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Everything posted by Lumpneck

  1. I started out in the 70's with a Honda 50, the type that looked more scooter than bike. I pieced it together from 3 bikes I bought in various states of repair. Not too classy, but it got me there. Next was a CZ 250 red frame that I kept into the early 80's. Kids, family, work, etc... took priority for years then, until I got my first quad in '04.
  2. At this point I'm open either way we go as long as we're still talking Sundays.
  3. I'm throwing in my vote for SSRT, 2nd choice would be Lost Trails for me. I'm planning to ride both places around that time anyway.
  4. You mean she doesn't really find me interesting and attractive?
  5. Lumpneck

    Mud Cat

    It loves me no matter how I treat it. This is my favorite quad
  6. Lumpneck

    My little kitty

    Yeah, she's getting some beauty marks on her, but she's more fun now that I don't have to worry about every little boo boo!
  7. So, other than that, what have you been up to in your spare time? Sure missed you and Alliecat on the last ride. You'd have loved it...
  8. It was an awesome event! I have no doubts this year will be even better!
  9. Sounds like fun. September and October are my most favorite months!
  10. Is the 2005 an automatic choke, or manual? Just a hunch...
  11. I've cracked 73 by GPS with the Tcat on the hardtop a couple times. It'll do more, but I wont...
  12. Had to vote for the family truckster. All that hard work definitely paid off, and with that tire and wheel combo it looks FREAKing awesome!
  13. That's a great list with lots of good info. However, the last one, Lost Trails is now closed. They will be open next year in another location. It was sad to see it go, I loved that place, but I Just wanted to be sure nobody made the trip only to find the gates locked. Ride Lost Trails ATV Park
  14. We've got some great state trails. Unfortunately they're closed now till hunting season closes. Bloody Skillet is my favorite. Some are only summer trails. Don't neglect a chance to try Snow Show Rails To Trails, that's another of our favorites. You need a membership for that one, but it's only like $15 for the year, and the trails are open year round. Lots go to RAC, which is next to Treverton. They (Reading Anthracite Company) charge $100 per year for membership. You have to be careful at Treverton so you don't cross over to RAC and end up with a fine for trespassing. You have lots of options.
  15. One of my favorite hangouts. Lots of wooded crooked trails, mud holes, climbs for all skill levels, and a nice play area with a crater, table tops, and jumps. They've got a little something for everybody's preference. Great place to spend a day:yes:
  16. Yes, that's an overflow drain on the bottom of the carb. You have a piece of junk in there keeping the needle valve from closing when the float level rises to shut the needle valve. When it doesn't shut off the fuel it will overflow from that drain, and run down onto the motor (been there). Yours is a 2005 you say. Where is your gas tank located? The fuel filter would only have one hose in and one hose out (just a little cylinder with nipples on each end). It sounds like you're describing the fuel pump, provided the tank is under the fender instead of ahead of the seat. This type of fuel pump operates off vacuum impulses to draw gas from the tank to the carb. The ones with the tank ahead of the seat don't need a pump, gravity takes care of it.
  17. Agreed. It does need to be cleaned because you have some dirt under the needle. These carbs are prone to this problem. You'll need some carb cleaner and compressed air. You can do it yourself if you pay very close attention to where the parts go when you put it back together, otherwise I'd recommend taking it to a shop. Also, install an inline filter before you run it again. I had this problem with my 400 before I installed the filter, now it's been years since it's leaked out the overflow. Also, you'll see a little lever on the side of the carb with a hole in it. That's your primer. If it sits for long periods of time, especially in cold weather give it 3 or 4 pumps before you try to start it.
  18. Cool, never knew that, but it's a great look. She's got a nice stance, too.
  19. Looks great. I love my 96, but a quick question. What's up with the '95 headlights? Did you swap them out?
  20. Be sure to install an inline filter if you don't have one already, so it doesn't happen again.
  21. Yup, been there with my 04. Clean the carb, install an inline filter, and your life will be beautiful
  22. Yeah, give it a shot. I've heard 20 minutes is enough, sometimes it's a couple hours, but if you leave it overnight it should clear any error (providing that's the problem). If it doesn't work you're not out anything, and if it does, it's a free fix. I"m not sure if it'll help the light dimming, but it sometimes does the trick with blank guages.
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