came back to pat myself on the back for a correct prediction, but can't find the post where I made the prediction, so I'll re-upload the prediction:



I was perfectly right!



Wonder how I knew.

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3 hours ago, JustRandy said:

Looks like lots of posts have been deleted.  Why censor a site that no one sees?  Maybe admin wants even less people than the 4 semi-regulars they have now?

Nope, no posts have been deleted.  Maybe you are looking for your posts in the wrong topic (see below)? Just because you don't see people logged in and answering your posts, doesn't mean we don't receive traffic from users browsing as guests and reading them (keep that it mind). It is the internet and we are one of the highest ranking atv forums (for what its worth nowadays), when you "google it"....lol.


2 hours ago, Freedomflyer said:

Just Randy,

      Hmmmmmm........imagine that!

This isn't facebook. We only moderate bad language, inappropricate content, spam and bullying. We don't really touch oposing views on the pandemic or politics.

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5 minutes ago, Admin said:

Maybe you are looking for your posts in the wrong topic (see below)?

I thought of that but didn't see my prediction post there either.  Maybe I just missed it considering the size of that thread.

But it appears all posts between May and November on this thread are missing.  Since my prediction chart ends in august I figured it must have been deleted.  Apologies if I'm in error, but a 6 month hole looks suspicious.

11 minutes ago, Admin said:

Just because you don't see people logged in and answering your posts, doesn't mean we don't receive traffic from users browsing as guests and reading them (keep that it mind).

I've never seen anyone anywhere here other than a small handful of regulars and those asking for help one time.  Hagbard has made valiant effort to start interesting topics to interact with users yet nothing but crickets each time.  That's why I found it unbelievable that anyone would care what is said in such a sterile environment.

Freedom of speech is always inversely proportional to the size of the audience.

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We have similar conversations here in New Zealand and it always seem that the anti vaxers are far more insistent on proving their choice is the right one. For the most part the people that get the vaxination say fine, it's free choice, while the anti group call people names, try to convince them they have made the wrong choice..

Is that what I'm seeing here too ?

And I agree with the admin, this is a good forum, one of the better atv forums definitely.

The antivaxers seem to be very defensive..  Even when there is nobody attacking them..

Makes me wonder about their confidence in their choices.

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1 hour ago, JustRandy said:

I thought of that but didn't see my prediction post there either.  Maybe I just missed it considering the size of that thread.

But it appears all posts between May and November on this thread are missing.  Since my prediction chart ends in august I figured it must have been deleted.  Apologies if I'm in error, but a 6 month hole looks suspicious.

I've never seen anyone anywhere here other than a small handful of regulars and those asking for help one time.  Hagbard has made valiant effort to start interesting topics to interact with users yet nothing but crickets each time.  That's why I found it unbelievable that anyone would care what is said in such a sterile environment.

Freedom of speech is always inversely proportional to the size of the audience.

You can see all your posts on your profile page under your activity: https://www.quadcrazy.com/profile/7621-justrandy/content/. Everyone can do that. If you really find someting that is missing, I'll investigate further for you.

As far as not seeing anyone, just remember that not everyone posts. Mostly those that need help and can't find an existing topic that has helped them. "Sharing" stuff has moved off to facebook, instagram and the likes...mostly. If you notice, its mostly "help" type topics that are new every week. On avg, we see 100-200 new members register per month and about 30K unique visitors per month just browsing or landing on our pages from other sources, searches, etc.

Getting people to participate is the challenge/key. You can also look at the site activity at any time through the activity feed: https://www.quadcrazy.com/discover/

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12 minutes ago, Admin said:

You can see all your posts on your profile page under your activity

Yep but so many posts to rifle through and most of the latest were helping Hagbard with his atv.

I know I posted it because I made that jpg specifically for this site and issued warning to stock up on supplies because I knew cases would explode and logistical problems would ensue over a mandate for a jab that doesn't work.  I wanted to quote myself and pat myself on the back for a good call, but I couldn't find my post to quote and figured the absence of posts from May to November indicated that the post was removed.

20 minutes ago, Admin said:

On avg, we see 100-200 new members register per month and about 30K unique visitors per month just browsing or landing on our pages from other sources, searches, etc.

That's surprising from my perspective.  I wonder how many searching for atv help wind up on a china virus thread.

43 minutes ago, Admin said:

"Sharing" stuff has moved off to facebook

I think smartphones killed forums because it's too hard to read and write long posts with a phone.  Facebook and Twitter existed before smartphones yet forum participation was still robust.

It wasn't until people were hobbled by their devices that they gravitated to sites that catered to such disability.  Forums were slow to make the transition and were quickly antiquated.

