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2020 Presidential Election Discussion Thread

2020 Presidential Election Poll  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your choice for the next President of the United States

    • Donald Trump (For Re-Election)
    • Joe Biden

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How do you think that is better than our universal  system?  I suspect if you checked into what your company pays to provide less coverage to  you than the taxes they and you would pay under our system you would find your company would actually be paying less .

Cost to you for your daughter's  check up under our system on top of what was paid in taxes for the system?  $0.00

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Just got back from voting for Trump and republicans.  Didn't have much choice in my area since they're almost all republicans running unopposed.

I was watching the 1980 election on youtube and couldn't believe Reagan won all but 6 states in landslide, but only 50.7% of the popular vote.  So maybe Trump can pull it off.

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Well i am ready for this election season to be over, done gone .......i am so over it 

i Dont talk in depth politics or religion, lol.  But i have to say 2020 has been a shitty year IMO ......the country has become very angry , way to much doom and gloom.   

I will cast my vote next week and then embrace the “ suck “ i have a feeling things are going to be ugly for a few more months.   ........ meanwhile. Get out and ride , cut a trail, have fun ,have a cold beer .... lol be safe 

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4 minutes ago, Airborne said:

Well i am ready for this election season to be over, done gone .......i am so over it 

i Dont talk in depth politics or religion, lol.  But i have to say 2020 has been a shitty year IMO ......the country has become very angry , way to much doom and gloom.   

I will cast my vote next week and then embrace the “ suck “ i have a feeling things are going to be ugly for a few more months.   ........ meanwhile. Get out and ride , cut a trail, have fun ,have a cold beer .... lol be safe 

My favorite form of "social distancing"!!!



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LOL You think Biden's gaffes make him unfit?. How about your own ?

Listen to what tRump says.  Gaffes and semi-literacy examples are well sprinkled among his lies and plenty of them. Remember his "Super duper  hydrosonic missile "? Just one of the latest in a long line of examples if you listen for them.

If you judge Biden  by slips of the tongue that we all commit sometimes too often  then  you must consider tRump to be unfit to be a latrine orderly ,let alone President.

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47 minutes ago, davefrombc said:

LOL You think Biden's gaffes make him unfit?. How about your own ?

Oh please, I'm typing and not talking....

Biden is a bit of a mess and everyone sees it. Its reality, some people show age more than others and he definitely shows it. Its undeniable and the videos are all over the web. If anyone had a relative who was speaking like Biden does, they would have them checked out. You can't close your eyes to it, he's got issues. Again, how can you not feel bad for this guy? See for yourself...



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6 hours ago, davefrombc said:

LOL You think Biden's gaffes make him unfit?. How about your own ?

Listen to what tRump says.  Gaffes and semi-literacy examples are well sprinkled among his lies and plenty of them. Remember his "Super duper  hydrosonic missile "? Just one of the latest in a long line of examples if you listen for them.

If you judge Biden  by slips of the tongue that we all commit sometimes too often  then  you must consider tRump to be unfit to be a latrine orderly ,let alone President.

Trump is just dumb and for some reason didn't know how to pronounce "Yo Semites", but Biden's brain is obviously falling apart.


No free Cunity College :(

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Apparently, in Michigan (I forgot where) 100k Biden votes just... magically appeared today?  And they were ALL votes for Biden?  Not one single vote was for Trump?  That's  statistically impossible.  Unsure the validity of this but it wouldn't surprise any rational person.  Could the dimocratic party be ANY more ridonkeylous or obvious with this one?  No.

U.S. Suburbs: gone as we once knew them - to eventually have the lovely addition of low income housing.  This bodes well for home appreciation, crime and graduation rates in (the) affected areas :laugh:   Gotta appreciate ANY government doing this to a community or nation.

Healthcare for all: this is going to be the most interesting change of all.  I give it 18 months. 

I'll say it again: Dimocrats hate America and love socialism.  What a shameful, embarrassing lot. 

