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About Me

My Garage

  1. Hi folks, a little disparity brought me to this forum. To set the stage, I'm a 35 auto tech in the industry 37 years now. Licensed motorcycle tech also, 20+ years. I race superbike and motocross. Always done most of my own standard work (outside of specific race machine works) including building my own race bike engines. Now that skills are out of the way, onwards and upwards. Helping a neighbor with his old quest 500, right front axle seal leak. Well, looks like everything else - right? Wrong! Initially I noticed the CV joint was lacking large lands to place prybars on to pop it out, rather a thin shield like ring very close to the diff seal. Knowing the ring appeared quite delicate, I only pried gently and the CV popped out. However this is where things get weird. Came out only around 7-9mm then hung up again, felt like the clip was catching inside the diff. So spun and pulled, spun and pulled until I was blue in the face but no success getting it out. Also while it was out, I could see that the delicate ring around the outer circumference of the joint was actually the sealing surface where the seal contacts, instead of the norm where the seal rubs inside the diff much deeper and stays cleaner. I've never seen a joint like this, also the service manuals photos which apply to 650 also reflected a standard joint I am accustomed to rather than this one I was fighting with. Rather than break something in the diff, I decided to stop while I was ahead and reassemble the machine before something broke. (The joint would pop in and out of place easy enough, just wouldn't slide out further than 7-9mm). While the joint was a little out and sealing surface exposed, I cleaned the seal and sealing surfaces clean as possible before putting back together. Seems to be holding for now, but eventually I'm sure the leak will come back. Any thoughts as to why that CV joint just refused to come all the way out?
  2. Hey guys and gals, I recently bought a 1994 yamaha big bear 350 with... surprise surprise.. rear diff problems. I have taken the rear diff all apart and the problem is the pinion bearings are both screwed. (Hope Im using the correct terms) Anyways there is a collar that has 4 "divets" in it that ya can beat on with a punch and it should turn. Well Ive beat on that collar and it is not turning. I have lubed, soaked, heated, cooled, you name it, and that collar will NOT budge. So as a last ditch effort before I take a die grinder and grind that collar outta there, I thought I would throw a post in here, and maybe someone has some trick or advice they can add that maybe I havent thought of. Now the axle, taking it out needed a beating, and I ended up screwing up the threads that hold the hub on, and eventually broke them right off. My plan is to drill about an inch hole in the end of the axle, thread it, thread a grade 8 bolt in there, loctite it in, then throw a bead of weld around the bolt. Im thinking for the little light duty puttering around I do with this quad, that this idea should be enough to repair the axle so the hub stays on, rather then fork out big bucks for a used or new one. Thoughts on both repairs would be great!
  3. My 1996 Yamaha Kodiak 400 has a cracked CV Axle boot and the axle wiggles back and fourth if you pull on it. It also clunks if you go from forward to reverse fast with the tires turned hard one way or the other. Im thinking a new axle will solve the problem. Can you guys walk me through the steps of replacing the CV Axle, I have never done anything like this. Thanks
  4. OK everybody,I need some help here please. My 4 wheeler has got a bad wheel bearing I discovered while starting a brake job. Its on the left side. I've never done one and I need some knowledge how to go about it. Am I to understand I need to pull the whole axle out to do it. I've done it once on a car about 30 years ago,lol. I keep looking around for a repair manual but they're hard to find without having to buy it. I looked here on this site but apparently Im too junior a member to be able to download one right now.Bummer! One other question if I may.When I pulled the drum off the spindle a torrent of water poured out,the brake shoes were covered in mud along with everything else. I mean the drum had alot of water in it. The shoes were so locked up after I removed the springs I tried to rotate one of the shoes and it wasn't easy at all. I noticed whoever had the machine before myself had laid a bead of RTV around the back plate but apparently it didn't work. Isn't there some kind of gasket for this purpose. I saw it calls for a dust shield but surely this wont keep the brakes dry or will it. Thanks everybody.
  5. Hello boys and girls!:howdy:I need a little help if ya dont mind.I need to replace the rear axle bearings on my 400 but Im going at this blind having never done it before. Ive looked it up in the repair manual but it doesn't give any specific steps on how to do it. I've got the left rear brakes off already as I was replacing the shoes anyway. Can somebody give me a rundown on what Ive gotta do please?I know I need to pull the right wheel off just havent done that yet. Do I need to take anything apart in the final drive or elsewhere in order to yank the axle out for instance? Which side does the axle come out from,L or R? Any details I need to know will be greatly appreciated.Thanks ya'll!
  6. This bike has a straight axle that is moving horizontally in the housing in both directions about 2 inches. Has anyone had the same issue if so what did it take to repair it? Thanks.. Darryl
  7. Changing a boot on the front axle of my 1990 Yamaha Big Bear. Got any advise or know of any special tools to make it easier?
  8. Made these myself from old road signs and a few fittings from Canadian Tire...
  9. hi all i have a bad cv axel in my 400 polaris sportsman i bought a new one but ive tried everything i can think of to get the old one out and it just wont come does anyone have any suggestions......help lol
  10. Anyone know how to get the front axle out of the front diff 03 kawasaki prairie 650 one side just pulled out the other side being the left I can not get out.