45 minutes ago, Admin said:

Getting people to participate is the challenge/key.

Hagbard gave it a heck of a shot.  I think their mobile devices make it too hard.  I really can't see a remedy.

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I would not try to convince anyone to go against what they believe is best for them. My personal view is that the vaccination is not for me, I think it should be everyone's choice toget it or not get it. I  have my own reasons for not wanting it. I knew 3 people who were healthy with no issues of any kind that hadn't had covid that got the vaccination and boosters. Within 1 month were in the hospital with multiple complications fo major organs shutting down. One friend was complaining of pressure in his chest,  went in to doctor,  they found all the arteries and vessels around his heart were about to burst. He went through a 17 hour, 14 doctor surgery to replace all the vessels to his heart. After surgery kidneys started to fail within 3 days he was on full dialysis, within 2 days his lungs filled with fluids. 10 days after surgery he was dead. 

The other two, both healthy, started having heart problems after receiving their vaccinations. Then kidney problems, both have passed as well.

I have no problem with folks being vaccinated if that's their choice I do however disagree with someone mandating that I shouldn't have a choice to put something I don't want into my body.


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2 hours ago, Mech said:

The antivaxers seem to be very defensive..  Even when there is nobody attacking them..

Nobody attacking them???  What about the mandates and forced vaccinations?  How is that not considered an attack?

And what about loved ones being suckered into injecting a powerful carcinogen under the guise of a vaccine that doesn't even protect against a disease with near 100% survivability?  We're not allowed to discuss assaults on our health without being perceived as attacking?  And who is doing all the censoring?  That's not an attack?

People use tobacco, Roundup, and even work with asbestos for decades without developing cancer, but yet it's generally recognized those substances are carcinogenic nonetheless.  So you likewise reason you can inject experimental substances (which they are because not enough time has passed to say otherwise) manufactured by an industry with an abysmal track record of safety as evidenced by the perpetual class action lawsuits on tv every night for decades and because cancer hasn't developed in a short period of months that therefore the substances are innocuous and we should all participate in the grand experiment?!?

And cancer is just one adverse reaction.  What about blood clots, myocarditis, and neurodegenerative disease?

I can't believe you have the audacity to feel self defense is an attack.


Notably, there were three times as many reports of breast cancer following a COVID-19 vaccine, and more than six times the number of reports of B-cell lymphoma. All but one of the cases of follicular lymphoma were associated with COVID-19 vaccines. Pancreatic carcinoma was more than three times as high.
This cannot be explained by reference to a disproportionately large number of people receiving an mRNA vaccination in the past year compared to all other vaccinations. The total number of people receiving a non-COVID-19 vaccination is unknown, but over the 31 years history of reports VAERS contains it is unquestionably many orders of magnitude larger than the number receiving an mRNA vaccination in the past year. Overall, in the above table, twice as many cancer reports to VAERS are related to a COVID-19 vaccination compared to those related to all other vaccines. That, in our opinion, constitutes a signal in urgent need of investigation.  https://www.authorea.com/users/455597/articles/552937-innate-immune-suppression-by-sars-cov-2-mrna-vaccinations-the-role-of-g-quadruplexes-exosomes-and-micrornas
I know 3 people who recently developed cancer: leukemia, lymphoma, and bladder.  But I'm so sorry you feel attacked.
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32 minutes ago, Freedomflyer said:

I would not try to convince anyone to go against what they believe is best for them.

I wouldn't either but people aren't being provided with information to make an informed decision.  That information is deliberately withheld and outright censored and labeled misinformation.

Plus, it's not even possible to know the safety of the vaccines because not enough time has passed, so there is no way to make an informed decision about what is best for them.

The FDA approved vaccine is available all over the world, except the US.  The vaccine in the US is still under emergency use authorization.  Why is that?  Because if it's EUA, then you can't sue.  That's why they won't acknowledge treatments because if effective treatments exist then they can't have EUA by definition.

The takeaway is they know they are going to be sued to oblivion without the EUA shield.

It's incredible that they get away with that right under our noses.

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"I have no problem with folks being vaccinated if that's their choice I do however disagree with someone mandating that I shouldn't have a choice to put something I don't want into my body. "...

Freedom.. I wouldn't agree to that easily either and it's an argument against vaccines I have heard here too. They say that about fluoride in the water too. Here though, nobody is being forced to get a shot.. They have choices.

What I've found since discussing it with people is that every time the final straw that people found intolerable was "being told what to do". Fair enough, and I'm an independent bugger and does what suits me, but.. nobody is being told what to do.. Not here regarding whether they have to get a shot or not.

