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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your ATV Life

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On 3/21/2020 at 7:45 AM, Frank Angerano said:

Hopefully everyone is doing well through this craziness???

Im still working even with the 100% shut down we are exempt until we have a confirmed case on site.   This weekend my offices and the entire site is being sanitized and wiped down etc by a specialized company. 

The city looks like a Sunday every day thats how quiet it is. Erie is a better way to put it.  
Here is a pic of the city i took yesterday mid day, Park Avenue. 

I'm sure we are all getting a ton of stuff done around the house, honey do lists? 

My wife is actually a hot mess with all this going on and completely on edge thinking about her father, me or the kids  and if anyone of us gets it! Then add the home schooling and logging into the schools for the days work etc. 🤯 She worries to much this woman.    Her father i agree as he's much older and has underlying health issues but we are all healthy and i feel we would be fine if it hit us.  

I wonder how long Netflix will be able to keep up with the volume of users before it crashes lol and how many babies will come out of this,  social media shows we will call them "coronials"  😬

Anyway just wanted to see how and what everyone is doing?? 


Stay safe people. 




Damm Id be scared chit less LOL What are u doing way up there ? 

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On ‎3‎/‎15‎/‎2020 at 10:45 AM, davefrombc said:

I  lay  some of the blame for  some  of the pandemic deaths  directly  at Trump's feet   and his refusal  to  face  facts, take advice  he didn't like and put in motion and  fund  the  health  system adequately  to  start fighting the  developing  pandemic because  they'd  make him look bad. 

You lay some of the blame - and even deaths - directly on Trump?  To what other institutions or people do you lay the remainder of your blame?  Do you blame life-long smokers who are predisposed to contracting breathing-related diseases like COVID19?  What about those with cystic fibrosis or lung cancer? 

No country or person can foresee a future pandemic.  We both know this.  If another individual were in office and the same scenario ensued, I wonder if you'd also blame this individual.

Trump or any other president could fund the hell out of the CDC, NIH, drug companies and mask manufacturers, but guess what: it wouldn't matter.  It takes time to assess the virulence of a disease, who it affects, the degree to which it affects certain people/populations.  A government is likely not going to say, "Okay, every single person stays home for 8 weeks" at the onset of a pandemic/other disaster.  It takes time to see what occurs.  No pharma company can create a vaccine in two months.  It takes time.  No company is able to manufacture 500+ million masks overnight.  It takes time. 

To think Trump wasn't ultimately following the advice of the CDC and top virologists is ridiculous.  Trump doesn't give a rat's dropping of what others think about him.  This makes him effective in my book.  And that's MY book, just as you have YOUR book.  In my book, I'm right - in your book, you're right.  We all have roughly 80 years on this earth and are free to make decisions about what we, individually, deem right, just and true of our own accord based (largely) on our lived experiences. 

We have one confirmed case of COVID19 in my town in Texas.  47 year old male - he was in Washington 2 weeks prior to being diagnosed - is recovering well at a local hospital.  I've yet to diagnose any cases only because my clinic has no testing kits.  If I suspect COVID, I'll send them directly to one of two hospitals and let them make the final determination, as they have the testing kits (in limited supply).

Avoid crowds.  Wash your hands often.  Hydrate.  Rest.  Cover your freakin' mouth when coughing.  Treat your symptoms at home with OTC medications.  If OTC medications don't relieve your symptoms and your symptoms worsen, see your medical practitioner.   But, as Dave mentioned, you'll likely not be tested unless you meet a specific set of criteria.

My wife is making me strip down prior to entering our home in the evening - I leave the skivvies on... but it is NOT a pretty sight :aargh: - my clothes go straight into the washing machine - then I take a shower, eat and finish my notes from the clinic during the remainder of my evening.   We now shop later in the evening to avoid the crowds.




On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2020 at 8:45 AM, Frank Angerano said:

Hopefully everyone is doing well through this craziness???

Im still working even with the 100% shut down we are exempt until we have a confirmed case on site.   This weekend my offices and the entire site is being sanitized and wiped down etc by a specialized company. 

The city looks like a Sunday every day thats how quiet it is. Erie is a better way to put it.  
Here is a pic of the city i took yesterday mid day, Park Avenue. 

I'm sure we are all getting a ton of stuff done around the house, honey do lists? 

My wife is actually a hot mess with all this going on and completely on edge thinking about her father, me or the kids  and if anyone of us gets it! Then add the home schooling and logging into the schools for the days work etc. 🤯 She worries to much this woman.    Her father i agree as he's much older and has underlying health issues but we are all healthy and i feel we would be fine if it hit us.  

I wonder how long Netflix will be able to keep up with the volume of users before it crashes lol and how many babies will come out of this,  social media shows we will call them "coronials"  😬

Anyway just wanted to see how and what everyone is doing?? 


Stay safe people. 




types "stay safe people" from 44 stories up.  DAYUM, frank - what's wrong with you?  it's obviously a fever - please get that treated.

