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Everything posted by wheeler0801

  1. wow. that looks pretttttty sweet. you'll have to let me know how it works out in the woods
  2. wooot congrats on the win and the free goggles everyone can use something for free every now and then! sweet signature by the way
  3. what kind of riding do you do? if they are for woods/trail riding you could go with the razr 2's or ITP GNCCs....we run both of those, depending on the conditions... if you do primarily MX tracks, stick with the razrmx. Wheels, you can prob. get away with regular steel rims...if you compete, go for a more expensive that will help seal the beads, like Hipers or Beadlocks.... Just a thought.
  4. niceeee i want two more....someday its hard when you race dang near year round to get the ink done....
  5. wooooooooooot :) keep it goin all!!
  6. that's waht i was thinkin' goin racing in PA tomorrow...can't waitttttt!
  7. good point TX...we ride a lot of private land, but there is a patch of state land we ride within the loop we do...you just go as fast as you can through that area so you dont get caught :)
  8. nice pics MWKE...good way to show him what one can do
  9. i agree...how mechanical are you? do you do most of your own stuff or take it to the shop? and, how long have you had it....do you know the history of how it was maintained if you haven't had it long?
  10. nice pix!!! i too have that luxury of being able to ride right outta the driveway but i didn't used to when we were in nashville.......its sooo nice now!!
  11. welcome back this time i think you should stick around a little more!! have you entered this month's contest? who knows, you could win some goodies!!!!! have a great weekend
  12. make sure you stop by my house and pick me up on your way out
  13. i need new pics of my 400ex....i ride it cuz i love her. she's my first quad but shh dont tell her, after this year i'm upgrading to her big brother the trx450r need more power as i'm gettin better in the woods!! 400ex's are pretty much bulletproof for the most part if the right maintenance is done...you can find parts for them EVERYWHERE. it's great. just wish rekluses were made for them...
  14. yesterday i was working a race (which pretty much killed me not racing it i'll have you know...) anywho, i was walkin the track lookin for broke down quads, etc and wasn't payin attention. pretty much almost fell flat on my face when i tripped over a root....twisted my ankle pretty good... i'm quite graceful i must say...didn't get a speck of dirt on me from that...
  15. oh right cuz MWKE is soo perfect!? bahha. gimme ur phone number, i'm calling to verify that with the misses :)
  16. man i am SOOO jealous, i'd give anything to be able to jump the dunes like that. i wanna go west.
  17. wow some of them look like reallll guns. i would be sooo scared if i was caught off guard by one of them babies bahaha. yeah, i'm a sissy sometimes.........
  18. I run a stock swingarm but I've heard Houser has a great product....
  19. yup theres a ton of us or maybe it's just that we all feel obligated to try to say hi to every new member we can :) we're a fun bunch....all a little different, any issue you got, one of us can help out most always!!! WeLCOME
  20. totally agree bot we need to protect our right to ride DAILY!
  21. no paintball for me. i dont want the bruises my husband gets lol
  22. WD-40 works good for before, as does cooking spray.....afterwards you can use Purple Power or if you wanna spend the extra money Simple Green... Just make sure when you're spraying WD-40 or anything like it you don't get it on your seat...that'd make for a slick ride
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