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Frank Angerano

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Everything posted by Frank Angerano

  1. Could be a head gasket ? Spray the head down with soapy water and crank it up. See if any bubbles show up. If not then it’s the usual suspects, valve seals or piston/rings.
  2. Welcome back brother. I’m going to stick with the valve seals. I would change the seals now especially because you have the head off. If you want to throw the piston on that’s fine. Or at the very least new rings.
  3. That all depends on the color of the smoke. If it’s black smoke then it’s just the choke and a cold engine. If it’s a stuck ring which would be unlikely and more so valve seals then the smoke would blueish. Basically oil is seeping through the valve seal and making it’s way into the cylinder head and burning off when you fire it up.
  4. Yep a good carb. So go through the carb and the manual and set it where it needs to be. Then double check the choke as well and see that it’s properly seated.
  5. I agree but I would not want it coming loose! Get it tight and where you need it and let it be!
  6. No worries brother. Just pay attention to what your buying and like I said if the machine is all stock then go with the oem parts. Anything else you need Quadcrazy is here to help you along.
  7. You will find name brand carburetors have the name casted into the body of the carburetors. Here’s a few images and what to look for.
  8. I looked I responded to it unless i am missing something? It was on the cams ?
  9. Probably can be drilled out at tapped just go slow and lots of oil. I would also stick with a metric bolt and def thread lock when you reassemble.
  10. Yep China carburetors no good. They will get your machine running to about 90% capacity.
  11. Yep the lobes look a little beat up to say the least. I would change the rockers as well. I would also go with the oem cam if the engine is all stock.
  12. That price the seller is asking is the value of the bike according Kelly blue book. Without the plow and winch of course. If the machine is in very good condition and serviced like you said and in deed has a new plow and winch then I would say it’s a good deal.
  13. I don’t think you have to do anything if your not happy with that answer then run a cylinder honer through it. Amazon $20 bucks. Lightly run it up and down the cylinder walls nothing crazy. You should be fine with that.
  14. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F173117561415
  15. That looks like it falls in the 99-2002 range to me. All the parts were interchangeable for those years. The vin is completely gone ?
  16. Hay James welcome to Quadcrazy. My guess would be that something is not connected the right way. Maybe one of the prongs on a plug has slipped out of the back, possibly a bad connection someplace. Maybe a plug is not connected etc. Check all fuses and grounds as well. You can start by double checking the obvious suspects just to be sure nothing burnt up. Stator coil tests, secondary coil tests and regulator coil tests. Is it possible that the battery was connected the wrong way for a split second ? Have you double checked the ignition switch and kill switch are ok ? If you disconnected the battery prior to the work then there should be no problem. If something got shorted out then it’s good to be a process of elimination.
  17. Let it heal! Plenty of time to ride later. Glad it’s running good, ride safe.
  18. That’s great. Hopefully this is the last bit of what needs to be done and you can get some riding in !
  19. Yes you did. See the listing below, part number 5
  20. The oem battery will work fine. You can upgrade the cranking amps but I don’t think you need to. If you do just check your dimensions of the old battery and compare it to the new. All the batteries show the dimensions. Today’s batteries are a lot better so the oem should be fine. Just go with a name brand and remember you get what you pay for.
  21. Ok got it now. Yes that’s a tough part to find new. I did see one on eBay but it’s a 97, I looked at the schematic and it looks right but I’m not 100% chances are it’s prob close but the part numbers are different. I would also explore taking that cover you have to a good heli arc welder that can patch that up and grind it into shape. It’s definitely doable. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F362725777685 Any questions you have feel free to ask the members here are full of knowledge.
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