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Holy crap I'm sorry I even responded to this topic !!!!!!!  Just kidding! @mikeexplorer thanks and good info. For $500 bucks im in on that deal! Going to make a move soon on a drone.  
As far as the height and how high up ?, you guys wait and see, i have more to come! 
I go 1000 feet down under ground just as much as i go up!  Pics to come. 

So two people have tested positive on my job and we are still going forward with work. Zero supervision and we are still building! Nuts!!!! But we are moving on. 

Nothing we all say or do will change the direction of all of this bullshit! We watch the big guns take care of this and we will judge/vote accordingly! 

End of story! 



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7 hours ago, Dra O said:

My wife is making me strip down prior to entering our home in the evening - I leave the skivvies on... but it is NOT a pretty sight  - my clothes go straight into the washing machine - then I take a shower,

@Dra O Same here!

@mikeexplorer greet photos! I’m thinking of getting a better drive like this. Have a couple of smaller “toy” ones...

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18 hours ago, Frank Angerano said:

Holy crap I'm sorry I even responded to this topic !!!!!!!  Just kidding! @mikeexplorer thanks and good info. For $500 bucks im in on that deal! Going to make a move soon on a drone.  
As far as the height and how high up ?, you guys wait and see, i have more to come! 
I go 1000 feet down under ground just as much as i go up!  Pics to come. 

So two people have tested positive on my job and we are still going forward with work. Zero supervision and we are still building! Nuts!!!! But we are moving on. 

Nothing we all say or do will change the direction of all of this bullshit! We watch the big guns take care of this and we will judge/vote accordingly! 

End of story! 



The drone is capable of flying up to 400 feet high, actually limited to that because of airspace regulations. You can set limits for the drone. Most of my videos I keep it under 150 - 200 feet. Distance will vary depending on how many other wifi signals are around. Urban areas I can usually get about 1,300 feet away from where I am standing. Yesterday I went to a more rural area and I went over 2,300 feet away before loss of signal.

This is the what I bought





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Aside from having my own small company, i manage construction projects  on high rise  buildings for Tishman/Aecom.   All union work and it allows me to have benefits etc.  
The structural steel end is what I manage so i get to go up pretty high.  

I am a NYC sandhog and always preferred tunnel work  since i truly love it. But after this last big tunnel job ended two years ago there has been no work.  So I transferred my union book to the trades above ground for a change.  its been nice and it allows me to also run my small business.  

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On 3/25/2020 at 5:15 PM, Frank Angerano said:

Aside from having my own small company, i manage construction projects  on high rise  buildings for Tishman/Aecom.   All union work and it allows me to have benefits etc.  
The structural steel end is what I manage so i get to go up pretty high.  

I am a NYC sandhog and always preferred tunnel work  since i truly love it. But after this last big tunnel job ended two years ago there has been no work.  So I transferred my union book to the trades above ground for a change.  its been nice and it allows me to also run my small business.  

That's pretty cool, sounds like a great gig!

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Things in States are getting really bad unfortunately. In my country - Easter Europe Bulgaria situation is looking better - we are about 7 mil people and we have till now 338 infected and 8 people are death, but we are under quarantine from two full weeks. Only food store and pharmaceuticals are working. Everyone who can work home office and we have restrictions to ride between different cities. Unfortunately is almost the same with riding Quads. Last time we ride was two weeks ago and for now we don't have any idea when will be possible to ride again.

Stay Safe and Healthy guys and lets hope that this virus will be gone soon and will let us continue live our lives.

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17 minutes ago, Asen_77 said:

Things in States are getting really bad unfortunately. In my country - Easter Europe Bulgaria situation is looking better - we are about 7 mil people and we have till now 338 infected and 8 people are death, but we are under quarantine from two full weeks. Only food store and pharmaceuticals are working. Everyone who can work home office and we have restrictions to ride between different cities. Unfortunately is almost the same with riding Quads. Last time we ride was two weeks ago and for now we don't have any idea when will be possible to ride again.

Stay Safe and Healthy guys and lets hope that this virus will be gone soon and will let us continue live our lives.

Thank for sharing, its good to hear from someone not in North America on how its going and how their country is handling it. I think a full lock down is the only way to stop spread and its crucial for countries that share borders, to not have a scenario like what is going on in Italy. In the US, some states are larger that some countries and should follow something similar in my opinion. Trump wanted to do this with the New York City metro area but was confronted with opposition, so instead we got a travel advisory last night:

CDC Issues Domestic Travel Advisory for New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut

Due to extensive community transmission of COVID -19 in the area, CDC urges residents of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to refrain from non-essential domestic travel for 14 days effective immediately.

New York City is a "hot spot", neighboring state Rhode Island is even knocking on doors to see if anyone is from NY and "hiding out"...

Rhode Island begins door to door checks for New Yorkers fleeing coronavirus


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i found out i already got covid 19 last xmas before they knew it was in the states..  brothers fam came down with a respiratory bug a month back or so and just found out they had it too..  of course theres all kinds of different strains of it but mine was just like the flu except more coughing for a week or so after i got over it..  theres wasnt as bad- just a cold really.  my grandmother (mid 80s and not in good health) just came down with it midweek of last week and got over it in 2 or 3 days using alternate meds (also how we can test if we've had it in the past).

