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What Cell Phone Do You Own?

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Blackberry pearl. I love it! i broke it a few times but can't get rid of it.

My hubby has an I-Phone. I hate it! it is fun to play games on but as a phone it sux!

I think of the blackberry's as the most reliable..even though I don't have one, they have just been around the longest for data phones.

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Infamous iPhone....that's just the best damn cell phone on the market...too bad it's only AT&T.

Agreed, I had the iPhone for 8 months. The phone is great, AT&T's service sucks. Dropped calls, failed calls, and dropped voicemails. Called them for over a month to try to resolve with no avail. Apple even went as far as replacing the phone. AT&T finally admitted they just don't have the capacity on the towers. Since i use my phone for both home and work, I was forced to break the contract and go back to Verizon. I now have the Droid Eris.

AT&T would not budge on allowing me out of the contract, they don't guarantee service!


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Our service out here is bad for everyone. But what makes me mad is that if anything touches the bottom speaker he can't hear it ring, and sometimes when he tries to ansewer it, it frezzes just long enough to miss the call.

so we have the first ever I-Pager, its gona make millions!!! . . . pissed off! LOL.

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Scott...How's that Pre? Did you update to WebOS 1.4 with the video camera feature?

Yeah and I was at home from having surgery and had not taken my patches from Preware off and thought it was really going to screw it up. I was able to just reinstall them and they worked. It has been working ok since the upgrade except I have some missed calls sometimes that never show up.

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Yeah and I was at home from having surgery and had not taken my patches from Preware off and thought it was really going to screw it up. I was able to just reinstall them and they worked. It has been working ok since the upgrade except I have some missed calls sometimes that never show up.

I actually was getting some weird behavior after he upgrade, so I doctored it up to 1.4 and it worked much better. I reinstalled preware after. If you are getting weird behavior and slow response, use the WebOS Doctor. :yes: Are you on precentral forum?

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I actually was getting some weird behavior after he upgrade, so I doctored it up to 1.4 and it worked much better. I reinstalled preware after. If you are getting weird behavior and slow response, use the WebOS Doctor. :yes: Are you on precentral forum?

Yep I am on Pre Central I have Doctored my phone a couple of times.

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How do you like that Android operating system?

Its alright. Not as user friendly as the iPhone, but it does have features and capabilities that the iPhone doesn't have. Plus the camera is 5 MP. (and shoots video) One good feature is it allows tethering which AT&T was supposed to have last year.

It just takes some time to get used to its features, most of the apps I had on the iPhone are available on the Eris. Still use the iPhone for podcasts but once I get the software set up right I won't need the iPhone anymore and I can sell it.

Oh and the coverage is far better then AT&T and no more dropped calls or missed voicemails.


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  • 8 months later...
I'm with Sprint, have been for 10 year+.

I have the HTC EVO phone. Would not change for anything, this phone rocks.

Even for the new HTC EVO Shift??? LOL... I'm with Sprint 15 years and using a Palm Pre still. I'm pissed that Sprint has no new Palm hardware, which may make me move carriers down the road.

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very interesting...

"It's possible this will leave an opening for Microsoft. Because it's been close to dormant in mobile software for several years, its Windows Phone 7 and Windows 7-on-tablet systems will essentially be unified across devices, offering simplicity and predictability to a huge user base that already lives in the company's computing universe.

Just like Apple. But Apple's still the king"

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