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Where you like to ride and what riding does for you?

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11 minutes ago, wylde1 said:

I like to ride anywhere I can cut loose and blow sh** up.. because I need to relax every now and then.


That's crazy! Good shot!


4 hours ago, freedomflyer63 said:


Definitely the mountains for me, getting to the top of a ridge or coming over a rise and seeing a huge open expanse of valleys, nothing better.


Looks beautiful out there!

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I know right?  We have just scratched the surface of what is available to us having only been riding for a couple of years.   And these views are the ones available from trails we can access with our machines.  My brother in law and I hiked to a peak that I had never been to and have lived here my entire life.  9839ft to the top was an awesome day, wind was blowing about 50mph(80kph).  We had a great ride to a small mountain lake, (Fairy Lake) then hiked from there to Sacajawea peak. The picture with the peak circled is the peak we hiked to.  Makes me wonder why I've waited all these years to take advantage of where I live. Oh I know........Because I'm an IDIOT!!!!!!














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 I grew up illegally riding on old reclaimed Coal Mine land. My home town in Southern Illinois is completely surrounded by acres beyond acres of abandoned strip mines. Miles of abandoned roads, trails, strip hills, slag pits, you name it. You could literally ride all day, completely circle the entire town, only have to cross a few hard roads, and never see the same trail twice. It wasn't till about 10 years ago they started selling off the land to private land owners. Before that time the Land was monitored by very loosely at first the still then Land owners. The mining companies. If you ran into them, as long as you were respectful, not tearing anything up, or trashing the place they would just tell us we were done riding there for the day. A few years after that the local and county authorities along with Fish and Game became involved. At first they only really knew about the main entrances and would attempt to roadblock us there or ensue a high speed pursuit of anywhere between 5 & 30 ATV's. Who aint stopping for sh** unless they wreck out. That is if we didn't just bust a 180 and head back in where the cruisers couldn't go. After years of riding we had so many trails leading on and off the property, some of which lead directly to friends and fellow riders property. Which all had garages, pole barns, wooded areas, and houses. We had hideouts and safe havens all over the county. It became a game of really fat Cat vs. super fast little mouse. Sadly, this game would diminish our numbers. Parents started asking where we were riding at. The authorities started tracking bike owners as well as figuring out some of our escape routes. little by little It became increasingly more difficult to go riding without involving yourself in several felonious activities. The final nail in the coffin was all of the Illegal hunting and poaching going on in our absence from the land. It became a huge problem. That is when the Sheriffs office along with Fish & Game upped the ante and bought a fleet of Quads. Utility and Sport bikes to patrol the area. Little did we all know and in hindsight its so obvious now. There was never a HUGE poaching problem on the land because of all of us and our Two to Four wheeled noise makers that came screaming through 24/7.

  If you have never been or if the opportunity presents itself to you. I highly recommend spending a weekend at The Land Between The Lakes in Kentucky (Turkey Bay). Which sits on 170,000 Acres of National Recreation land and has over 100 miles of designated ORV trails. Even in its awesomeness it Fails to even compare to the shear size of all the mines I learned how to ride on.

   It was then and still is today the absolute freedom of riding a Quad that has had me hooked since day one. When I'm wheelin its just me, the bike, and the volume of Gasoline on hand..... I love the smell of Klotz Bean Oil, playing in the dirt, and feeling that ole d*ck tickler between my legs as the power band comes up when i slam through the gears. I also like to go FAST like Ricky Bobby. Sweet Momma Speed!! Until next Rant.... Deuces!!!

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My favourite riding is on trails with heavy tree cover.  I also prefer a heavily ridden trail beaten & worn. 

My local riding is Rocky, wet & muddy with mud holes & river crossings through beautiful wooded mountains & swampland.  There is one mud hole so hairy that it earned the name Scouts Hole because it supposedly ate a Boy Scout.  I can drive from Vermont to Massachusetts on those trails. 

I also Love riding at my friends camp named Widstock.  We have been cutting and trimming trails there for 18 years!  It's similar to my local riding but with a minimal amount of rocks & more off camber and uneven riding, a nice challenge.  It also has a mud hole named The Bog. 

Starting thirty years ago I used to ride in The Pine Barrens of NJ.  There are mostly what NJ people call scrubby pines (man sized pine trees) & lots of sandy trails.  The sand is loose in some areas and packed in others.  Once while riding on 2 Honda ATC 250SX 3 wheelers, my 1985 & my buddy Joe's 86 we came up to the west side of the Garden State Parkway.  I didn't hesitate and rode out onto the shoulder of The GSP.  I rode next to the vehicle traffic as quickly as possible and got back onto the trails just as quickly!  Great fun in the Pine Barrens! 

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Local trails on my property and my adjacent neighbors. 

We like the solitude of the rides for unplugging ourselves and my kids from the technology driven daily grind. Also forces/allows me to teach them about the woods, critters and nature in general while still getting some adrenaline rush. 

(Plus while they're out riding, my wife and i can have 5 mins to talk without being hounded by little needy offspring :) )

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