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I am looking for a manual for a 1988 LT300E Quadrunner does anyone have one I can download. Thanks
Just checking in again to see if anyone might have found a service manual for my quad? I looked thru Oxs list & nothing. Perhaps there is one out there that isnt posted? 2002 Quadrunner LTF500F 4 x 4. This manual really is avaiding me. My motor is making some noises now & I might need to get in there to find the issue. Im thinking timing chain or a bearing in the trans. Either way Id like to look thru a manual before tearing into it. Please let me know if anyone possibly has found one. I looked thru all the possible ones that are close to mine, but they all appear to be a bit different. Thanks Guys / gals.
Hi all, looking for 2007 Yamaha YFM450FWAN Service Manual. Having problem with rear brake and wanted to fix it, the pedal is stuck. Tried all links in forum, but none of them work. Thanks to all!
Anyone have a repair manual for a 96 Kawasaki Mojave 250 i desperately need the repair guide on the gear box thanks
Would anyone have a working link for the service manual for a 1989 Yamaha YFM350ER Moto 4? Thanks for everyone's time.
Hey guy and gals I'm a new-be here an just need a lot of help So please forgive me if I'm doing this wrong! First off My name is Rob and thanks for having me here you'll. I just acquired a 1997 farm hand bayou 300 4x4 that is in need of a lot of TLC I traded the fella even up for and old Yamaha street bike I had about $850 into that ran good and did not leak or burn oil but still needed many minor things like brake worked seat and so on So about the Bayou-it runs starts right up and all but is missing some things like the front and rear racks clutch lever and small plastic cover in front of handle bars My issue is that the fella said he put new piston & rings in it about a week ago and checked out the clutches like I said it runs and I know I should have taken more time to check everything out so when I got it home I found out there was no air breather and I can't see how one would have even fit on there the way the carb is so close to the inner frame rail under the seat on it and it started leaking oil pretty bad from the clutch cover (it was clean oil though light in color) The quad is not bad lookin and I can weld up some racks for it but I really need a service manual for this old work horse!!!!! I have no issue following directions other than sometimes giving my own creative touches LOL ANY HELP WOULD BE SO MUCH APPRECIATED THANK YOU AND HAVE A BLESSED DAY ROB
Hi Guys, The links in the sticky thread don't work anymore. Does anyone have a copy of the KLF300 they could upload somewhere?
I looked through many of the threads and could find it was wondering if anyone could post a link to a PDF Service Manual 2008 Kodiak 450. I found one for 2005 but I am sure there are differences. Thanks all
Hi all, I try to find this manual in the threads but you have a lot of stock here Cannot find this particular manual. I found it for YFM200 but not sure if they are the same. Thanks if you could help me with that. Im new here so if I did something wrong, please tell me.
Does any one have this manual? 93 trail boss 350 2x4 Thanx
Looking for a service manual for a 1988 Yamaha Big Bear.I just bought one as a project and looking to fix some things on it. Thanks for the help.
Need a polaris manual for a 1994 2 stroke 2/4x4 quad free. can you please post a link I can click on Thank you. Roxanne
Looking for anybody who can point me towards a free service manual for 1998 Big Bear 350. I found the sticky thread but all the links, from 2012, no longer work. If anybody has one please let me know. Thanks
Hi guys Does anyone have a link to a service manual for the 2008 KingQuad fs 400 4x4. I would be very happy to get my hands on a file Thanks. :-)
Thank you for your help, just got quad for my daughter n needs a little work [email protected] It's actually a 2002 , just found serial number. Thanks for any help that you can !
I searched thru the above thread on service manuals and was able to find a supplement, but not a complete manual. Anyone have a free Breeze 125 service manual download? Thanks, Rod
Hello to the group just found this site and as an new owner am looking for the owners manual for my machine I found the service manual can someone please point me to a location for the owners manual. Thanks
I am about at my wits end. Took the 250 back to the dealer repair shop AGAIN. Had it in there two months ago for a bad smoking issue. I thought it was to much fuel and washing the oil off the cylinder and burning it. They said it was the head. So I purchased new valves, valve guides, oil seals and had the head professionally done. So $225 later I had a great looking head. Well while I had the ATV apart this far I also got new rings for the piston. Mic'd everything out and everything was in spec. Put it back together and seemed like it smoked a little at the house (5000 feet above sea level). Took it to the mountains (9000 feet above seal level) for Sept. bear hunting and couldn't use it. Smoked worse than before and couldn't run it past half throttle or it would flood itself out. So brought it back home and it is back at the shop again. I say it is something in the carb that isn't set right or wrong jet????????? Anyone have any other ideas that it could be?
I couldnt get any of the pages to work. Just looks like the site is not there anymore...Is this just me?
Hey, does anyone have a pdf for service manual on an LT230? Having some issues.
just got a 1987 LT230, wont start, looking for a service manual, pdf. I would appreciate it.