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It all looks so fishy, especially because all the votes coming in put Biden in a better position than election night. So mail in ballots are all Democrats for Biden and counted last? Hard to believe based on Election Day results. Why is it that much larger states like Florida have no issues and ofcourse all the much bigger states that automatically got called for Biden, like California and NY, have no issues...what, no mail in ballots there? They count faster? Trump said this would happen and he was 100% right, I didn’t want to believe it but he was right. What a joke in a country that is supposed to lead the democratic process. Oh well, May the best cheater with the best legal team win....lol!

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@JustRandy  If you read the comments, she's creating new ones from others that came in, the guy is supposedly reading to her from what was received and its legal.

I will say this, Trump did call out issues with the election beforehand, but I didn't really think it would come down to this. Its very suspicious that after  election day, Biden's votes keep increasing every day. I never want to go through an election like this again, its a big joke. With all the technology we have we are counting paper ballots with markers while going into polling stations with no ids. Its 2020, the system needs an overhaul. And what's up with all the pre-election polls? Way off...they need new careers. Sad to watch actually, regardless of who wins.

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Biden's numbers are going up because they are counting the earl and mail in votes.There are a lot more mail in votes for Biden simpl because Biden and the Dems encouraged earl and mail in voting which was wise  ,especially with the COVID pandemic. It limited the contact and exposure of the voters. tRump discouraged mail in and early voting and pushed in person voting on election day. Those votes got counted first so were naturally heavy in favour of him. The record levels of early and mail in votes favour Biden because most of those voters took the sensible advice to  vote early and by mail to reduce the chances of exposure to or passing of the COVID virus. .It's really not rocket science and  there was no  fraud about it

Edited by davefrombc
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On ‎11‎/‎5‎/‎2020 at 8:20 PM, quadmaniac said:

It all looks so fishy, especially because all the votes coming in put Biden in a better position than election night. So mail in ballots are all Democrats for Biden and counted last? Hard to believe based on Election Day results. Why is it that much larger states like Florida have no issues and ofcourse all the much bigger states that automatically got called for Biden, like California and NY, have no issues...what, no mail in ballots there? They count faster? Trump said this would happen and he was 100% right, I didn’t want to believe it but he was right. What a joke in a country that is supposed to lead the democratic process. Oh well, May the best cheater with the best legal team win....lol!

it IS a joke - and notice how relatively-quiet dimocrats are about the issue - they KNOW it's wrong but what's done is done - they also know that the other side will do nothing... and they're correct.   too early for a revolution but that's all that remains - and best of luck mobilizing hundreds of thousands.

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8 hours ago, quadmaniac said:

@JustRandy  If you read the comments, she's creating new ones from others that came in, the guy is supposedly reading to her from what was received and its legal.

I will say this, Trump did call out issues with the election beforehand, but I didn't really think it would come down to this. Its very suspicious that after  election day, Biden's votes keep increasing every day. I never want to go through an election like this again, its a big joke. With all the technology we have we are counting paper ballots with markers while going into polling stations with no ids. Its 2020, the system needs an overhaul. And what's up with all the pre-election polls? Way off...they need new careers. Sad to watch actually, regardless of who wins.


While the candidates were campaigning all around the country, there was such a huge difference in attendance



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3 hours ago, mikeexplorer said:

While the candidates were campaigning all around the country, there was such a huge difference in attendance

Exactly, how can a candidate that barely campaigned, had no enthusiasm, no platform to run on except covid and Trump are bad, is showing so much old age and makes incoherent statements, (I know I'm leaving something out) win? Harris had to drop out early in the primaries, so she's not driving any enthusiasm. I understand that its a vote against Trump and not because Biden is so good, but come on, some people need to wake up. 

One thing is for sure, we will not be getting the tweets like from Trump or much from Biden as his activity level will be much, much lower than Trump. They are going to hide him from the public as his aging appearance increases and symptoms get worse, until Kamala and the dems invoke the 25th on him. Then she'll get elected out in 4 years because people will see it was a sham.

As far as early voting in NY, I went twice and the lines were too big so I went on election day. Trump flags everywhere. You can't assume early voting is all biden, mostly yes I would agree but not all. I think ballots are showing up as needed for dems at this point.  A never ending election, until you win.

