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    This is the factory service manual for the 2017-2019 factory service manual for the sportsman 450/570 with electronic power steering
  2. View File 2017-2019 sportsman 450/570 with eps factory service manual This is the factory service manual for the 2017-2019 factory service manual for the sportsman 450/570 with electronic power steering Submitter colin james Submitted 09/06/2018 Category Polaris ATV
  3. I know this tooic has been addressed by many, I’ve looked through many forums and pages. I did not find anything like the problem i have. I have a 2007 Kingquad 450. I have a new fully charged battery. When i turn the key, the dash flashes and seems to struggle before getting fully lite. We can hear a small relay near the computer clicking, i think it is the fuel pump relay. When i turn off the engine kill switch and press the starting button relays click and all the power shuts off, i turn the key off, engine kill switch then start over, power is there. Atv will start with pull start, but not elextricly. if i try to use my winch, all power cuts and engine dies. Can anyone tell me what it may be? or has anyone fsced an issue like this before?
  4. Where can I find a wiring diagram for my 2005 450 Kodiak. Thanks.
  5. I have a 2018 450 and the digital gause has started flashing on an off while driving. The backlit also goes on and off. It is worse when I hit the gas. The battery died a few weeks ago and I jumped it but its been fine until last night. Called the dealer and showed them a vid and they recommend replacing the gauge and its like 600 bucks. The machine has less than 100 hours on it. I would really hate to have to change it out. also the unit sometimes has trouble starting. Any ideas?
  6. My four wheeler when i first got it seemed like it was very slow when i first got it and it had no throttle response so i replaced the belt and cleaned all of the rollers thinking that would solve the problem from what i read on the forums. well it turned out that it wasnt. so i went to the next thing i took out the injector to check it out and i seen that there was a tiny bit of debree in it so i cleaned it and it seemed to improve a little bit. but still did not solve the problem. i later found out how to find the trouble codes out from the lcd screen using a paper clip on the diagnostic port and it showed the code which stood for no codes C00. i also forgot to mention that the throttle position censor is working perfect. before i started all of this the four wheeler ran just not to its potential. after my friend and i did the trouble code test the bike wouldnt even start anymore and the injector would spray for a few seconds for the start up then it stops and the fuel injection light comes on and blinks. the four wheeler wouldnt start anymore. i took it over to the local shop and they hooked it up to the computer to see if there was any codes and it still showed it was free of codes. they hooked it up to the fuel pressure gauge and we found that it was making 22 pounds and it should be making around 43. i then bought a new fuel pump and put it in. it now starts and runs for a few seconds and then it stalls out and the fuel injection light comes on again. which then leads me to think it is the ecu now but i want to be sure before i invest around $500 more into it. any opinions on whether or not anyone thinks this is the problem or if they have had a similar problem before would be really appreciated. sorry for writing a novel and not spelling very well. also i forgot to put the year in the title it is a 2007
  7. I have a 2018 Kodiak 450 EPS that just this past Sunday I ran through a bit of water. After the puddle the belt was slipping, so I pulled over and drained the ultramatic housing and the slipping problem went away. This was all in L and everything seemed to work fine. Later when I got on a road, I put it in H, but it still rode like it was in low... i.e. I had to rev it up a lot just to get to 30mph. When at home I pulled the ultramatic cover off to inspect, and it looked okay in there. Not much dirt, belt and everything are clean, but when I rev up the engine (with cage in place, of course), the belt doesn't get to the top of the clutch (maxes out about an inch or 1.5" from top of clutch, so maybe it is normal).. I put it back together but same thing... H seems like L still. Do you think the clutch needs to be further dissected for cleaning, or could this be an issue with the gear selector?
  8. View File 2014 Arctic Cat 450 ATV Service Manual 2014 Arctic Cat 450 ATV Service Manual Submitter Admin Submitted 02/08/2019 Category Arctic Cat ATV
  9. 7 downloads

    2014 Arctic Cat 450 ATV Service Manual
  10. Hello everyone. My first post as a new owner to my first atv. I have a 2012 Kymco Maxxer 450i, which as I have found, is basically an Arctic Cat 450 xc. I just bought the atv and will be bringing it home from my cousins house, where i stored it after my first river test run, tomorrow. During my test run, I got it in about a foot to foot/half of water and got the belt soaked, and of course lost all power. I was able to fix it by popping off the cvt exhaust tube and revving the engine a bit, but this is a problem I need to fix...Before next weekend...I have a big river trip planned that will last the whole weekend. So, the AC/Kymco sucks in water...and for the life of me I cant seem to find a good video or guide on how to snorkel it. Am I to assume everyone just goes at it blind and just figures it out as they go? I dont want to pay $200 for someones pre-packaged pvc tubing, but it would be nice to find something that covers this topic. Tomorrow after work I will get a better idea of it once I have it in my garage. But I want to also know, do I have to snorkel the intake and exhaust vents? should I worry about the airbox as well? I actually have only seen the cvt exhaust vent so I dont know where the others are taking air from. I would love to see some examples of people snorkeling their AC/Kymco atvs so I can kind of plan where I should run my tubing. And I want to try and avoid cutting into my plastics...if possible. I also cant seem to find a replacement for the rubber hose that comes off the cvt, just encase I want to cut it and put it back to stock later to sell. Id like to see how much they cost first lol. Aside from this main questions, any tips or tricks I should know about this model before I spend the weekend putting it through hell? Should I run premium fuel? Yes, I am a noob to all this. I have ridden many ATVs, I have just never owned one. My cousin has like 7 or 8 of them so I have always been able to ride his. Now its time for me to learn lol. Thank you!
  11. blahhhh

    Throwing Sand

  12. alright here's the deal. I bought i 2004 kodiak for a great price but i has some issues that i need help with. the first is the atv shows a random MPH while setting still and it changes when you start moving but is by no mean accurate. shows something like 5 MPH sitting still and like up to 25 MPH while moving in low range. the second is the atv shutters in reverse and won't back up. it idles fine in reverse but when you give it throttle it shutters like it would if you were backing up too fast and the speedo shows somewhere around 10 MPH but i'm not moving. could both these issues be related to a speed sensor somewhere? any help is greatly appreciated.
  13. View File 2011 Arctic Cat 450 XC Service Manual 2011 Arctic Cat 450 XC Service Manual Submitter Admin Submitted 12/13/2016 Category Arctic Cat ATV
  14. 3 downloads

    2011 Arctic Cat 450 XC Service Manual
  15. I have a 2006 ltr 450 the starter is out on it but you can roll start it 2 days ago i rode it took a lil longer than normal to start but it started and rode just fine. Put it in the shed went to ride it tonite was even harder to start but finally got it started. When you go to hit the throttle it cuts out then it clears up and then would be fine if you bumped the throttle or was about half throttle. If you went full throttle it would bog down spit and sputter and the longer you did it would lose power gradually until it finally died. Any ideas on what it could be thanks in advance and this is my first 450 fuel injected quad
  16. [ame] [/ame] only when u pull back in the clutch does it make this noise and wanna take off
  17. I have a kq 450 4x4 that I an have a problem with.the bike does not want to move.i am not very familiar with the sheave or clutch that it has on it.my buddy who owned it beat on it prolly never maintained it just so that's out there. The belt is fairly new primary and secondary clutchs are pretty ruff looking the rollers are toast I think but idk. Everything moves fine except for the primary it moves but does not push in to move the belt only at a high rpm will it move sometimes any clue on what it could be other then going out to spend 6 or 7 hundred on a whole new assembly of the clutchs
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