I got my shot, late, because I live in the country, and I got the shot because I believe this thing is overrunning our health system which already struggles. I live in a draughty shed with no insulation. I never get respiratory problems..haha I do though know lots of people that depend on our health services. I believe the statistics that suggest that without a good proportion of the population being vaccinated we will have huge human cost

It could be that this vaccine might give me/us some problem in years to come, but so does going to war, or down mines to rescue people, or out to sea or defending the weak and vulnerable. But men have always done it..

That said, none of us need a reason to accept or reject the vaccine. I really don't think the argument/discussion will be resolved with science or "rights|". People should be comfortable with their choices, or rethink them.

Edited by Mech
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I guess I think a lot of this whole thing has been fear motivated. I know the survival rate of covid is pretty dang high. Pretty much my whole family has had covid. My experience was worse than my wife's. She was down for 5 days or so, I was in bed for over two weeks, achey, sore, tired, headache. Never lost my sense of taste or smell,  appetite was fine just very weak and tired. Finally forced myself to get up and get moving. Was pretty much like any bad case of the flu I've ever had. Went back to work, was miserably tired and weak, wanted to go home after a couple of hours into each day of the first week but forced myself to keep moving and working. Slowly started making it through 8-9 hour days. (Construction) I'm not a young man  late 50's, youngest of 6 kids, my 5 siblings are in their 60's and 70's they all got it, my two oldest brothers and their wives figured they had it went the local Ranch supply store bought Ivermectin,  took it and immediately started feeling better. Heck my 91 year old Mom got it and survived fine, wasn't concerned at all. Got rest, kept her fluid intake up to stay hydrated. I, my siblings, and mom, feel like our immunities are stronger an more resistant having gone through what we did. I refuse to live in fear, and like I said we should all be able to choose for ourselves whether or not we want to get it, like whether or not we want to get the flu shot.


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Yeah well that's what I figured it might be like for me Freedom.. Some thing I got over, if I ever did get it. I wasn't worried about myself.

My comments are just as an impartial spectator to this thing and the discussions, of which I've had several. There is no conclusive scientific absolute, and "rights" are only things we are wiling to fight for. I don't think my decisions were or need by dictated by either.

I am always surprised though how people argue for their right to the decision they made.. It's kinda amusing.

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27 minutes ago, Mech said:

They have choices.

I would say the choices are:

Get experimental mrna techology that no one knows the safety about because it's never been used before except for cancer and aids patients as a last ditch effort to save them.... and for a virus family that has never responded well to vaccines... and from an industry perpetually inundated with class action lawsuits for drugs they made in the past.... and you can't sue for damages if something goes wrong.... and the vaccine doesn't stop transmission of the virus but it does appear to make the severity of the disease less but that's only because healthier people tend to take the vaccine while unhealthy people do not (see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkVsXOZguLg  Vaccine protects against ANY cause of death,  including accidents, which can only mean healthy people choose the vaccine while unhealthy people do not and the vaccine doesn't confer any protection at all) which means the vaccine has no demonstrable benefit whatsoever.

So you can take the jab which has no positive benefit whatsoever but carries substantial risk or you can take your chances with a disease with a 99.9% survival rate that would be higher if the controversial treatments were recognized.

That presentation is the only way I'd feel ethical about giving someone that vaccine.

You can only make a choice if you know all the risks and benefits.

Informed consent is a principle in medical ethics and medical law that a patient should have sufficient information before making their own free decisions about their medical care. A healthcare provider is often held to have a responsibility to ensure that the consent that a patient gives is informed, and informed consent can apply to a health care intervention on a person, conducting some form of research on a person, or for disclosing a person's information.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informed_consent

But the information necessary to make an informed decision is being censored which means practically no one has made an informed decision.

Beguiling someone into doing something they would not have done if not for the deception is a type of coercion which is very illegal in any other context.


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9 hours ago, JustRandy said:

I wouldn't either but people aren't being provided with information to make an informed decision.  That information is deliberately withheld and outright censored and labeled misinformation.

Plus, it's not even possible to know the safety of the vaccines because not enough time has passed, so there is no way to make an informed decision about what is best for them.

The FDA approved vaccine is available all over the world, except the US.  The vaccine in the US is still under emergency use authorization.  Why is that?  Because if it's EUA, then you can't sue.  That's why they won't acknowledge treatments because if effective treatments exist then they can't have EUA by definition.

The takeaway is they know they are going to be sued to oblivion without the EUA shield.

It's incredible that they get away with that right under our noses.

Both the Pfizer and  Moderna vaccines have full FDA approval. They were taken out of the "emergency  use"  category  quite some time ago.

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