Edited by quadmaniac
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15 hours ago, davefrombc said:

Biden's numbers are going up because they are counting the earl and mail in votes.There are a lot more mail in votes for Biden simpl because Biden and the Dems encouraged earl and mail in voting which was wise  ,especially with the COVID pandemic. It limited the contact and exposure of the voters. tRump discouraged mail in and early voting and pushed in person voting on election day. Those votes got counted first so were naturally heavy in favour of him. The record levels of early and mail in votes favour Biden because most of those voters took the sensible advice to  vote early and by mail to reduce the chances of exposure to or passing of the COVID virus. .It's really not rocket science and  there was no  fraud about it

You expect me to believe a batch of 100,000+ votes for Biden and zero votes for anyone else suddenly appear at 6 am from a county with 68% for Biden and 31% for Trump?  And it ONLY happens in WI and MI, the 2 crucial swing states?


4 hours ago, quadmaniac said:

Exactly, how can a candidate that barely campaigned, had no enthusiasm, no platform to run on except covid and Trump are bad, is showing so much old age and makes incoherent statements, (I know I'm leaving something out) win? Harris had to drop out early in the primaries, so she's not driving any enthusiasm. I understand that its a vote against Trump and not because Biden is so good, but come on, some people need to wake up.

Same in the primaries.  Bernie had huge crowds and Biden couldn't fill a minivan.  Guess who won.  Trump had huge crowds while Biden couldn't fill a minivan.  Guess who won.  See a pattern?

DNC admitted in court to rigging the 2016 primary and they almost certainly did it again in 2020 and the general.

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the only reason hidin biden is anywhere close to beating trump is the media, social media, the medical field, the government, and even many of the military leaders are anti trump.

there where two voting groups in this election- pro trump folks and anti-trump folks and the anti-trump folks can be divided into two groups, either misled by the media, medical feild, and social media or anti-American radical leftists who think socialism works.

if joe and the hoe win, its gonna suck having a president (who cant hardly remember his own name not to mention who his mom is or who hes running against) trying to run the country propped up by his crutches the media, social media, and the medical field.

Edited by JacobSlabach
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George Fitzhugh (pro slavery historian that lived before and during the civil war) had it right that "slavery is socialism at its finest"

He also portrays the liberals goals in government perfectly: "'It is the duty of society to protect the weak;' but protection cannot be efficient without the power of control; therefore, 'It is the duty of society to enslave the weak.'

what do they teach kids in public schools these days?  im sure i would have never even heard of this guy had i been in the public school system growing up

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Biden's numbers are going u because they are counting the earl and mail in votes.There are a lot more mail in votes for Biden simpl because Biden and the Dems encouraged earl and mail in voting which was wise  ,especially with the COVID pandemic. It limited the contact and exposure of the voters. tRump discouraged mail in and early voting and pushed in person voting on election day. Those votes got counted first so were naturally heavy in favour of him. The record levels of early and mail in votes favour Biden because most of those voters took the sensible advice to  vote early and by mail and reduce the chances of exposure to or passing of the COVID virus. .It's really not rocket science and  there was no  fraud about it.

I see this post didn't go , so I can update it now. Jacob, you don't know how close the US came to fascism and disaster under tRump. I suggest you get away from the crap of the extreme right and join the real world. The military industrial complex has done  of brainwashing too many Americans.  Hopefully after January 20 you'll begin to learn  just who and what Donald Trump really is. It would do well for you to  learn the difference between social programs in a democracy and socialism/ communism.

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A covid vaccine comes out with 90% efficacy the week after the election. Fauci says back to normal Q2 or Q3 2021. Just keeps getting better and better... I'm very happy to hear this news but boy the timing is questionable and 90% is unbelievable according to Fauci. How lucky we are that they came out with something so soon, but Trump will of course will get no credit and democrat superhero Cuomo in NY isn't happy its coming out while Trump is still president...You can't make this stuff up.

The problem with mail in votes is that no-one is verifying them and they are easily duplicated.  We may see in the coming weeks the legal battles that come out, unless Trump concedes of course. Mail in voting should not have been allowed at the levels it was under the umbrella of COVID. The dems wanted this for a reason. There is also a reason why Russia, China, and Mexico leaders have not congratulated Biden yet.

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