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Everything posted by wheeler0801

  1. ooooo I always wanted to hit Wind Rock before I left the south....anyone got any pictures to post??
  2. for you...nothin i'll just slap them on the back fender, i mean, cause you're always on my a** anyways bahahaha
  3. that number i said before...that doesn't include the fuel for our wheelers, the food for the weekend, or if we have to stay in a hotel (like the further GNCC's)...or the time off from work we'll lose in wages, well Nick anyways....if I figured all of that in we'd probably be at about 7 G'sssss..... and we can afford it because we have no kids, just puppies..we don't own our house, we rent...and in our area, rent isn't too expensive (we pay $400 monthly for a 3 BR 2 BA mobile home), and we both have pretty good paying jobs, especially for our ages. But, last year we only did the one GNCC so this year will prove quite the challenge. Anyone who wants to send me some money I'll slap your name on my quad and you can be my sponsor baaaahahahahahhaa :)
  4. True dat, Scott. I just added up our totals to race in 2009...running 13 local series races, 7 GNCC's, standard parts we'll go through like brakes nad bearings and fuel to get there....$5,718.00.. go ahead, pick ur jaws up off the floor now....:eek2::vommit::shock::shock2::brickwall::hitself::dammit:
  5. We just put up our tree last week and decorated the house a little...we're making a gingerbread house this weekend I'm excited.
  6. I hate 20 degree weather. It makes it too cold to ride. I hate not being a millionaire so I have to work and can't ride and race all year round.
  7. i'm ready to ride nowwwwww but its too cold outside here in NY...20 degrees is wayy to cold to be flyin through fields in fifth gear bahah
  8. where are you in Tennessee?? I used to live in Nashville....find the member on here, Scott, he lives in south TN I believe...he might wanna get together
  9. welcome welcome my husband and i both ride/race our quads together...i think its an awesome activity for families to do together....it combines exercise, bonding and fun LOVE it.
  10. Bot...MWKE...BB, I'm so sorry to hear. I have never lost anyone to cancer, although both my dad and grandma have had skin cancer...and my other grandma had a brain tumor they thought could be cancerous that actually did kill her.... I feel lucky to be one of the few that haven't experienced a true loss to cancer. I hate any disease in general that takes the lives of the ones we care about.
  11. even though I had the best idea ever for the other theme...here's on of my favoritest pictures ever taken... Who doesn't like a man in a tux on a quad?? (ps...this was our wedding day<3)
  12. I haven't laughed that good in a long time bhaahhaahhahaa loser.
  13. I was wondering that myself when I looked at all his pics the other day bahhaa.
  14. this is good info to put out there..I know I've questioned my rim/tire measurements from time to time. Thanks:biggrin:
  15. Bot, you can go to The New GNCC Racing Online and that will give you a list of the places they'll race in 2009....they haven't posted the schedule yet, they should within the next couple of weeks so keep it handy.... if you go to the gncc page though and go to the 2008 results you can see where they raced this past season...
  16. you have a pretty nice lookin machine...the rims will make a big difference....it will match all the way around with the racks and everything...newer tires when you need them too will make it look nasty. you could always paint the racks too if you need them painted....keep your paint scheme together...slap some stickers on there if you wanna feel like you're a factory rider and, you can always take a look at other people's quads to get ideas for some cosmetic work of your own.... as far as performance issues, you can look into the clutch kit, but check out an exhaust as well...
  17. great pictures TX! I totally agree with you...I hope we continue to reach out to families...there's nothing quite like the motorsports families.....we're pretty spectacular if I might say so myself....
  18. heck yaaa check out my rims...they're black and pink well the old ones are....now i got the hipers~
  19. fabulousssss have you been going to the races? I can't wait for the season to start!!!
  20. to put it in reverse you have to be in 1st gear, pull in the clutch, twist the knob on the right side of the front fender and push down on the shifter below first gear... does that help?
  21. yeah please do show pics, I've never heard of it either!!!!
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