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9 hours ago, Frank Angerano said:

We are hearing the city may get shut down by Wednesday. If so i will head upstate to do a little riding.  

That's interesting, I though they were saying that a couple of weeks ago also.

5 hours ago, JacobSlabach said:

i found out i already got covid 19 last xmas before they knew it was in the states..  brothers fam came down with a respiratory bug a month back or so and just found out they had it too..  of course theres all kinds of different strains of it but mine was just like the flu except more coughing for a week or so after i got over it..  theres wasnt as bad- just a cold really.  my grandmother (mid 80s and not in good health) just came down with it midweek of last week and got over it in 2 or 3 days using alternate meds (also how we can test if we've had it in the past).

How did you find out you had it? It's my understanding they are only now trying to develop a test for it to see if you had it and have immunity. We think we had it as well possibly, especially my two young daughters. 

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4 minutes ago, Ajmboy said:

That's interesting, I though they were saying that a couple of weeks ago also.

How did you find out you had it? It's my understanding they are only now trying to develop a test for it to see if you had it and have immunity. We think we had it as well possibly, especially my two young daughters. 

all i can say is alternate meds...  and no it wasnt some voodoo witchcraft😆..  we just dont agree with how the medical field handles things so we've found ways to do it ourselves..  all natural and all that..  i havnt been to a hospital or standard doctors office since i split my head open when i was maybe 5 or 6

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So my job finally decided to shut down on Tuesday based on the government issued emergency declaration.   I spent Monday and Tuesday shutting the project down, laying guys off and setting up there unemployment. I was instructed to send all air and gas back and completely lock the place down.  So this was all done by Wednesday and i stayed on site until today to make sure everything was proper.  The men thanked me as they were very concerned about the spread of this and it felt good knowing they were happy to have a few paid weeks off.  So i get an email today stating that my job is now considered essential work because some as***** engineers decided to write a letter stating that the work should go forward due to the structural concerns (none) and we should remain open!  
What a bunch of corporate dicks!!!  Its a high profile job and thats the only reason this is happening!! 
The unions aren't stepping in to my disbelief.  
So Monday we return to work while this thing peaks!! 

Sad, very sad.   


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that's crazy, considering the number of folks affected in NYC alone.  stay away from folks - make it TEN feet away - wear gloves - wear a mask if have it and take it off only to eat, drink or curse the engineers - leave early if you can - strip to your skivvies in the garage - take a shower, then interact w/ family.

i haven't spent this much time with my boys in a LONG time and am enjoying it - received new solenoid from RM Stator today and installing it on king quad tonight w/ oldest son - wife and I going crazy w/ two man-sized teens fighting all the time but we'll look back on it and laugh.

my salary was reduced earlier this week - this is hitting people DEEP, man, but we'll pull through

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We will push through, thats for sure.  My kids are getting a little nuts but we are finding ways to keep them busy/happy and some funny stuff.  
On a side note i have to say the time spent at home has been priceless. I really am enjoying time with the family and the wife! Yes i said wife!!! We have been having a good time laughing, joking and some binge watching (Ray Donovan btw).  We took a look back at photos of out 17 year marriage and laugh how corny we were.  But its almost like a reset for a minute.    
Im happy and sad at the same time! 


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5 hours ago, Frank Angerano said:

So my job finally decided to shut down on Tuesday based on the government issued emergency declaration.   I spent Monday and Tuesday shutting the project down, laying guys off and setting up there unemployment. I was instructed to send all air and gas back and completely lock the place down.  So this was all done by Wednesday and i stayed on site until today to make sure everything was proper.  The men thanked me as they were very concerned about the spread of this and it felt good knowing they were happy to have a few paid weeks off.  So i get an email today stating that my job is now considered essential work because some as***** engineers decided to write a letter stating that the work should go forward due to the structural concerns (none) and we should remain open!  
What a bunch of corporate dicks!!!  Its a high profile job and thats the only reason this is happening!! 
The unions aren't stepping in to my disbelief.  
So Monday we return to work while this thing peaks!! 

Sad, very sad.   

That is sad, stay safe a healthy!

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4 hours ago, Frank Angerano said:

We will push through, thats for sure.  My kids are getting a little nuts but we are finding ways to keep them busy/happy and some funny stuff.  
On a side note i have to say the time spent at home has been priceless. I really am enjoying time with the family and the wife! Yes i said wife!!! We have been having a good time laughing, joking and some binge watching (Ray Donovan btw).  We took a look back at photos of out 17 year marriage and laugh how corny we were.  But its almost like a reset for a minute.    
Im happy and sad at the same time! 

Enjoy the time with family! I think everyone could use this type of pause because we forget what's important and how fast time flies by, at least I do.. I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home for now, but my wife is getting fur-lowed, so she'll be signing up to unemployment in a week or so. My kids are making the best of it as well, good thing we have internet and tv!!! The weather is breaking so we'll be going outside more. I also just renewed my fishing license online last night and will try to get out there a bit with this down time, on one of the reservoirs.


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