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Everything posted by wheeler0801

  1. my nicholas at a mx track in TN messin' around My lil daredevil <33
  2. ooo another time we were racing supercross...(I'm sure some of you QC lifers will remember this story adn the pics)....I had it in my head I could clear this narly step up...Nick kept saying I didn't have the power for it...I tried it anyways... Cased the dang thing so hard I shoulda flipped over, but thank GOD i held on to the bars...Slammed my helmet off the front bumper and hit my knee into the brake fluid resevoir thing so hard it split my knee open in an L shape...you could see my knee cap that's how deep the cut was...but, we did have a harescramble the next day so I bypassed the ER and went to Walmart for butterfly bandaids and medical tape. Now I have a nasty narly scar that everyone always asks about, but it reminds me to keep myself level headed when I'm on four wheels...if anyone ewants to see the pics i'll look for the old topic post
  3. oh wow, i've got soo many stories i could post here. last weekend we were riding a track that holds a WNYOA race every year...there was a group of four of us bookin' right along together....stared this hillclimb, when my twinnie (i swear we're so much alike it's scary...) slammed a tree. her brother was right behind her and stopped to help, in the middle of the track... i didn't see any of this happen, i was still at the bottom of the hill...when i started coming up i seen them and let off the gas...but MY THROTTLE STUCK! I ended up slamming so bad into the back of my friend shawn's quad that it moved him 5 feet (his quad was off and in gear...imagine the force LOL) and when we hit, my quad started to flip on it's side, I went flying over the handlebars backwards and landed on my back and head...how I missed the trees and rocks, IDK! That was Sunday...It's now Friday and my back STILL hurts from that crash... oh and I did get back on...nursed my way around the course a little bit, until the throttle stuck open AGAin and I almost slammed another tree...thank God I knwo how to pull in a clutch BAHAHAHA :)
  4. wooooooot narly bot i'm goin to try to get some pics of my lorettas race on here....whatta beautiful finish that was lol
  5. everytime i wreck is a big ooops bahahahaah
  6. congrats on being a quad owner hope everything works out for the best :)
  7. wooooooooot another girrrlll i LOVE LOVE LOVE to ride and race.. thank you for posting, you are absolutely amazing. you should be extremely proud of yourself you know...God bless you!
  8. awwww savannah! she's sooo cute, i LOVE her hair!!!!!!! and her name, veryyy cute!
  9. yey, very excited about this.......where's drtygirl on this? she races rhinos!
  10. heck yea been ridin a little bit. racing next weekend in tenn at lorettas. can't waittttt!!! going riding this weekend too, buttt its been a little hard working everyday (weekends toO!) and tryin to get some riding time in and conditioning for the racing. anywho, post some pictures
  11. wowzas baha. i'd pay good money to see that in person.
  12. wow everyone, great pics :) JOE!!! Great to hear from you!! How are you doing?! wait, we should start a new thread for this. Joe....if you get this, start one letting us know how you're doing!!!!
  13. bahaha thats waht i did sent out myspace msgs and stuff. good thinkin'
  14. I agree. I wouldn't complain with the $50 yearly fee. When I lived in TN I would pay $20 a day to ride trails or MX parks. Glad I'm back here on private land where I'm not paying anything
  15. Wow, Bot....forgot about that post. She really is an inspiration. We do have a lot of girls here that post and ride...I race my Honda 400EX in the WNYOA and GNCC series Let me know if you wanna do a racer article...I'll help in any way :)
  16. keep an eye out on ebay...sometimes you can find one on there for about 500 bucks or so.....
  17. awesome...well i'm heading out...so wish me luck, say your prayers....hopefully we'll come back with some top threes till then...tata :)
  18. you could do both, I believe the UTV race is at night and it may be a different track than the ATV track. I'm not sure tho...it would be awesome to race together, I know how great it's been when we've done buddy races together! Either way, you'll have to let me know for sure if you're going.. WE'RE HEADIN TO NC TOMORROW...GNCC round 3 I can't wait, super nervous though to be honest....
  19. WOOOOOOOOOOT! Now I'm super stoked! We'll be there...BOTTTT how come you're not racin the 450?? It would be awesome if a bunch of us could get together there!!!!!!:biggrin:Yey, I'm stoked~
  20. I'm not really having any issues with the site, other than I keep getting the notifications that someone has responded to the same forum I have. I have unchecked the box in my settings months ago to make them stop...just recently they've started coming back. And, yes, I did check to make sure the box is still unchecked!! I'm beginning to think you're harrassing me.
  21. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot congrats on coming into the REAL world bahhahaahahah.
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