  11. I'm looking for some advice on re-building my front axles on a 2002 Suzuki Quadrunner (ltf500f) My left front outer joint sounds like a popcorn machine when I make a sharp turn. I looked on Ronnies and they want $429 each for a complete shaft so that is out of the question! Has anyone here fixed their shafts on an "as needed" basis? I generally use the quad to plow snow and for yard clean-up in good weather. I just recently put a set of ITP Mudlite XTR's on for plowing, so I'm sure they "helped" the shaft fail due to the extra stress from the added traction. I'd like to hear your story about re-building your axles. Thanks.
  12. Hi Folks while plowing some snow with the old Kodiak yesterday I lost power to the rear axle (solid axle). Turns out the splines are gone. So looks like a new axle is in order. however- I’m hoping I won’t have to replace the differential. Here are some pics of the splines in the dif. anyone have experience with this? thanks
  13. Hello guys. So I am having trouble navigating the forum here. I am looking for an exploded parts view or the service manual for a 2000-2004 Yamaha big bear 400 manual shift. Mine does NOT have a shift lever on front left fender . I took the rear end apart because it was stripped splines and now I can't remember where it all goes. (Seals, bearings, and torque specs. I have a new axle, used diff , need to install wheel bearings and brakes etc . Really want to get this thing back together asap
  14. Help! This hub has been soaking in liquid wrench for two days now. The hub puller in the picture has been on under tension with an impact wrench for 24 hours, removed and re-tightened at least twice in that time. I've tried smacking it from two sides simultaneously with ball peen hammers while under tension and also heating it until the liquid wrench began to smoke also while under tension and it's not budging. Anyone have any advice? Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  15. Replacing one of the front lower boots on a '11 700 grizz and not sure where to source the part. This is my first service job on this bike or on an atv period. I'd like to get at least OEM, but if there's something better that's not too much more I'd probably go for that. What's the best place to source this part w/ the best price? So far I've found... YamahaPartsNation.com YahamaPartsPitStop.com BikeBandit.com RockyMountainATVmc.com And last, I've watched a couple youtube vids on doing the boot swap and seems fairly simply. To change out the lower boot you have to remove the whole axle (jerk it out), take the top boot off, dismantle the top side, then replace the bottom boot from the opposite side. But when they go to put the axle back in I haven't seen anyone mention regreasing the splines of the axle before reinserting? Surely this is just something they've left out. What type of grease should be used here? Any tips on doing this job much appreciated!
  16. I need to replace the u-joints on the front driveshaft. I am having trouble getting the axles out to remove the differential. Might need advice on removing the driveshaft as well.
  17. 1995 350 Yamaha Wolverine 4x4. Are the dif gear splines harder material than the axle splines? If so can I replace just the axle itself? Also what other years and/or models interchange?
  18. Rebuilding the rear axles on 97 Polaris sportsman 500 4x4. The axles are the u-joint type with the spline joint. Have replaced bearings. When I replace the rubber boots on the spline joint, what should I do as far as re-greasing the spline joint? I have the repair manual, but it says to take them to the dealer to be repaired.
  19. im trying to make do it my selfer and replace the left rear cv axle on a sportmans 500 i was just wondering if anyone had did it before and is really that hard it looks pretty easy if i could get some info on it would be great thanks jeff
  20. My 2001 660 raptor seems to be having some issues with the rear axle nut. Seems like about every 2 rides the rear axle nuts back off and loosen up.I average about 75 to 100 miles a ride and this is driving me insane. The rear bearings and seals have been replaced and the axle has been upgraded to an 2003 axle because i had a mishap with a tree,kind of jumped in my way...lol So i got pissed off and ordered a mod quad double locker after market axle nut to hopefully cure this issue. I would love to hear any input you guys and gals my have. Is anyone else ever run into this issue,and how did you fix it? ,Thanks a bunch
  21. Greetings: Bought the above machine a few weeks ago. Cosmetically it's a little rough, the front wheel drive does not work but the engine is strong and runs well. I have been driving it a little around the yard until I can get some things fixed and the left wheel axle came right out of the housing! The axle didn't slide all the way out but could be pulled out by hand. The bearings where gone, the only thing left on axle was the rubber dust cover. I looked at some schematics to see what I need to buy to fix it, two sets of bearings, dust cover and the C ring. My question is, what holds the axle in the housing????? The C ring? I can't figure it out. Has anyone completed this procedure? Sorry about the question not being clearer. Thanks for the help, Eric
  22. Hi Guys Ive been racing for a while now but I've noticed that the bikes I race against seem to have a wider axle not sure if thats the right term then the one I currently have on. Now wen I take corners my bike always lifts up instead of being flush. Should I change my width on the rear axle?
  23. i just got another rear bearing carrier off ebay and before i put it on i need to find out how much to tighten the axle. Also, i just saw a pic on this site and the axle nuts are on the right side. Mine are on the left. Does it matter?
  24. i just got another rear bearing carrier off ebay and before i put it on i need to find out how much to tighten the axle. Also, i just saw a pic on this site and the axle nuts are on the right side. Mine are on the left. Does it matter?
  25. I have a grinding ,jumping sound coming from my front axle differential sometimes. Has anyone tore into one of these front ends?
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